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May 2, 2016

How AI will make information akin to electricity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, engineering, government, internet, life extension, mathematics, mobile phones, robotics/AI, wearables

Ask an Information Architect, CDO, Data Architect (Enterprise and non-Enterprise) they will tell you they have always known that information/ data is a basic staple like Electricity all along; and glad that folks are finally realizing it. So, the same view that we apply to utilities as core to our infrastructure & survival; we should also apply the same value and view about information. And, in fact, information in some areas can be even more important than electricity when you consider information can launch missals, cure diseases, make you poor or wealthy, take down a government or even a country.

What is information? Is it energy, matter, or something completely different? Although we take this word for granted and without much thought in today’s world of fast Internet and digital media, this was not the case in 1948 when Claude Shannon laid the foundations of information theory. His landmark paper interpreted information in purely mathematical terms, a decision that dematerialized information forever more. Not surprisingly, there are many nowadays that claim — rather unthinkingly — that human consciousness can be expressed as “pure information”, i.e. as something immaterial graced with digital immortality. And yet there is something fundamentally materialistic about information that we often ignore, although it stares us — literally — in the eye: the hardware that makes information happen.

As users we constantly interact with information via a machine of some kind, such as our laptop, smartphone or wearable. As developers or programmers we code via a computer terminal. As computer or network engineers we often have to wade through the sheltering heat of a server farm, or deal with the material properties of optical fibre or copper in our designs. Hardware and software are the fundamental ingredients of our digital world, both necessary not only in engineering information systems but in interacting with them as well. But this status quo is about to be massively disrupted by Artificial Intelligence.

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May 2, 2016

Even Peasants Can Have Robots Invest Their Money

Posted by in categories: economics, military, robotics/AI

I could tell you one scenario after another about Robots serving Robots, making robots, owning their own country, having their own military, etc. However, for me we’re still many, many decades off from this. However, we do have some situations that I have seen robots assembling other robots; however, they’re still requiring human engagement and oversight.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in.

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May 2, 2016

Quantum sensors for high-precision magnetometry of superconductors

Posted by in categories: electronics, nanotechnology, quantum physics

Quantum Sensors enables precise imaging of magnetic fields of superconductors.

Scientists at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the Department of Physics at the University of Basel have developed a new method that has enabled them to image magnetic fields on the nanometer scale at temperatures close to absolute zero for the first time. They used spins in special diamonds as quantum sensors in a new kind of microscope to generate images of magnetic fields in superconductors with unrivaled precision. In this way the researchers were able to perform measurements that permit new insights in solid state physics, as they report in Nature Nanotechnology.

Researchers in the group led by the Georg-H. Endress Professor Patrick Maletinsky have been conducting research into so-called nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV centers) in diamonds for several years in order to use them as high-precision sensors. The NV centers are natural defects in the diamond crystal lattice. The electrons contained in the NVs can be excited and manipulated with light, and react sensitively to electrical and magnetic fields they are exposed to. It is the spin of these electrons that changes depending on the environment and that can be recorded using various measurement methods.

Maletinsky and his team have managed to place single NV spins at the tips of atomic force microscopes to perform nanoscale magnetic field imaging. So far, such analyses have always been conducted at room temperature. However, numerous fields of application require operation at temperatures close to absolute zero. Superconducting materials, for example, only develop their special properties at very low temperatures around −200°C. They then conduct electric currents without loss and can develop exotic magnetic properties with the formation of so-called vortices.

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May 2, 2016

Vint Cerf: Buggy Software Is Scarier Than A Robot Takeover

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet, robotics/AI

Luv it!!!! Another fellow experienced AI SME having the same point of view that many other well seasoned AI experts have. Cerf is more concerned about coding bugs and not killer robots; and I and others are also concern about the weakness of the connected infrastructure, weak under pinning technology, and hacking/ criminals hotwiring or overriding AI systems to do their dirty deed and we’re not (like Cerf) concerned over robots and machines taking over the world.

Robots won’t take over humans, but buggy software might, according to the Google exec known as the “father of the Internet.”

Asked for his thoughts on the risk of a robotic overthrow, Google’s chief internet evangelist, Vint Cerf, said he doesn’t fear that problem — especially because artificial intelligence technology isn’t that sophisticated.

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May 2, 2016

3 Newly Discovered Nearby Planets Are a Game Changer in The Hunt For Alien Life

Posted by in category: alien life

An international team of astronomers has discovered three Earth-sized exoplanets, all orbiting the same star just 40 light-years from us, the 16-nation intergovernmental research organization ESO reported on Monday.

The scientists have deemed all three planets potentially habitable, an exciting turn in the hunt for “exoplanets,” a term for planets that orbit a star other than our sun.

And it could bring us closer to finding extraterrestrial life.

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May 2, 2016

Runner, 100, breaks the World Record for the 100-meter dash

Posted by in category: life extension

We’re all trying to discover immortaility through anti-aging. And, all of this time we had the perfect example running marathons. Would love to know her secret.

Ida Keeling continues to set a new mark for centenarians, breaking the World Record for the 100-yard dash for her age group (80 years and older) on Saturday in Philadelphia.

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May 2, 2016

This Tiny Star Is Now the Best Place to Hunt for Alien Life

Posted by in category: alien life

In a few years, powerful new telescopes will usher in a search for habitable worlds outside our solar system. And TRAPPIST-1—a dim, tepid star just a smidge larger than Jupiter—is one of the first places we’ll look. It’s only forty light years away, and it’s home to several promising, Earth-sized exoplanets.

Three siblings, described today in the journal Nature, are the first exoplanets ever discovered around an “ultracool dwarf” star. And they’re a jackpot when it comes to the search for alien life. Each planet is similar in size to Earth or Venus and probably rocky. The planets all skirt the edge of the so-called habitable zone. Finally, these potential Earth twins are so close to us that we can begin studying their atmospheres right now.

“This is basically a paradigm shift,” study co-author Julien de Wit told Gizmodo. “If these planets have atmospheres, they really are the best places to look for life.”

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May 2, 2016

Scientists turn skin cells into heart and brain cells using only drugs — no stem cells required

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

Neurons created from chemically induced neural stem cells. The cells were created from skin cells that were reprogrammed into neural stem cells using a cocktail of only nine chemicals. This is the first time cellular reprogramming has been accomplished without adding external genes to the cells. (credit: Mingliang Zhang, PhD, Gladstone Institutes)

Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have used chemicals to transform skin cells into heart cells and brain cells, instead of adding external genes — making this accomplishment a breakthrough, according to the scientists.

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May 2, 2016

Tesla put a Model X in a giant plastic bubble to test Bioweapon Defense Mode

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

In less than two minutes, Tesla employees were able to take off their gas masks.

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May 2, 2016

Tech and Facts Photo 2

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, sustainability

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