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National Defense magazine asked research laboratories involved in national security programs: “What is your organization’s number one R&D ‘big bet,’ (in other words: a high-risk, high-reward technology investment) that you believe will have the biggest payoff for those in the military or national security realm? Why? And in what ways do you think it will benefit the end users?”

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A research analyst at Swiss investment bank UBS believes the cost of energy renewables could be so near to zero by 2030 “it will effectively be free,” according to a projections published on Monday. If renewables could soon be cheaper than all the alternative energy sources, and that this “is great news for the planet, and probably also for the economy.”

The analysis, published in the Financial Times, explains that solar and wind farms are getting bigger, and that the potential of this sort of cheap, green energy is far-reaching and will only get cheaper. “In 2010, using solar power to boil your kettle would have cost you about £0.03,” the analyst writes in FT. “By 2020, according to estimates by our research team at UBS, the cost will have fallen to half a penny.” And just ten years later, the costs will be so minuscule, it will practically be free.

See also: 7 Massive Corporations Going Green to Boost Their Bottom Lines.

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Historically, water managers throughout the thirsty state of California have relied on hydrology and water engineering—both technical necessities—as well as existing drought and flood patterns to plan for future water needs.

Now, is projected to shift as winters become warmer, spring snowmelt arrives earlier, and extreme weather-related events increase. Some water utilities have started to consider these risks in their management, but many do not. Lack of change adaptation among water utilities can put water supplies and the people dependent on them at risk, especially in marginalized communities, a new University of California, Davis, paper suggests.

The paper, which analyzes various approaches to climate science by drinking water utility managers in California, was presented along with new research at the American Sociology Association Conference in Philadelphia on Aug. 11. The paper, “Climate Information? Embedding Climate Futures within Social Temporalities of California Water Management,” was published this spring in the journal Environmental Sociology.

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A new, super-insulating gel developed by researchers at CU Boulder could dramatically increase the energy efficiency of skyscrapers and other buildings, and might one day help scientists build greenhouse-like habitats for colonists on Mars.

The “aerogel,” which looks like a flattened plastic contact lens, is so resistant to heat that you could put a strip of it on your hand and a fire on top without feeling a thing. But unlike similar products on the market, the material is mostly see-through.

“Transparency is an enabling feature because you can use this gel in windows, and you could use it in extraterrestrial habitats,” said Ivan Smalyukh, a professor in the Department of Physics. “You could harvest sunlight through that thermally-insulating material and store the energy inside, protecting yourself from those big oscillations in temperature that you have on Mars or on the moon.”

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This story is brought to you by SynbiCITE, which is accelerating the commercialization of synthetic biology applications. To learn how SynbiCITE is nucleating a sustainable UK economy, visit

Just as Henry Ford’s assembly line revolutionized the automobile industry, synthetic biology is being revolutionized by automated DNA assembly (see SynBioBetaLive! with Opentrons). The key features of an assembly line translate well into the field of synthetic biology – speed, accuracy, reproducibility and validation. Instead of welding chassis together, small robotic arms are lifting delicate plates holding dozens of samples, adding and removing miniscule amounts of fluid.

In 2014, Imperial College London received £2 million to develop a DNA Synthesis and Construction Foundry to operate with SynbiCITE, the UK Innovation and Knowledge Centre for synthetic biology. Speaking at the Foundry’s inception, SynbiCITE co-director Prof. Paul Freemont said, “Standardizing the methods for synthesising DNA is crucial if we are going to scale up efforts to design and create this genetic material. The new DNA Synthesis and Construction Foundry will streamline and automate the ‘writing’ of DNA at an industrial scale so that tens of thousands of designed DNA constructions can be built and tested.”

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Consumer DNA tests have taken off in popularity, promising to give you clues to your heritage and health. But after the test is done, who owns your personal genetic data? Bloomberg QuickTake explains why you should think twice before sending in that vial.


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Dear Mr Howard Bloom-The modern Einstein,next Stephen Hawking and Freud,

Its an honor to be known by you. Your work on Space Sciences are revolutionary Sir. Your association and projects with CalTech and other scientific organizations will change the world we live in.I also have great passion in Space and Astronomy Sciences and that led me attending multiple workshops of NASA apart from attending its three credit course and organizing its prestigious essay contest in Indian schools in India and Abroad. I have searched NASA websites for close to 16 years and have found that it stores trillions of pages of materials where you can learn and research without help of any other source. I also have written my fundamental concept called The Cosmic Mask which I have sent to National Research Council and The American Astronomical Society for their review. I plan to publish it on AAS website.My two books–The Cosmic Mask(Not the Fundamental Concept) and NASA-The Story of Manned and Unmanned Missions is dedicated to youths of this world for their love and passion in Space and Astronomy Sciences.

I want to know how you can associate me with National Space Society and other organizations you are associated with.

You asked me few things and here is what I think.

