Mankind is about to get closer to the sun than ever before.
Our Fast Lightweight Autonomy program recently completed Phase 2 flight tests, demonstrating advanced algorithms designed to turn small air and ground systems into team members that can autonomously perform tasks dangerous for humans — such as pre-mission reconnaissance in a hostile urban setting or searching damaged structures for survivors following an earthquake.
Friends, I’m super excited to announce I’m launching a new #transhumanism column at The Maven, a new site out that features leaders in their field writing about their lives and activities. My column (or channel as The Maven editors call them) is titled: Transhumanist Wager. And I’ll be posting every day on it, often with original stories. Here’s my first one, just out! Give it a read!
Transhumanism—the social movement of merging people with machines & synthetic parts—is turning dangerously hard left.
“Will machines replace humans?” This question is on the mind of anyone with a job to lose. Daniel Susskind confronts this question and three misconceptions we have about our automated future, suggesting we ask something else: How will we distribute wealth in a world when there will be less — or even no — work?
New research measuring the importance of religion in 109 countries spanning the entire 20th century has reignited an age-old debate around the link between secularisation and economic growth. The study, published in Science Advances, has shown that a decline in religion influences a country’s future…
This is a new picture of Neptune taken from the Earth. It’s nothing short of amazing.
You’ve probably seen better pictures of Neptune from when Voyager 2 flew by in 1989. But there isn’t currently a spacecraft orbiting Neptune, so if scientists want pictures, they need to take them from 2.9 billion miles away. An upgrade on the Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile has now allowed the ground-based telescope to take images as crisp as those taken by Hubble, a telescope that orbits Earth.
The Very Large Telescope consists of four telescopes with 8.2-meter (27-foot) mirrors in northern Chile’s Atacama Desert. Today, scientists at the observatory have released the first observations taken with laser tomography, the new adaptive optics mode on its GALACSI unit, which works alongside a spectrograph instrument called MUSE on one of the telescopes.