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In the early 20th century, the mathematician Godel showed that any mathematical system is incomplete, using a version of the self-referential paradox: ‘this sentence is not true’. Here, neuroscientist and philosopher, Erik Hoel, argues this incompleteness extends to the scientific project as a whole; in part due to science’s reliance on mathematics. More radically, Hoel argues, this incompleteness of science may account for why we can’t find scientific evidence for consciousness anywhere in the world.

Let’s say you lived in a universe where you really were some sort of incarnated soul in a corporeal body. Or some sort of agent from a vaster reality embedded in a simulation (depending on definitions, the two scenarios might not be that different). What would the science in such a dualistic universe look like?

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Of all the sciences, physics has been seen as the key to understanding everything. As Feynman said, “physics is the fundamental science.” But in this article, one of the world’s leading physicists, George F. R. Ellis, who collaborated with Stephen Hawking in work on spacetime’s geometry, argues that much of reality extends far beyond physics. Both complex objects like biological organisms and abstract entities like the rules of chess influence the world in ways that cannot be predicted by studying their simple physical constituents. Science, Ellis insists, is far richer than any single framework can ever capture.

1. Abstract Causation

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Scientists are closer than ever to uncovering one of astronomy’s most elusive mysteries: Planet X. A groundbreaking telescope is set to revolutionize the search for the enigmatic ninth planet and challenge our understanding of the solar system’s boundaries.

Stanford researchers have uncovered a new material, niobium phosphide, that surpasses copper in electrical conductivity when fashioned into ultrathin films.

This breakthrough could revolutionize the efficiency and performance of future electronics by alleviating the limitations posed by traditional metal wires in nanoscale circuits.

Nanoscale Electronics Challenges

The early science fiction writers conceived ideas that to their contemporaries would have been impossible wells the world set free about nuclear war before world War one also wells the sleeper awakes where tv and television for media and recording predicted as well another writer wrote a book in the 19th century Paris in the 20th century.

00:00 ППК — Воскрешение (Robot’s Outro)
01:41 Gummy Boy — Don’t Leave.
05:11 PRNRML — Загадка 1
06:57 Зодиак — Зодиак
12:16 Творожное озеро — Гроза (vwqp remix)
14:41 Dmitriy Ivankov — Phobos.
21:41 Наукоград — Время
25:55 Priroda — 8080
29:15 NTorchestra — Млечными путями в Прекрасное далеко
33:50 ППК — Воскрешение


Astronomers have made a remarkable discovery: a neutron star spinning at a staggering rate of 716 times per second, making it the fastest-spinning neutron star in the known universe, tied only with PSR J1748–2446. This stellar body, located in the binary system 4U 1820–30 within the NGC 6,624 globular cluster near the Milky Way’s center, is around 26 light-years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius.

The discovery was made using NASA’s Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), an X-ray telescope mounted on the International Space Station. Gaurava K. Jaisawal from DTU Space shared that during observations of thermonuclear bursts, the team detected oscillations corresponding to a spin rate of 716 Hz, confirming the extreme speed.

Neutron stars, remnants of massive stars that have exhausted their nuclear fuel, are known for their rapid rotation and intense density. This newfound star is no exception, showcasing powerful thermonuclear blasts that briefly make it up to 100,000 times brighter than the Sun. These explosions occur as material from its companion star—a white dwarf in this case—accretes onto the neutron star’s surface, igniting under extreme pressure.

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Imagine a world where cancer treatment doesn’t rely on harsh chemicals or debilitating side effects, but instead harnesses a natural defense mechanism embedded in every cell of our bodies. Recent breakthroughs by scientists at Northwestern University suggest this may soon be a reality. They’ve uncovered a “kill switch” that could change everything we know about cancer treatment, offering a new path that sidesteps the harmful impacts of chemotherapy. But how does this hidden code work, and could it truly offer a more effective way to fight cancer?

Northwestern University scientists have uncovered a powerful “kill switch” embedded in every cell of the body, which may provide a natural defense mechanism against cancer. This kill switch operates using small RNA molecules, known as microRNAs, and large protein-coding RNAs that trigger cell self-destruction when they detect signs of cancer. The key discovery is that these molecules can effectively induce cancer cell death without allowing the cancer to develop resistance, a significant advantage over traditional chemotherapy.


Scientists believe that they may have identified the cause of so many unexplained cancers.

Scientists believe they have made a breakthrough in finding the cause of certain cancers. Credit: Flying Colours Ltd / Getty

A groundbreaking scientific review has uncovered a potential cause for certain cancers and health conditions that can’t be fully explained by genetics, diet, or lifestyle.