The Bcon wearable gaming controller can be worn on your head or foot.
Posted in futurism
Since late 2013, this band of cybercriminals has penetrated the digital inner sanctums of more than 100 banks in 40 nations, including Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and the U.S., and stolen about $1.2 billion, according to Europol, the European Union’s law enforcement agency. The string of thefts, collectively dubbed Carbanak—a mashup of a hacking program and the word “bank”—is believed to be the biggest digital bank heist ever. In a series of exclusive interviews with Bloomberg Businessweek, law enforcement officials and computer-crime experts provided revelations about their three-year pursuit of the gang and the mechanics of a caper that’s become the stuff of legend in the digital underworld.
Carbanak’s suspected ringleader is under arrest, but $1.2 billion remains missing, and his malware attacks live on.
Senolytics have been in the news a great deal ever since van Deursen and his team conducted a landmark 2011 study showing that removing senescent cells could delay age-related ill health in mice [1]. Since then, interest in what was once a niche topic has continued to grow at an ever-increasing pace. Now, there are many researchers engaged in exploring senescent cells and their role in aging and disease.
Lately, there has been enthusiastic interest in developing therapies to remove these problematic senescent cells, but are there potentially better ways to deal with senescent cells beyond periodically purging them with senolytic drugs and therapies?
LEAF’s monthly rejuvenation roundup is out!
July is here, and our upcoming conference in New York City is only a handful of days away! If you haven’t done so already, go and get your ticket now so that you can enjoy the June roundup fully relaxed, knowing that your seat is secured.
About our NYC conference
On the off chance you’ve missed the news about it, Ending Age-Related Diseases: Investment Prospects & Advances in Research is our first conference to be held in New York City. It will take place on July 12th at Cooper Union, and it will feature talks and panels with several great speakers, such as Dr. Vera Gorbunova from Rochester University, Dr. Vadim Gladyshev from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Aubrey de Grey from SENS Research Foundation, Dr. Kelsey Moody from Ichor Therapeutics, and many more. You can get your ticket here, and remember that Lifespan Heroes get 75% off the ticket price!
Should we be fearful of artificial intelligence and the pace at which it’s progressing? Or should we fear fear itself and the risk of it stifling innovation?
Wherever this may be heading, the march of progress shows fews signs of slowing down. Which companies and countries are leading the way?
The chief scientist for AI research at Google Cloud Fei-Fei Li, along with Sinovation Ventures CEO Kai-Fu Lee and Jennifer Zhu Scott of Radian Partners, weigh in. And Professor Rita Singh shares how AI-powered technology may not only shape our future, but also perhaps our understanding of the past.
To learn more, check out the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: