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Great new episode with the details on how NASA JPL’s successful Mars rover program kept the Perseverance rover on track. JPL chief engineer Rob Manning gives us an inside look at the strategies NASA used to make sure the latest rover made a spectacular landing.

NASA’s Rob Manning, JPL’s Chief Engineer, discusses management, logistics, innovation and the future of robotic Mars exploration in this unique episode. With this week’s successful landing of the Perseverance rover on an ancient river delta, NASA ups its game at a time when the rest of the country badly needs some encouraging news. Manning talks about how JPL keeps itself on track when finessing complicated billion-dollar initiatives.

A video of Martian Ripples in the highest quality. All the images you’re going to see are taken by NASA rovers and orbiters in Mars, boosted in quality with AI technology.

The wind has shaped the Martian landscape for much of its history and continues to play a major role today. Here we analyzed Martian Ripples and the similarities they have the ripples here on Earth.

Other information that can be found in this video:
📌- Real images of Martian Ripples.
📌- The density of the Martian Atmosphere.
📌- How these ripples are created?!
📌- Size of Martian Ripples.
📌- Rover’s Tire Track on Mars (image)
📌- Perseverance rover mission.

Using the radial velocity (RV) technique, astronomers have discovered a new super-Earth alien world as part of the HADES and CARMENES programs. The newfound exoplanet, designated GJ 740 b, orbits a bright star some 36 light-years away and is at least three times more massive than the Earth. The finding is reported in a paper published February 18 on the arXiv pre-print server.

The unit has yet to actually send power directly back to Earth, but that technology has already been proven. If the project develops into huge kilometers-wide space solar antennae, it could beam microwaves that would then be converted into fuel-free electricity to any part of the planet at a moment’s notice.

Scientists working for the Pentagon have successfully tested a solar panel the size of a pizza box in space, designed as a prototype for a future system to send electricity from space back to any point on Earth.