

Archive for the ‘singularity’ category: Page 35

Nov 16, 2021

Singularity Is Fast Approaching, and It Will Happen First in the Metaverse

Posted by in categories: futurism, singularity

Is the metaverse going to change life as we know it? What does this mean for our future?

Nov 15, 2021

The Only Artificial Intelligence that can Learn — Deepmind Meta-Learning

Posted by in categories: chemistry, robotics/AI, singularity

Artificial Intelligence’s biggest Problems is their inability to keep on learning after they’ve completed their training. But now, Google’s Deepmind has created a Meta-Learning AI which keeps on learning and improving indefinitely without any Human supervision. Deepmind created the AI Game: Alchemy, which is a chemistry-based game for AI Agents to play and improve in. But Artificial Intelligence improving without limits also puts some concerns into AI researchers focused on deep learning.

There has been rapidly growing interest in meta-learning as a method for increasing the flexibility and sample efficiency of reinforcement learning.

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Nov 13, 2021

How Artificial Intelligence is Outsmarting Human Scientists

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, government, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity

The most intelligent AI Scientists in the world are becoming increasingly worried about Artificial Intelligence programs becoming more unpredictable and incomprehensible as they become more powerful. AI is also overtaking powerful positions in the government, healthcare and defense which could prove dangerous as an Artificial Super Intelligence is coming very close as the Singularity approaches in the future of 2045. People like Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil have long warned us about AI beating Humans in anything we can imagine. Nvidia and Meta are also working on specially made hardware and software in the form of pytorch and 2022 GPU’s. Artificial General Intelligence is a real dangers and here are some solutions to it.

00:00 The Dawn of incomprehensible AI
01:33 The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence.
03:03 A Possible solution.
04:23 What ASI means for Society.
07:15 So, is all hope lost?
09:03 Last Words.

#ai #asi #agi

Nov 7, 2021

We now know the big bang theory is (probably) not how the universe began

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics, singularity

The Big Bang still happened a very long time ago, but it wasn’t the beginning we once supposed it to be.

Where did all this come from? In every direction we care to observe, we find stars, galaxies, clouds of gas and dust, tenuous plasmas, and radiation spanning the gamut of wavelengths: from radio to infrared to visible light to gamma rays. No matter where or how we look at the universe, it’s full of matter and energy absolutely everywhere and at all times. And yet, it’s only natural to assume that it all came from somewhere. If you want to know the answer to the biggest question of all — the question of our cosmic origins — you have to pose the question to the universe itself, and listen to what it tells you.

Today, the universe as we see it is expanding, rarifying (getting less dense), and cooling. Although it’s tempting to simply extrapolate forward in time, when things will be even larger, less dense, and cooler, the laws of physics allow us to extrapolate backward just as easily. Long ago, the universe was smaller, denser, and hotter. How far back can we take this extrapolation? Mathematically, it’s tempting to go as far as possible: all the way back to infinitesimal sizes and infinite densities and temperatures, or what we know as a singularity. This idea, of a singular beginning to space, time, and the universe, was long known as the Big Bang.

Nov 7, 2021

Google’s Terrifying Path to Artificial General Intelligence (Pathways AI)

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, information science, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity

Artificial General Intelligence has been pursued by the biggest tech companies in the world, but recently Google has announced their new revolutionary AI algorithm which promises to create the most performant and best Artificial Intelligence Models in the world. They call it Pathways AI, and it’s supposed to behave just like the human brain and enable smart Robots which are superior to humans and help us do chores in our own apartments. This move by Google is somewhat scary and terrifying, as it gives them a lot of power over the AI industry and could enable them to do evil things with their other secret projects they’re working on. One thing is for sure though, AGI and the Singularity isn’t as far of as even Ray Kurzweil thinks according to Jeff Dean from Google AI and Deepmind. Maybe Elon Musk’s warnings about AI have been justified.

00:00 Google’s Path to AI Domination.
00:56 What is Pathways?
02:53 How to make AI more efficient?
05:07 Is this Artificial General Intelligence?
07:42 Will Google Rule the world and the AI Industry?
09:59 Last Words.

