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If you’re at FreedomFest today, please come to the 2:30PM panel on AI I’m on (Vendome C). I’ll be partially discussing my Federal Land Dividend (#Libertarian #basicincome plan).Great line-up of panelists: Michael Shermer, Peter Voss, Edward Hudgins, Gennady Stolyarov, & Eric Shuss.

Of speaker…ee-markets #transhumanism

View more about this event at FreedomFest 2017.

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Re-engineered macrophages to treat cancer.

Today we have a new study where researchers have created immune cells that ignore the way cancer tries to hide from detection.

Hiding in plain sight

The Macrophages are one of the types of immune cell and are responsible for dealing with dangerous cells, such as those which have become cancerous. The problem is most cancer cells bypass the immune system by fooling the immune cells into leaving them alone. Cancer cells present certain molecules on their surface that act like a “do not eat me” signal to macrophages which would otherwise engulf and digest them.

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Aubrey de Grey’s famous ‘general answers’ to all concerns about rejuvenation.

Biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey, the father of SENS, always likes to answer to all objections to/concerns about rejuvenation with two general arguments. I think it is actually worth taking the trouble to answer each objection separately (which I did), but Aubrey’s answers are very good as well. I will discuss them here and add my own considerations. (If you’re interested in Aubrey’s pure thoughts, unpolluted by mine, you might want to try this short book.)

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It’s a technology looking for a new mission.

The technology is solar electric propulsion (SEP), which NASA has identified in recent years as a key enabler for eventual human missions to Mars. SEP, the agency argued, could be used to propel cargo missions to Mars in advance of crewed missions much more efficiently than conventional chemical propulsion systems.

High-power SEP was to be tested in interplanetary space on the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), powering the robotic spacecraft that would travel to a near Earth asteroid, grab a boulder off its surface, and fly back to cislunar space. However, NASA announced earlier this year it planned to cancel ARM, and Congress, never much of a fan of the mission, has shown no signs of opposing it.

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In the study, researchers from the Universities of York, Munich, and Cardiff explored the phenomenon known as backflow in particles that are not ‘free.’

Free quantum particles exist without any external forces, but the researchers note that this setting is idealized.

Through the new analysis, the researchers estimated the strength of backflow and found that it applies to all quantum particles, not just free ones.

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A new report shows just how easy it is becoming to download designs for difficult-to-trace arms.

In the darker corners of the Internet where search engines cannot go, black markets offer pistols, machine guns, even explosives — and most worrisome to security researchers, computer aided design, or CAD, files for 3D-printed guns.

A new report from RAND looked at 811 weapons listings on a dozen dark-web markets, which continue to thrive despite the shuttering of sites like the Silk Road and, just this month, AlphaBay. Firearms were the top-selling category, with was 339 active listings, roughly 42 percent of the market. But the next-largest share, with 222 listings, was a variety of digital products, from build-it-yourself explosives manuals to CAD files.

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