I just received the video of the Eureka! comedy show I was on, which focuses on science. The 90-minute show was on #transhumanism (and a bit on my Governor run). This may be the first (or one of the first) live comedy shows that focused entirely on transhumanism. Check it out!
Interested in becoming post-Human? What if it promised you eternal six-packs? Still on the fence?
Check out Eureka! featuring transhumanist Zoltan Istvan (http://www.zoltanistvan.com/) alongside guest comedians Chris Conatser (Learn from Me Comedy) and Allison Page (Killing My Lobster) and your hosts Allen Saakyan & Kevin Whittinghill.
Zoltan’s detailed bio: Zoltan Istvan is an American transhumanist, journalist, entrepreneur, and Libertarian futurist. Formerly a reporter for the National Geographic Channel, Zoltan now writes futurist, transhumanist, libertarian and secular themed articles for major media, including Vice’s Motherboard, Wired, The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, and Newsweek. Zoltan regularly appears on television and video channels discussing futurist topics. He is one of the world’s most influential transhumanists and believes transhumanism will grow into a mainstream social movement in the next decade. He is the author of The Transhumanist Wager, a philosophical science fiction novel. In 2017, he announced his intent to run for Governor of California in the 2018 election as Libertarian.
To keep up with our show visit: http://www.eurekacomedy.com/