BWXT Nuclear Energy is a subsidiary of nuclear components, fuel and services provider BWX Technologies, which is based in Lynchburg, Virginia.…81701.html
BWXT Nuclear Energy is a subsidiary of nuclear components, fuel and services provider BWX Technologies, which is based in Lynchburg, Virginia.…81701.html
Obesity affects more than 600 million adults and around 41 million children under the age of 5 according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers may have found a way to halt the development of both type 2 diabetes and obesity in humans using a recently discovered protein.
The voucher, awarded through the DOE’s Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) initiative, will experimentally verify the physical properties of the fuel salt for Transatomic’s molten salt reactor technology, and will be conducted at the Argonne National Laboratory.
This is the second year that GAIN has awarded vouchers to support advanced nuclear technology, and builds on successful outcomes from the program’s inaugural round. Last year, Transatomic was awarded a voucher for work at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, performing cutting-edge modelling and simulation analysis. This project has produced extensive positive results, published by ORNL in a Technical Memorandum in January 2017, and points to the value of public-private partnerships in nuclear technology development. “A primary measure of success for GAIN is the forging of productive relationships between the DOE laboratories and advanced technology developers like Transatomic,” said Idaho National Laboratory’s Dr. John Jackson, GAIN Technical Interface.
Posted in alien life, space travel
Is a CG short about space exploration and the quest of finding traces of extraterrestrial forms of life. Flying over spectacular desert planet. seeing strangely familiar ancient civilizations remains and experiencing a first contact with the existence of unknown living things.
Big thanks to Robot Koch and Savannah Jo Lack for composing and recording this beautiful soundtrack.
The digital terrain models and pictures of Mars are coming from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) with credits to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of Arizona.
Scientists have observed that superlattices can form incredibly during the routine synthesis of nanocrystals. This accidental discovery will mean the ability to form novel materials in a matter of seconds instead of days.
Some of the tiniest crystals in the world can, together, form superlattices, the basic elements of various novel materials. These crystals are also called “artificial atoms,” because they can organize themselves into structures that look a lot like molecules.
“Pay attention to the the trends in exponential technologies, particularly to “the big three.” GNR: Genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics.”