The equations of physics are things that we humans created to understand the Universe, and it can be hard to disentangle them from the Universe’s innate properties. It turns out that one of the weirdest things scientists have come up with, what Albert Einstein derisively called “spooky action at a distance,” is more than just math: It’s a fact of reality.
That concept is also known as entanglement, and it’s what allows particles that have once interacted to share a connection regardless of the separation between them. A team of physicists in the United Kingdom used some dense mathematics to come to their Einstein-angering conclusion, taking an important step towards proving whether quantum mechanics’ weirdness is just the math talking, or whether it speaks to innate physical requirements. Their mathematical proof’s main assumption is that any new physics theory should be backward-compatible with the physics you learned in high school.
Rob McInerney, the founder & CEO of Intelligent Layer and co-founder of IntelligentX Brewing Company, explains the use of artificial intelligence in improving everyday products.
“We wanted to see if in the future the most effective brands are the ones that talk to their customers not to make better advertising but to share ideas. We thought that they’d use artificial intelligence to help real people and brands talk to each other and we wanted to prove this in an industry which people have very strong views on and that which we had a pretty significant interest in as well… Beer… So we created intelligent X the world’s first beer brewed by artificial intelligence.”
Think again, because over the past 15 years, almost every part of our story, every assumption about who our ancestors were and where we came from, has been called into question. The new insights have some unsettling implications for how long we have walked the earth, and even who we really are.
The past 15 years have called into question every assumption about who we are and where we came from. Turns out our evolution is more baffling than we thought.
By Colin Barras
WHO do you think you are? A modern human, descended from a long line of Homo sapiens? A distant relative of those great adventure-seekers who marched out of the cradle of humanity, in Africa, 60,000 years ago? Do you believe that human brains have been getting steadily bigger for millions of years, culminating in the extraordinary machine between your ears?