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Summary: In a medical first, scientists at CWRU have inhibited metastasis – the spread of cancer cells to another part of the body. [This article first appeared on LongevityFacts. Author: Brady Hartman. ]

In a first of its kind victory, researchers from the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine and six other institutions have inhibited the spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another.

To accomplish this feat, the team relied on a novel epigenetic model of how cancer metastasizes. Epigenetics is the master program which turns genes on and off. The group included researchers from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Cleveland Clinic. The researchers published their results in the journal Nature Medicine.

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Right in moment when Olympic games 2018 had started, founders of DAYS longevity accelerator and one of renowned longevity organizations leader have decided on running a sort of Olimpic games in life science, aiming to identify the world champions in area that really matters for everyone (life extension).

W hat is problem, why so important issue have no visible signs of progress?

If you’re sort of between 40 and older male, 40% of you will never reach the age of 74. Why multiple brilliant inventions of diagnostic and cure technologies have no financing and adoption in clinics?

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Zoom in close on the center of the picture above, and you can spot something you perhaps never thought you’d be able to see: a single atom. Here is a close-up if, you’re having trouble:

This strontium atom is emitting light after being excited by a laser, and it’s the winner of the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) photography award. The EPSRC announced the winners of its fifth annual contest yesterday. Winning photographer David Nadlinger, graduate student at the University of Oxford, was just excited to be able to show off his research.

“It’s exciting to find a picture that resonates with other people that shows what I spend my days and nights working on,” Nadlinger told me. The best part, to him, was “the opportunity to excite people about my research, more than winning a competition.”

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What progress is being made in the field of reversing aging — the grand humanitarian project to extend healthy lifespan?

In this London Futurists online video conference, a number of healthspan extension researchers and activists from around the answered questions such as:
What do you know now, that wasn’t known, or which was less clear, back in January 2017?
What progress has encouraged you? And what disappointments have there been?
Overall, what have we learned? And what should the field do differently in the future?

We’ll discussed developments in the understanding of:
The underlying science of aging
The most effective medical interventions to slow or reverse aging
The most effective forms of advocacy, to change public opinion regarding this field
The social and economic consequences of significantly extended healthspans.

== Panellists ==

Elizabeth Parrish, CEO of BioViva Sciences Inc, — known as “patient zero” for two anti-aging therapies that her company is researching.

Ilia Stambler, Author of the definitive history of life extensionism, and Outreach Coordinator at International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD),

These campaigns could erode the base of the Legal Open Access movement: scientists’ awareness of their options for sharing research. Elbakyan, on the other hand, would be left unaffected. The legal campaigns against Sci-Hub have — through the Streisand effect — made the site more well-known than most mainstay repositories, and Elbakyan more famous than legal Open Access champions like Suber.

The threat posed by ACS’s injunction against Sci-Hub has increased support for the site from web activists organizations such as the EFF, which considesr the site “a symptom of a serious problem: people who can’t afford expensive journal subscriptions, and who don’t have institutional access to academic databases, are unable to use cutting-edge scientific research.”

In cramped quarters at Russia’s Higher School of Economics, shared by four students and a cat, sat a server with 13 hard drives. The server hosted Sci-Hub, a website with over 64 million academic papers available for free to anybody in the world. It was the reason that, one day in June 2015, Alexandra Elbakyan, the student and programmer with a futurist streak and a love for neuroscience blogs, opened her email to a message from the world’s largest publisher: “YOU HAVE BEEN SUED.”

It wasn’t long before an administrator at Library Genesis, another pirate repository named in the lawsuit, emailed her about the announcement. “I remember when the administrator at LibGen sent me this news and said something like ‘Well, that’s… that’s a real problem.’ There’s no literal translation,” Elbakyan tells me in Russian. “It’s basically ‘That’s an ass.’ But it doesn’t translate perfectly into English. It’s more like ‘That’s fucked up. We’re fucked.’”.

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