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Jul 18, 2017

Neural stem cells steered by electric fields can repair brain damage

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Electrical stimulation of the rat brain to move neural stem cells (credit: Jun-Feng Feng et al./ Stem Cell Reports)

Electric fields can be used to guide transplanted human neural stem cells — cells that can develop into various brain tissues — to repair brain damage in specific areas of the brain, scientists at the University of California, Davis have discovered.

It’s well known that electric fields can locally guide wound healing. Damaged tissues generate weak electric fields, and research by UC Davis Professor Min Zhao at the School of Medicine’s Institute for Regenerative Cures has previously shown how these electric fields can attract cells into wounds to heal them.

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Jul 18, 2017

Mayak Satellite

Posted by in category: space

To show that space is closer than you think.

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Jul 18, 2017

Liquid Metal Circuits and Atomic Microchips Could Be the Future of Electronics

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics

A new nano printing technique using graphene creates integrated circuits that are just atoms thick, and could lead to huge advances in speed and power.

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Jul 18, 2017

Japan’s private sector sets its sights on the moon

Posted by in categories: business, space travel

TOKYO There is a new race to the moon, and it is the private sector — not governments — that is providing the runners. And unlike last time, Japan is in the thick of the action. If all goes as planned, a Japanese rover will soon be cruising across the lunar landscape for the first time ever.

The race is sponsored by the Google Lunar XPRIZE, a contest for privately funded teams to be the first to land a rover on the surface of the moon, have it travel 500 meters, and transmit high-definition video and images back to Earth. The winner receives $20 million — plus bragging rights. The contest aims to encourage the continuous exploration of the moon through privately led technologies and businesses.

Team Hakuto, as the Japanese effort is called, is a collaborative effort among more than 30 companies, including many startups as well as several established players. The team’s rover, dubbed the Sorato, represents a distillation of Japanese knowledge, with materials, technologies and know-how contributed by a diverse lineup of companies.

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Jul 17, 2017

Japan just created an amazing new space robot

Posted by in categories: drones, robotics/AI, space

Japan’s space agency has released photos and videos taken on board the International Space Station (ISS) by its grapefruit-sized robot drone. The drone, called Internal Ball Camera (or Int-Ball), can be maneuvered by controllers and researchers from Earth, according a press release from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

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Jul 17, 2017

Apple’s next iPhone may make the tape measure obsolete

Posted by in category: mobile phones

Apple’s next iPhone may make the tape measure obsolete. (via CNBC)

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Jul 17, 2017

A New Technique Transforms Human Skin Into Brain Cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

“Microglia play an important role in Alzheimer’s and other diseases of the central nervous system. Recent research has revealed that newly discovered Alzheimer’s-risk genes influence microglia behavior,” Jones said in an interview for a UCI press release. “Using these cells, we can understand the biology of these genes and test potential new therapies.”

A Renewable Method

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Jul 17, 2017

Let’s Turn America’s Military-Industrial Complex into a Science-Industrial Complex

Posted by in categories: military, policy, science, transhumanism

My HuffPost article from yesterday on military, #transhumanism and science was on the frontpage of Reddit today with nearly 12,000 upvotes & This was a policy article of my libertarian CA governor campaign. I’m happy to see it do so well.

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Jul 17, 2017

How Scientists Are Bringing People Back From The Dead

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

One afternoon in February 2011, Kelly Dwyer strapped on a pair of snowshoes and set out to hike a beaver pond trail near her home in Hooksett, New Hampshire. When the sun dropped below the horizon hours later, the 46-year-old environmental educator still hadn’t returned home. Her husband, David, was worried. Grabbing his cellphone and a flashlight, he told their two daughters he was going to look for Mom. As he made his way toward the pond, sweeping his flashlight beam across the darkening winter landscape, he called out for Kelly. That’s when he heard the moans.

Running toward them, David phoned their daughter Laura, 14, and told her to call 911. His flashlight beam soon settled on Kelly, submerged up to her neck in a hole of dark water in the ice. As David clutched her from behind to keep her head above water, Kelly slumped into unconsciousness. By the time rescue crews arrived, her body temperature was in the 60s and her pulse was almost too faint to register. Before she could reach the ambulance, Kelly’s heart stopped. The EMTs attempted CPR—a process doctors continued for three hours at a hospital in nearby Manchester. They warmed her frigid body. Nothing. Even defibrillation wouldn’t restart her heart. Kelly’s core temperature hovered in the 70s. David assumed he’d lost her for good.


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Jul 17, 2017

Lawbreaking Particles May Point to a Previously Unknown Force in the Universe

Posted by in category: particle physics

Scientists aren’t yet certain that electrons and their relatives are violating the Standard Model of particle physics, but the evidence is mounting.

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