

Archive for the ‘singularity’ category: Page 66

Jun 14, 2016

Artificial Intelligence Chair At Singularity University On How AI Will Augment Human Capability

Posted by in categories: business, government, Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity

Good write up by Peter on Neil Jacobstein’s perspective on AI. Peter never disappoints in his articles.

Singularity University is part business incubator and part think tank founded by Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil in 2008 in the NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley. Among the topics that have risen in prominence in the curriculum of the University is artificial intelligence.

Neil Jacobstein is a former President of Singularity University, and currently he chairs the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Track at Singularity University on the NASA Research Park campus in Mountain View California. We recently spoke, and the conversation covered his thoughts on how AI can be used to augment current human capability, strategies technology executives should use to think about AI, the role the government should play in helping mitigate the potential job losses from AI, his perspectives on the dangers of artificial intelligence that have been expressed by major thought leaders, advice on how to train workers to be prepared for the coming wave of AI, and a variety of other topics.

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Jun 13, 2016

How Quantum Computing Can Make Finance More Scientific

Posted by in categories: business, computing, finance, habitats, quantum physics, singularity, transportation

Exponential Finance celebrates the incredible opportunity at the intersection of technology and finance. Apply here to join Singularity University, CNBC, and hundreds of the world’s most forward-thinking financial leaders at Exponential Finance in June 2017.

Modern life is punctuated by market cycles.

One year the gears of commerce are whirring along. Businesses are hiring and investing. People are buying houses and cars, televisions and computers. Things are going great. Then a year later, the gears screech to halt—sweeping layoffs, plummeting investment, and crashing markets. No one’s buying anything.

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Jun 13, 2016

The Singularity Controversy

Posted by in categories: computing, robotics/AI, singularity

In this London Futurists event, Amnon Eden, lead editor of the volume “Singularity Hypotheses” which was published three years ago, provided an update on the controversies about the Technological Singularity. Topics covered include:

Luddites, Philistines, and Starry-Eyed: The War over Killer Robots

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Jun 7, 2016

Want to know what the future of medical invention looks like? Read on

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, business, computing, cyborgs, food, habitats, mobile phones, singularity, transportation, wearables

Medical/ Biocomputing will only continue to grow and advance as a result of the demand for more improved experiences by consumers and business in communications and entertainment, food, home life, travel, business, etc.

Today, we have seen early opportunities and benefits with 3D printing, BMI, early stage Gene/ Cell circuitry and computing. In the future, we will see these technologies more and more replaced by even more advance Biocomputing and gene circuitry technology that will ultimately transform the human experiences and quality of life that many like to call Singularity.

Printing technology has come a long way from screechy dot-matrix printers to 3D printers which can print real life objects from metals, plastics, chemicals and concrete. While, at first, 3D printers were being used to create just basic shapes with different materials, more recently, they have been used to create advanced electronics, bio-medical devices and even houses.

Aircraft manufacturer Airbus recently showcased the world’s first 3D-printed mini aircraft, Thor, at the International Aerospace Exhibition and Air Show in Berlin. Although Airbus and its competitor have been using 3D-printed parts for their bigger assemblies, recent attempt shows that aviation may be ready for a new future with much lighter and cheaper planes given 3D printing not only cuts down the costs with less wastage, it also makes the plane lighter, thereby making them faster and more fuel efficient. But planes and toys is not what 3D printing might be restricted to; though in the elementary stage at the moment, the technology is being used for creating complex electronics like phones and wearables and may be able to reduce costs for manufacturers like Samsung and Apple.

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Jun 6, 2016

Elon Musk thinks we should insert ‘neural laces’ into our brains so we can become cyborgs

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, Elon Musk, neuroscience, robotics/AI, singularity

Too funny; 2 days ago the article was that Musk feared the future of Singularity and Cyborgs; now he believes that we should become cyborgs. Musk needs to make his mind up; however, I am beginning to wonder about him.

Related: Elon Musk thinks we’re basically living in the Matrix, and we should be glad about it

This week, in a conversation at Recode’s annual Code Conference, Musk shared a tentative idea for something called “neural laces,” which he imagines could mitigate the risk of humanity becoming something of a pet to superintelligence.

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Jun 5, 2016

The weird future: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos offer up extraordinary visions of the impact of technology

Posted by in categories: climatology, cyborgs, Elon Musk, neuroscience, robotics/AI, singularity, space travel

Musk concerns over Singularity/ cyborgs technology.

We are said to be headed towards a wired future. But that could equally be a weird future, going by what some tech entrepreneurs and artificial intelligence visionaries are saying about it. It’s going to get a lot weirder than self-driving smart cars. Elon Musk, who co-founded Paypal and started the Tesla electric car company – and thus has a track record of delivering on ambitious projects – also set up the SpaceX company, whose ultimate goal is to colonise Mars. He’s just announced, at this year’s Code Conference in Los Angeles, plans to send the first manned mission to Mars as early as 2024. Moreover cargo flights to Mars are also planned every two years, keeping in mind that a habitation on Mars will require regular supplies from earth.

Musk says he’s doing this to preserve humanity, since possibilities of a calamitous event that destroys human civilisation on earth – thanks to runaway advances in technology – are high. Perhaps we have a foretaste of this already when the Louvre museum packs up its treasures of human art and locks its doors due to floods in Paris, an event that has been linked to the pumping of greenhouse gases into the air that disrupt the earth’s climate. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos comes at the same issue from the opposite end. He says heavy industry is too polluting and will need to be relocated to outer space to preserve the earth.

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Jun 4, 2016

3 Reasons To Believe The Singularity Is Near

Posted by in categories: Ray Kurzweil, singularity

Not near…


The crazy predictions Ray Kurzweil made a decade ago don’t seem so outlandish now.

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Jun 3, 2016

Complex analogue and digital computations in engineered bacterial cells

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics, singularity

Definitely aligns with my NextGen transformational roadmap leading to Singularity. 5th Revolution is with Quantum technology, BMI, early Biocomputing. 6th Revolution is Singularity with Biocomputing evolved and all things living are enhanced via both technology and Biocomputing and several cases of hybrids through synthetic genes and technology. So, no shocker here.

A team of researchers at MIT has developed a technique to integrate both analogue and digital computation in living cells, allowing them to form gene circuits capable of carrying out complex processing operations.

Living cells are capable of performing complex computations on the environmental signals they encounter.

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Jun 1, 2016

What Will Electronics & Semiconductors Be Like In 100 Years?

Posted by in categories: computing, electronics, information science, nanotechnology, singularity

When I 1st read this headline, I had to pause and ask myself “was the article’s author informed at all on QC?” especially given China’s own efforts much less D-Wave, Google, and University of Sydney. And, then I read the article and I still have to wonder if the author is on top of the emerging technologies such as BMI, graphene, QC, and other nanotechnology that are already being tested to go live in the next 7 to 10 years plus much of the content is very superficial at best. I am glad that the author did put the tid bit on Singularity as the endpoint state; however, that is pretty well known. Nonetheles, sharing to let you be the judge.

For decades, we relied on silicon as the semiconductor for our computer chips. But now, working at nanometer scales, it looks like physical limitations may end the current methods to include more and more processing power onto each individual chip.

Many companies are making billion-dollar investments to continue scaling down semiconductor technology. The pressures of big data and cloud computing are pushing the limits of the current semiconductor technology in terms of bandwidth, memory, processing speed, and device power consumption.

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May 30, 2016

Transhumanismo Brasil Photo

Posted by in categories: singularity, transhumanism

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