Important clue found in the mystery of inconsistent triboelectric series.
Hey everyone! Robin Hanson will be speaking on Thursday about his galaxy brain ideas on better incentive models for longevity. Plus his unique takes on prediction markets and long-term thinking. [](
Join us for a groundbreaking discussion with economist Robin Hanson on the future of longevity economics and city governance!
AI-driven service robot maker Richtech Robotics has launched an accelerator program to provide U.S. universities with development frameworks and access to the Richtech robotic systems to aid robotics research.
The program would grant participating universities access to the Richtech autonomous mobile robots and robotic arm platforms powered by Nvidia technology. The technology includes machine vision and voice interaction modules.
The AI robotics technology includes the service robots Adam and Scorpion, which were featured at CES in January.
The move places True Anomaly in closer proximity to the Space Systems Command in Los Angeles, which oversees billions in Space Force procurement, and taps into Southern California’s deep aerospace talent pool.
The majority of the Long Beach factory will be dedicated to the design, development and manufacturing of new products for the military market, including some being developed for classified U.S. Space Force programs, True Anomaly’s CEO Even Rogers said in an interview.
The company’s headquarters and existing manufacturing facility will remain in Centennial, Colorado, where True Anomaly makes its flagship product, the Jackal satellite, designed to perform in-orbit activities such as rendezvous and proximity operations, and imaging of objects in orbit. The company also developed an operating system software for space domain awareness called Mosaic.
The unearthing of the tomb of ancient Egyptian King Thutmose II is being described as one of the most important archaeological discoveries in recent years.
A quantum “miracle material” could support magnetic switching, a team of researchers at the University of Regensburg and University of Michigan has shown.
The study “Controlling Coulomb correlations and fine structure of quasi-one-dimensional excitons by magnetic order” was published in Nature.
This recently discovered capability could help enable applications in quantum computing, sensing and more. While earlier studies identified that quantum entities called excitons are sometimes effectively confined to a single line within the material chromium sulfide bromide, the new research provides a thorough theoretical and experimental demonstration explaining how this is connected to the magnetic order in the material.
“Our findings suggest that senescent cells maintain their large size through improved adhesion to the extracellular matrix via AP2A1 and integrin β1 movement along enlarged stress fibers,” Chantachotikul said.
The link between AP2A1 and senescent cells, the researchers said, means the protein has the potential to be used as a marker for cellular aging.
The team also believes that the findings may offer a new target for future treatments of age-related diseases.
In this episode I am looking forward to exploring more about alternate interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. In previous episodes exploring consciousness, I’ve encountered several people who believe that Quantum Mechanics is at the root of consciousness. My current thinking is that it replaces one mystery with another one without really providing an explanation for consciousness. We are still stuck with the options of consciousness being a pre-existing property of the universe or some aspect of it, vs. it being an emergent feature of a processing network. Either way, quantum mechanics is an often misunderstood brilliant theory at the root of physics. It tells us that basic particles don’t exist at a specific position and momentum—they are, however, represented very accurately as a smooth wavefunction that can be used to calculate the distribution of a set of measurements on identical particles. The process of observation seems to cause the wavefunction to randomly collapse to a localized spot. Nobody knows for certain what causes this collapse. This is known as the measurement problem. The many worlds theorem says the wavefunction doesn’t collapse. It claims that the wavefunction describes all the possible universes that exist and the process of measurement just tells us which universe we are living in.
My guest is a leading proponent of transactional quantum mechanics.
Dr. Ruth E. Kastner earned her M.S. in Physics and Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Maryland. Since that time, she has taught widely and conducted research in Foundations of Physics, particularly in interpretations of quantum theory. She was one of three winners of the 2021 Alumni Research Award at the University of Maryland, College Park ( She is the author of 3 books: The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Theory: The Reality of Possibility (Cambridge University Press, 2012; 2nd edition just published, 2022), Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles (Imperial College Press, 2015); and Adventures In Quantumland: Exploring Our Unseen Reality (World Scientific, 2019). She has presented talks and interviews throughout the world and in video recordings on the interpretational challenges of quantum theory, and has a blog at She is also a dedicated yoga practitioner and received her 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Instructor Certification in February, 2020.
Visit my website at
Theme: Lifelong Brain Development.
Abstract: The human brain sets us apart as a species, with its size being one of its most striking features. Brain size is largely determined during development as vast numbers of neurons and supportive glia are generated. In an effort to better understand the events that determine the human brain’s cellular makeup, and its size, we use a human model system in a dish, called cerebral organoids. These 3D tissues are generated from pluripotent stem cells through neural differentiation and a supportive 3D microenvironment to generate organoids with the same tissue architecture as the early human fetal brain. Such organoids are allowing us to tackle questions previously impossible with more traditional approaches. Indeed, our recent findings provide insight into regulation of brain size and neuron number across ape species, identifying key stages of early neural stem cell expansion that set up a larger starting cell number to enable the production of increased numbers of neurons. We are also investigating the role of extrinsic regulators in determining numbers and types of neurons produced in the human cerebral cortex. Overall, our findings are pointing to key, human-specific aspects of brain development and function, that have important implications for neurological disease.
About this series: The Cambridge Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Seminar Series provides a forum for neuroscientists across Cambridge and beyond to discuss contemporary and interdisciplinary research topics and issues.
The seminars are open to both members of the University, external academics and members of the public. We have tried to reflect the diversity of people’s interests at the University with our programme, and the breadth of the research taking place in Cambridge. Registration and more details are available here:
UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center member Ranmal Samarasinghe, MD, PhD presents his work using brain organoids to create better models of neurological disorders. An Assistant Professor in UCLA’s Neurology department, Dr. Samarasinghe splits his time between the clinic, seeing patients who have neurological conditions like epilepsy and autism, and in the lab working to create more detailed disease models using brain organoids. In this video, Dr. Samarasinghe discusses how brain organoids are becoming more sophisticated in their ability to replicate irregular brain wave patterns seen in conditions like Rett syndrome, an epilepsy primarily associated with infants. Ultimately, he hopes these stem cell-based models can be used to screen new drugs and discover new treatments for diseases like epilepsy.
Learn more about Dr. Samarasinghe’s work here:… the full “The Power of Regenerative Medicine: Future Treatments for Brain Disease” webinar: • The Power of Regenerative Medicine: F…
Watch the full \.