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Jul 8, 2016

Daddies, “Dates,” and the Girlfriend Experience: Welcome to the New Prostitution Economy

Posted by in categories: economics, entertainment

I just last week saw the movie Neon Demon. The movie explores pathology of prettiness, and to what degree people demand to consume prettiness. This is a particularly futurist topic, as society might change a lot with regards to commidifying as well as synthesizing completely new forms of beauty. This arouses deep seated fears. We fear those who manipulate desire (love, lust, loneliness, among others) for their own benefit. But many in the field claim “it is just another job”. Is relationship now part of the “gig economy” or should our politicians interfere? Will a basic income increase these forms of prostitution or decrease them?

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Jul 8, 2016

The Role of Mitochondria in Metastatic Cancer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

For all my Precision Medicine, Cancer researchers, and anti-aging friends researchers have id that the mitochondria pathway has been used by cancer cells to exploit for motility and metastasis.

Researchers have identified a new mitochondrial pathway that cancer cells exploit for motility and metastasis—providing a viable, “druggable” target for many different types of tumors. [NIEHS].

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Jul 8, 2016

Doctors find link between statins and cancer survival rate

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science

Being treated for high cholesterol with statins is being linked with a reduced risk of death and better survival from four common cancers, a medical conference has heard.

Among the patients in the study, almost 8,000 had lung cancer, 5,500 had breast cancer, 4,600 had prostate cancer and 4,500 had colon cancer, the researchers found. So the researchers think the statin treatment might explain the protective effect, rather than high cholesterol itself.

Data for patients admitted to United Kingdom hospitals between January 1, 2000-March 31, 2013 with the listed cancers were obtained from the Algorithm for Comorbidities, Associations, Length of stay and Mortality (ACALM) clinical database, which also provided data on comorbidities such as high cholesterol; mortality data was obtained from the Office of National Statistics.

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Jul 8, 2016

New microfluidic device offers means for studying electric field cancer therapy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

Very interesting — MIT testing electric field cancer therapy.

Low-intensity fields keep malignant cells from spreading, while preserving healthy cells.

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Jul 8, 2016

Tiny Hydraulic ‘Nano-Press’ Crushes Things Out of This Dimension

Posted by in categories: materials, nanotechnology

It could be used to make new 2D materials, but this one probably won’t go viral.

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Jul 8, 2016

New DNA ‘hard drive’ could keep files intact for millions of years

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, genetics

Luv it.

Microsoft and genetics boffins predict genetics in the datacenter.


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Jul 8, 2016

China’s new radio observatory is 200 meters larger than Arecibo

Posted by in category: space


With the FAST telescope construction complete, next comes first light in September.

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Jul 8, 2016

Watch This Amazing 3D Bioprinter Make Artificial Bones From Scratch

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical

If 3D printing is already impacting manufacturing today, what breakthroughs could bioprinting — or printing any mix of organic and inorganic materials — achieve tomorrow? In a recent video, a basic prototype of the Aether 1 bioprinter is shown printing two bones connected by a tendon using six materials that include synthetic bone, conductive ink, stem cells and graphene oxide.

While bioprinted organs are still a long way off — this video offers a glimpse into that future.

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Jul 8, 2016

HTTPS crypto’s days are numbered. Here’s how Google wants to save it

Posted by in category: quantum physics

I am really glad people are focusing because August is going to be a big month for China and their state funded groups.

Coming to a browser near you, new, post-quantum crypto.

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Jul 8, 2016

Scientists obtain evidence of many-body localization in a closed quantum system

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

Finding evidence of many-body localization in a closed quantum system.

During equilibration ordinary many-body systems lose all information about the initial state. Every morning we experience an example for this behaviour. Milk poured into a cup of coffee mixes perfectly and after some time it is impossible to say how exactly the two fluids were put together. The same behaviour holds for almost all quantum systems. However, recently a new phenomenon called “many-body localization” has been predicted theoretically, which allows well insulated quantum systems to preserve memory of the initial state forever. Now a team of scientists around Dr. Christian Groß and Professor Immanuel Bloch (Director at MPQ and Chair of Quantum Optics at LMU Munich), in cooperation with David Huse (Princeton University), has obtained evidence of such a behaviour in a two-dimensional quantum system of cold rubidium atoms trapped in an optical lattice.

The scientists observed that – beyond a certain degree of disorder imprinted on the particle ensemble in the beginning – the system would relax into a steady state still containing detailed microscopic information about its past. “We were able to observe the transition from a thermalized state into a many-body localized phase”, Christian Groß points out. “It is the first observation of that kind in a regime that is not accessible with state-of-the-art simulations on classical computers.” The experiment is not only of fundamental interest; the results might also lead to new ways for storing quantum information.

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