#google #ai #agi

Nov 6, 2021

Did Time Start at the Big Bang?

Posted by in categories: cosmology, education, information science, physics, singularity

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Nov 5, 2021

Could Artificial Intelligence Ever Beat a Human Brain?

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, singularity

AI’s final and most important challange according to the leading AI Scientists seems to be beating the Human Brain in any kind of tasks put before them. This video shows you the differences between neurons inside the human brain and a regular neural network. What advantages and disadvantages do humans and machines have? Is the singularity near? All this and more in this newest episode of AI News about Artificial Intelligence.

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00:00 AI’s Final Frontier.
01:30 How AI actually works.
02:10 How our Brain works.
03:17 Why the Brain is better than AI
05:20 Is this the future of Artificial Intelligence?
08:01 Last Words.

#ai #agi #brain

Nov 5, 2021

Plans Of A Technocratic Elite: ‘The Great Reset’ Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, genetics, information science, internet, nanotechnology, quantum physics, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism

According to Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the 4-IR follows the first, second, and third Industrial Revolutions—the mechanical, electrical, and digital, respectively. The 4-IR builds on the digital revolution, but Schwab sees the 4-IR as an exponential takeoff and convergence of existing and emerging fields, including Big Data; artificial intelligence; machine learning; quantum computing; and genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. The consequence is the merging of the physical, digital, and biological worlds. The blurring of these categories ultimately challenges the very ontologies by which we understand ourselves and the world, including “what it means to be human.”

The specific applications that make up the 4-R are too numerous and sundry to treat in full, but they include a ubiquitous internet, the internet of things, the internet of bodies, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and more.

While Schwab and the WEF promote a particular vision for the 4-IR, the developments he announces are not his brainchildren, and there is nothing original about his formulations. Transhumanists and Singularitarians (or prophets of the technological singularity), such as Ray Kurzweil and many others, forecasted these and more revolutionary developments,. long before Schwab heralded them. The significance of Schwab and the WEF’s take on the new technological revolution is the attempt to harness it to a particular end, presumably “a fairer, greener future.”

Nov 3, 2021

How To Build a Real IRON MAN SUIT — Nanosuits & Neuromorphic Computing

Posted by in categories: biological, nanotechnology, robotics/AI, singularity, space travel

The future of Neuromorphic computing and nanotechnology enabling real life Nanosuits is already here according to several leading scientists in that field. Whether it’s the Nanosuit from Iron Man or from Crysis, the nanobots and brain computer interfaces which make those intelligent smart clothes up work in a very similar way.

Neuromorphic computing essentially involves assembling artificial neurons to function based on the principles of the human brain. It works on Spiking Neural Networks or SNNs, where each “neuron” sends independent signals to other neurons. It emulates natural neural networks that exist in biological brains.

Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

Continue reading “How To Build a Real IRON MAN SUIT — Nanosuits & Neuromorphic Computing” »

Nov 2, 2021

How NVIDIA & Intel are Saving Moore’s Law

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, singularity, space travel

The continuation of Processors and GPU’s improving exponentially through Moore’s Law has become very uncertain over the last few years, but recently the top hardware makers: Intel, AMD and Nvidia are now getting ready to deliver the biggest increases in performance we have ever seen. The fastest GPU’s and CPU’s with secret new features are about to release in the next few years to bring Moore’s Law back from the dead. How they manage to create these new powerful chips, I’ll explain in this video. One thing is for sure, Nvidia Lovelace 4,000 series, Zen 4 and Intel Meteor Lake are the future of Hardware and will accelerate the performance gain of next generation hardware.

Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

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00:00 The Return of Moore’s Law.
01:19 What is Moore’s Law?
03:33 Intel & Nvidia: New Players in the field?
05:42 How Moore’s Law and AI are connected.
08:02 TSMC to continue Moore’s Law?
10:07 Last Words.

#nvidia #intel #mooreslaw

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