

Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 408

Dec 12, 2021

What can Google’s army of robots do?| Physicists have turned back time | High Tech News

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, drones, Elon Musk, governance, quantum physics, robotics/AI, space, sustainability

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You are on the PRO Robots channel and in this form we present you with high-tech news. What can Google’s army of robots really do? Can time turn backwards? Catapult rockets and a jet engine powered by plastic waste. All this and much more in one edition of high-tech news! Watch the video until the end and write your impressions about the new army of robots from Google in the comments.

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Dec 12, 2021

Nearby habitable planets at Alpha Centauri?

Posted by in category: space

More specifically, the diffractive pupil mirror pattern spreads starlight into a complex flower pattern. This makes it easier to show the fine detail needed to detect the small wobbles a planet would make in the star’s motion.

TOLIMAN fills an important niche in the study of exoplanets, searching for them around the very nearest stars. As has been noted, that task has actually been more difficult, so far, than finding planets around more distant stars. TOLIMAN will focus on detecting these worlds, if they are there. What will it find?

Bottom line: A new custom-designed space telescope mission called TOLIMAN will search for nearby habitable planets in the closest star system to Earth, Alpha Centauri.

Dec 11, 2021

Red Planet Live — Episode 5 — Professor Jim Bell

Posted by in category: space

If you missed this episode live, here is another chance for you to watch! Please share with your network so others can enjoy. Please follow The Mars Society and visit our website at for more content and updates. #mars #space #stem #redplanetlive

Dec 11, 2021

Leptoquarks and the physics beyond the Standard Model

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

The hunt is on for leptoquarks, particles beyond the limits of the standard model of particle physics —the best description we have so far of the physics that governs the forces of the Universe and its particles. These hypothetical particles could prove useful in explaining experimental and theoretical anomalies observed at particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and could help to unify theories of physics beyond the standard model, if researchers could just spot them.

A new paper published in Nuclear Physics B by Anirban Karan, Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay, and Saunak Dutta, of the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Kandi, together with Mahesh Jakkapu, Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Kanagawa, Japan, examines the potential signatures of leptoquarks at the LHC to see how they could arise from for the possible mass ranges of these particles.

The main objective of this research is how to distinguish the signatures of different leptoquarks at proton-proton colliders like LHC or its proposed successor, Karan says.

Dec 11, 2021

Asteroid Nereus Cruised Past Earth Today. In 39 Years It Could Be Mined For $5 Billion In Precious Metals

Posted by in categories: futurism, space

The possibility of space mining in future was thrown into sharp relief this weekend as a Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) called 4,660 Nereus passed our planet.

Worth an estimated $5 billion in precious metals and measuring 330 meters across, Nereus at no point came anywhere near being dangerous, getting no closer than 2.4 million miles/3.9 million kilometers at 13:51 UTC on Saturday, December 11, 2021.

That’s about 10 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

Continue reading “Asteroid Nereus Cruised Past Earth Today. In 39 Years It Could Be Mined For $5 Billion In Precious Metals” »

Dec 11, 2021

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will spend its first year looking for primordial galaxies, gold-forging explosions, and habitable planets

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

NASA is about to launch the world’s most powerful space telescope. Webb’s first year of science could rewrite the history of the universe.

Recently, OpenAI opened public access to GPT-3, one of the world’s most sophisticated AI writing tools. It might fool you in a conversation.

Dec 11, 2021

Experiment finds evidence for a long-sought particle comprising four neutrons

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

While all atomic nuclei except hydrogen are composed of protons and neutrons, physicists have been searching for a particle consisting of two, three or four neutrons for over half a century. Experiments by a team of physicists of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) at the accelerator laboratory on the Garching research campus now indicate that a particle comprising four bound neutrons may well exist.

While agree that there are no systems in the universe made of only protons, they have been searching for particles comprising two, three or four neutrons for more than 50 years.

Should such a particle exist, parts of the theory of the strong interaction would need to be rethought. In addition, studying these particles in more detail could help us better understand the properties of neutron stars.

Dec 11, 2021

Something bizarre found on the Moon has scientists speechless Find out how much good is going on in the world

Posted by in category: space

Dec 11, 2021

At last, NASA sees the interior of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

Posted by in category: space

#nasa #jupiter

Dec 11, 2021

Voyager 1 has detected a mysterious hum in interstellar space

Posted by in category: space