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Google Maps launched itself into space once again with new opportunities to explore parts of the galaxy.

Google announced this week that it added a dozen new places including Pluto, Venus and several moons to its galactic exploration feature. There are now 17 different planetary maps to look through.

The feature allows users to explore planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, along with some dwarf planets, like Pluto. For Earth, zooming in offers 3D Google Maps showing borders, cities, countries and terrain. When looking at Google Maps in the terrain view, you can also zoom out until it shows Earth in space. Clicking on specific places will also provide some basic information.

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It will happen eventually. The argument against it will be that AI lacks the human touch, by that they mean the crooks in the government who make a living on corruption, graft, outright theft, and are in the process of collapsing the United States with nepotism. The main fear of the crime bosses (politcos) is that you cant bribe, threaten, or blackmail an AI.

By glen sawyer, national director, iot digital transformation, SAP

Put Skynet from The Terminator movies to the back of your mind for a minute, and stay with me on this one.

Certain political leaders are reminding us of their fragile humanity with increasing frequency these days. Prone to wild acts of emotion, and unable to resist the urge to push their personal agenda at the expense of the greater good, it’s enough to make the concept of an AI-controlled government sound utopian by comparison.

SPONSOR CONTENT: The U.S. Department of Energy tasked six major computing companies with researching and developing an exascale supercomputer.

With the ability to run a quintillion calculations per second—that’s a one with eighteen zeros after it—the implications of an exascale computer would touch nearly every facet of our lives, and would provide the opportunity to potentially solve humanity’s most pressing problems.

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