Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) has now entered the inner circle of the solar system after crossing Mars and is fast approaching Earth, says NASA. When will it come closest to the Earth and is there a chance of strike? Find out.
Comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) has now entered the inner circle of the solar system after crossing Mars and is fast approaching Earth, says NASA. When will it come closest to the Earth and is there a chance of strike? Find out.
Space is a deep, dark, vast abyss that exists between the cosmos, separating them from each other. But is it truly as empty as we think it is? Or is the vacuum that spans everywhere hiding something from us? Something mysterious, and perhaps the most powerful source of energy?
Zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy, has been touted as a potentially limitless and ubiquitous source of energy, if one could only find the means to harness it.
Welcome to Factnomenal and today weâre looking at the facts and demystifying the most mysterious energy in the universe.
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Mars may be more like some areas of Earth than we think.
For the first time ever, NASA rover Curiosity has taken a crucial measure of an ingredient necessary for life in Marsâ rocks: Organic carbon.
Summary: A new mathematical model that identifies essential connections between neurons reveals some neural networks in the brain are more essential than others.
Source: HHMI
After a career spent probing the mysteries of the universe, a Janelia Research Campus senior scientist is now exploring the mysteries of the human brain and developing new insights into the connections between brain cells.
What happens when machines begin to question their origins?
In this short film created with generative art, we explore how artificial intelligence sees the universe, its creators, and its potential futures. I believe the emergence of artistic A.I. has touched off a new era for art that could be as profound as the first cave paintings, 50,000 years ago. If these artistic capabilities are possible after only a few decades of A.I., research, what will the next 50,000 years hold? What will we become?
Crafted by Melodysheep in collaboration with artificial intelligence.
Supported by the good people at Protocol Labs:
A geomagnetic storm could probably arrive on June 29th. Astronomers have noticed a massive solar eruption but are not very sure if it is headed towards the Earth, Newsweek reported.
Astronomers predicted that Sunspot AR3038 would burst and give off a Class-M flare. Instead, it has continued to grow further.
The mission proposal calls for nuclear fission power. Breakthroughs would boost Chinaâs overall exploration capabilities.
Amino acids donât last long near the Martian surface. Future rovers may need to go deeper underground to find them.
A NASA planetary defense exercise had astronomers quickly detect a threat. How did they do?
Earthly space travelers have been trying to perfect orbital botany for a while now. Stable, sustainable off world agricultural practices are needed to make longer term exploration missions possible, and though the International Space Station (ISS) has seen a few successful low-orbit gardening endeavors, all have used some sort of soil or soil-replacing growth media.
Now, thanks to NASA Flight Engineer Jessica Watkins, that could be starting to change. According to a NASA blog published last week, Watkins has begun to harvest radishes and mizuna greens aboard the ISS â grown without any soil whatsoever.
Growing any edible plants in space is always exciting, but using dirt-like growth materials presents potential resource, mess, and sanitation problems. And thatâs why Watkinsâ triumphant soilless crop could be a thrilling step towards a new age of interstellar discovery.