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Feb 25, 2017

Graphene oxide supercapacitor commercial prototype targeted within 2 years

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, energy, transportation

OMG? Are we going to have super cheap electric vehicles in a few years that charge in a few seconds/minutes?

I hope so! This is very exciting.

Australia has supercapacitors made from graphene oxide. They can can store as much energy per kilogram as a lithium battery, but charges in minutes, or even seconds, and uses carbon instead of expensive lithium.

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Feb 25, 2017

Creative people have better-connected brains

Posted by in category: neuroscience

For those scientists that know creativity is important.

Seemingly countless self-help books and seminars tell you to tap into the right side of your brain to stimulate creativity. But forget the “right-brain” myth — a new study suggests it’s how well the two brain hemispheres communicate that sets highly creative people apart.

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Feb 25, 2017

Cancer cells hijack healthy cells to help them spread to other organs

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical

An interaction between two proteins enables cancer cells to use the physical forces of healthy cells to start spreading to other parts of the body.

The finding by researchers from the Francis Crick Institute in London and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in Barcelona is published in the journal Nature Cell Biology.

The process by which cancer cells separate from the original tumour to form new tumours in other organs or tissues of the body is called metastasis, and it is responsible for the majority of deaths in patients with cancer.

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Feb 25, 2017

Canada to Spend $750 Million to Ensure All Citizens Have Internet Access

Posted by in categories: government, internet, mobile phones

In Brief

  • Canada is spending millions to ensure all citizens have access to home internet with download speeds of at least 50Mbps and upload speeds of 10Mbps in the next 10 to 15 years.
  • At a time when so many things we used to do in person or via a physical medium are done digitally, living without the internet inherently puts a person at a disadvantage.

Canada is making some major moves to ensure that every citizen in the country has access to fast broadband speeds. The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced this week that it was setting up a fund of $750 million available over the next five years to expand internet access.

The CRTC is implementing a standard of universal availability of home internet with download speeds of at least 50Mbps and upload speeds of 10Mbps with the option of unlimited data. In doing so, the Canadian government is declaring that broadband internet is a basic telecommunications service, akin to phone service.

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Feb 25, 2017

Filling Cavities Is Easier Than Ever With This Tool

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

You’ll want to tell your dentist about this one.

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Feb 25, 2017

This invention by a British student could save millions of lives across the world

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

A 22-year-old British student has invented a mobile fridge that could save millions of lives across the world.

Will Broadway’s “Isobar” has been designed to keep vaccines at the ideal temperature while in transit in developing countries.

And Will doesn’t plan to make money from his creation.

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Feb 25, 2017

In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be redundant

Posted by in categories: education, robotics/AI

A regime of cramming and testing is crushing young people’s instinct to learn and destroying their future.

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Feb 25, 2017

An AI Hedge Fund Created a New Currency to Make Wall Street Work Like Open Source

Posted by in categories: finance, robotics/AI

Wall Street is a Darwinian battle for the almighty dollar. But Richard Craib thinks his AI-powered hedge fund will soar if everyone can just get along.

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Feb 25, 2017

Samsung could be investing $1 billion into artificial intelligence

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

While many worry about artificial intelligence, Samsung believes it could be an important part of the future. Or at least that is what the latest rumors suggest.

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Feb 25, 2017

Here’s the Bonkers Idea to Make a Hyperloop-Style Rocket Launcher

Posted by in categories: energy, space, transportation

James Powell’s maglev tube could send crewed capsules to space with way less fuel.

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