Yes I am a Journalist also and I write for Russian International Affairs Council,Moscow,Life Boat Foundation,Nevada,USA,Global Ethics Network,Washington and few more places.

I think the concept of Globalization has brought many developments in countries. I traveled to China thrice and I am quite amazed kind of progress China has achieved in last 30 years. I will not be wrong if I say that in many aspects its way ahead to USA or western World. They care about their culture,language but at the same time have welcomed and have adopted foreign companies on their soil. Deng Xio Ping and his many successors including current President Xi Jin Ping has metamorphosed China in a way that its now called second super power in exiting world.

As for as Russia is concerned its now a bit stable but it still has to go a long way ahead. Russia and USA relation or Trump and Putin relation are in much better shape than their predecessors and its good for both countries.

Now about country which is my mother land-India. India has all potential to grow and is growing rapidly. From the days in immediate post independence time where it had to import literally everything it is now a giant nation in IT sector and launches satellite every month if not every week . The Great Indian Middle Class is back bone of Indian economy due to its spending capacity and Agriculture its soul. Railways,Metros,New Airports,Thousands of Kilometers of Roads,Seaway-Starting on 15th August from Varanasi to Kolkata’ Bullet train and curving corruption,Demonetization are few tasks out of many which Narendra Modi gov has achieved. I guess he needs a second term to make those schemes sustainable to make India a super speeding nation.

Sir you are called modern Einstein,next Stephen Hawking and Freud you tell me how you rate India’s progress via returning message and I will publish it on my social media pages as I am publishing this.


Ratnesh Dwivedi

=91 7834946527

Skype ratnesh.dwivedi7

-P.S. Howard Bloom is a Revolutionary Scientist who work with Caltech,NASA,NRC,AAS,NAS and many more.His website is;

Reply of Howard Bloom

  • ratnesh, hi. thanks enormously for your overview of the global powers. i agree, china is moving fast, and the belt and road initiative will make china a giant power in the coming decades. india’s space program–initiated in part by my friend and former collaborator dr. apj kalam–is a wonder. but it will have a hard time catching up with elon musk. and india’s political corruption impedes the nation, despite the flowering of india’s IT genius. but the middle class in india is enormous, and its demands will lead to a positive future. from the point of view of physical infrastructure, america sometimes seems like a third world country. our roads are falling apart. we have no bullet trains. and we rely too heavily on the automobile and the airplane for transport. but businesses like google, facebook, and amazon continue to lead the world in innovation. however their chinese competitors are now rolling out one innovation after another, innovations we don’t see or even imitate in the usa. your position as a leader in the global economy depends on a continual race to the top and beyond. it depends on visionaries. america has visionary leaders like elon musk, larry page, sergey brin, and jeff bezos. hopefully those who would like to make headlines by taking google and facebook down will not succeed. hopefully, we will imitate the best innovations of the chinese-and improve on them. and hopefully new mark zuckerbergs, new sergey brins, new larry pages, new elon musks, and new jeff bezoses will continue to arise from our system. we have a few advantages. compared to india and china, our political system has less corruption. and most important, we prize innovation and give great latitude to the odd–to creators and paradigm breakers.

  • Howard Bloom
    Howard Bloom 9:56 AM

    re: space. would you be able to join the Space Development Steering Committee, a group I run that is closely allied with the National Space Society? we meet on the telephone thursday nights at 9 pm eastern time, the morning of friday your time. or you could join my big bang tango media lab, which meets on skype at 9 pm eastern time on sunday nights, monday morning your time. to join the national space society contact anita gale.

  • Howard Bloom
    9:58 AM

    ps what’s your email address?

    Howard Bloom
  • Ratnesh Dwivedi sent the following messages at 12:57 PM
    Ratnesh Dwivedi

    I will reply you in detail by today evening India Time. We are celebrating Independence day today.

  • Ratnesh Dwivedi

    Dear Friend, Its delight knowing that you and our decorated scientist APJ Kalam were friends.You are true.China is moving very fast.Actually credit goes to leaders after Chairman Mao.If Mao still would have been President I guess China would have been only a military superpower and not the trade and commercial superhub.It all started during Deng Xio Ping that liberalization policies were brought in place. After almost 25 years India adopted a liberalized policy which boosted Indian economy.Current Gov is doing fine and you are true India’s Space Science researches are fantastic with Prime Minister Nnarendra Modi today announcing launch of India’s maiden manned space mission by 2022. Having said that Ii still feel and second Naom Chomsky that USA is largely ahead to other countries by a large margin as you rightly mentioned due to the fact of its scientist and researchers who either are Americans or have migrated from other parts of world. The names you have taken are revolutionary names and I also have a sense of regard for them.Its true India was dealing with corruption during previous government but current government has curved corruption by many methods including demonetization. Yes I would love to join both space entities and my details are; Ratnesh Dwivedi =917834946527 Skype ; ratnesh.dwivedi7 e-mail; rtnshdwi at