I have a very important and scary story to share I wrote. Give it a read. It’s published the Napa Valley Register (the main paper of a community where my wine business is newly located). The article is about one of the most common and unexpected ways people around the world die. I almost did.
I recently completed a European speaking tour discussing transhumanism, a social movement whose primary goal is to live as long as possible through science.
Ironically, I’ll probably remember the month-long tour most for a specific 60 seconds—when I almost choked to death on thick, leathery bread in a German restaurant. This may be surprising, but the fourth-leading cause of unintentional death in America is asphyxiation from choking on food, according to the National Safety Council.
In fact, a few years ago, a high school friend of mine who was a talented athlete died when meat became lodged in his windpipe. In total, approximately 2,500 Americans perish every year from choking on food.