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Fantastic Video Set of Aubrey De Grey discussing Indefinite Longevity.

This video is a compilation of the biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey. He has been pushing the scientific frontier of indefinite longevity for the last few decades and predicts that science and technology will be advanced enough 20 years from now so that we can all achieve longevity escape velocity.

Video One:

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Video by Fox News

The mystery behind the disappearance of several boats in the Bermuda Triangle may have finally been unraveled in a new theory by British scientists. According to the recent research, “rogue” waves going up to 100 feet could be engulfing boats in the region.

At least 1,000 lives have been lost in the region within the last 100 years, and on average, four aircraft and over a dozen yachts go missing every year there. The infamous body of water lies in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean and stretches 270,271 square miles between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

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The Manastash Ridge Fire burning 12 miles south of Cle Elum has closed areas used by hunters in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in the south fork of the Manastash Creek drainage.

Lightning started the fire in August, and the U.S. Forest Service has no estimate as to when the area might reopen, Cle Elum Ranger District spokesperson Nancy Jones said.

She recommends hunters check information about the closed area at before venturing into the Manastash.

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The Egyptian government wants to get 42 percent of its energy sector powered by renewables by 2025, leaving a healthy 5-year window for their 2030 sustainability goals with the United Nations.

In the Western Desert, 400 miles south of Cairo, a solar energy company named KarmSolar is helping them do it. Founded by five friends in a cafe, the company is building what will become a hub of 30 individual power plants with a collective capacity of 1.8 gigawatts of electricity. Located near the Benban village near the Nile, KarmSolar’s complex already employs 4,000 people at the first of 30 facilities, which came online this past November. Once it’s completed, according to the Los Angeles Times, the Benban Solar Park will be the largest solar plant in the world.

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Science news is filled with fresh discoveries of all kinds of things. It seems like every day there’s a new dinosaur, planet, or ancient creature being brought back to life. Now, researchers are announcing the discovery of another new thing, but this time it’s a new… shape.

Just like the other “new” things that science brings us, the term “new” itself is relative. Just like the long-dead dinosaurs and incredibly-old planets being discovered on a regular basis, this new shape has been around for a while, but researchers are just now studying and describing it in detail. It’s called a “scutoid” and it’s actually pretty cool.

Don’t Miss : Hurry: AirPods are back in stock with a very rare discount on Amazon.

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