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Feb 11, 2017

3D Printing Will Change The Way We Make Things And Design Them In 2017

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, materials

3D printing is profoundly changing not just how we make things, but how we design them as well. As well as saving materials, time, water and waste, it is also opening up possibilities for new products and is set to unleash a wave of innovation in the industrial sector.

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Feb 11, 2017

Self-driving cars will create organ shortage — can science meet demand?

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioengineering, biotech/medical, robotics/AI, science

It looks like Self Driving cars may create a US organ shortage that finally acts as the Kick in the Ass to force stem cell generated organs on to the market. Enough of the ‘in the future’ we might have these Nonsesne.

Science, however, can offer better a better solution.

The waiting lists for donor organs are long — 120,000 people on a given day — and ever increasing. With fewer donor organs to go around, researchers are working on other ways to get people the parts they need. With help from 3D printing and other bioengineering technologies, we will eventually be able to grow our own organs and stop relying on donors.

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Feb 11, 2017

Millimeter-Scale Computers: Now With Deep Learning Neural Networks on Board

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI

University of Michigan micro-motes aim to make the Internet of Things smarter without consuming more power.

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Feb 11, 2017

Starta Accelerator plans to nurture high-tech ‘ponies’ in New York City

Posted by in category: futurism

10 tech startups from Russia and Eastern Europe get a shot in the Big Apple.

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Feb 11, 2017

The Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative Is Giving $3 Billion to Cure, Manage, or Prevent “All Disease”

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, launched in September 2016 and run by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, pediatrician Priscilla Chan, set out with the ambitious goal “to cure, prevent or manage all disease during our children’s lifetime”.

As part of the US$3 billion initiative, the organisation created an independent nonprofit Biohub, which on Wednesday said it committed US$50 million to 47 scientists, technologists, and engineers working at UCSF, Stanford, and UC-Berkeley.

The 47 investigators are working on a wide range of projects, but there was one central thesis the Biohub tried to keep in mind when picking from the 700 applicants.

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Feb 10, 2017

Stem Cell Fillings Allow Teeth to Heal Themselves

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

In Brief:

Regenerative dental fillings that allow teeth to heal themselves have been developed by researchers, potentially eliminating the need for root canals. The treatment earned a prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry after judges described it as a “new paradigm for dental treatments.”

No one in their right mind would ever look forward to a filling at the dentist. Why can’t our teeth fix themselves? Maybe they can. At long last, scientists from the University of Nottingham and Harvard University may have revolutionized the way we look at treating dental issues. Their regenerative dental fillings allow teeth to heal themselves—potentially eliminating the need for the high-pitched drilling inherent in root canals.

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Feb 10, 2017

This creepy robot walks like a chicken and could someday deliver your groceries

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The Cassie robot, developed by engineers at Oregon State University, shows improvement in bipedal machine balance and could be used for courier service.

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Feb 10, 2017

Your Farts Could Tell Your Doctor About Your Digestive Health

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

Finding out which microbes dealt it.

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Feb 10, 2017

The Origami Revolution Preview

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI, space

Engineers are using origami to design drugs, micro-robots, and future space missions.

Don’t miss “The Origami Revolution,” airing February 15, 2017 at 9 pm on PBS:

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Feb 10, 2017

The Kurzweilian Singularity and Evolution of the Technigenome

Posted by in categories: engineering, nanotechnology, quantum physics, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, security, singularity

Great read and highlights what I have been showing folks around the convergence that is occurring between technology and biology via Quantum. We’re achieving (in the Epoch chart on Singularity Evolution) Epoch 5 via Quantum Bio and our work we’re seeing from DARPA, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and others. Synbio has to mimic the properties we see with Quantum Biology/ Biosystems. And, things like DARPA’s own RadioBio will enable and expose many things on multiple fronts in Biosensors (including security), IoT, healthcare/ medical prevention management and treatments, AI, etc.

Singularity – the state of being singular; Oneness.

The biological system is a natural form of technology. A simple examination of the nanobiology of the macromolecular system of any cell will attest to this – enzymes and structural proteins are veritable nanomachines, linked to the information processing network of DNA and plasma membranes. Far from being a primordial or rudimentary organic technology – we are discovering more and more the level of complexity and paragon technological sophistication of living systems, which as is being discovered, even includes non-trivial quantum mechanical phenomena once thought to only be possible in the highly specialized and controlled environment of the laboratory.

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