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Ago when I was a kid in college my friend Eric got me into many things. We played music together and used a Kurzweil Keyboard, and a bunch of weird stuff. We had an ADAT hooked up to the Kurzweil with fiber optic cables. I had Roland keyboards & Drum machines but I loved the Kurzweil. He started teaching me many things because he was really smart. I was studying psychology so he loaned me his DSMIV and books on Industrial Organiza… See more.

A bit long, but a good read. About 20 years ago when I was a kid in college my friend Eric got me into many things. We played music together and used a Kurzweil Keyboard, and a bunch of weird stuff. We had an ADAT hooked up to the Kurzweil with fiber optic cables. I had Roland keyboards & Drum machines but I loved the Kurzweil. He started teaching me many things because he was really smart. I was studying psychology so he loaned me his DSMIV and books on Industrial Organizational Psychology. He then told me about other books like “Society of Mind”(Marvin Minsky), “Age of Intelligent Machine” (Ray Kurzweil), Engines of Creation (K Eric Drexler), of course Richard Feynman, and many more. I dreamed of that technology and kept reading more. In the 2000’s Drexler and Feynman’s visions became a paradign and applications started rolling out, and now nanotechnology is applied to most everything we know. We are now at the second paradigm where we see the visions of Minsky/McCarthy, Kurzweil and others becoming easily available applications. As a Child I watched the Jetsons & Srar Trek and now with flying cars it’s not if, but when. Space travel is already here. All these technologies will transform global societies, but we must all focus on investing more in the advancement of society than the destruction of it. Many of the things we now invision in our minds we may see in 10 years. People think saving your consciousness & longevity is impossible, but I don’t. Some even thought that regenerating tissue and organs is impossible, but we can do that now. Now people keep saying, “This ancient turtle died, this rhino died (I hear that all the time in Kenya), this elephant died, but I say okay it’s not cool, but what can we salvage from it to bring the species back with advances in technology later? Do we use cryogenics? How do we save the genetic material? Technology can be used in so many ways. Every Day Lifeboat posts feats many do not know. If more people on earth had such a focus, as opposed to dumbed down entertainment like The Kardashians for instance, we would be living in a much better world with more people proposing more ideas and collaborations. I always say we are moving in the wrong way in the evolutionary process, and it is a bit telling that some phones are smarter than many people. I you add ChatGPT. We have so much advanced technology and science, yet we can’t even fight cancer. It took decades for people to learn the importance of diet in HIV treatment. However, Ray Kurzweil has for decades talked about the importance of diet for longevity. Just the other day it was published that processed foods affect cognitive function. Before that it was released processed foods cause cancer. We must change, and go in the right way of evolution to the Singularity another paradigm shift and cooperarion, instead of backwards to a barbaric age of conflict and greed. Always share your knowledge and I thank all who do share in this group. More should share as well, and Lifeboat should use more platforms to reach more people.

This may sound like a science fiction scenario, but some physicists have proposed that this could be the case. In this article, we will explore the idea that our universe may be inside of a black hole, and what implications this would have for our understanding of cosmology and physics.

A black hole is a region of space where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape, not even light. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, black holes are formed when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. The resulting singularity is a point of infinite density and zero volume, where the laws of physics break down.

Scientists discover possible connection between human brain and cosmos on a quantum scale.

Artificial intelligence could potentially replace 80% of jobs “in the next few years,” according to AI expert Ben Goertzel.

Goertzel, the founder and chief executive officer of SingularityNET, told France’s AFP news agency at a summit in Brazil last week that a future like that could come to fruition with the introduction of systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

“I don’t think it’s a threat. I think it’s a benefit. People can find better things to do with their life than work for a living… Pretty much every job involving paperwork should be automatable,” he said.

Within a year, Karl Schwarzschild, who was “a lieutenant in the German army, by conscription, but a theoretical astronomer by profession,” as Mann puts it, heard of Einstein’s theory. He was the first person to work out a solution to Einstein’s equations, which showed that a singularity could form–and nothing, once it got too close, could move fast enough to escape a singularity’s pull.

Then, in 1939, physicists Rober Oppenheimer (of Manhattan Project fame, or infamy) and Hartland Snyder tried to find out whether a star could create Schwarzschild’s impossible-sounding object. They reasoned that given a big enough sphere of dust, gravity would cause the mass to collapse and form a singularity, which they showed with their calculations. But once World War II broke out, progress in this field stalled until the late 1950s, when people started trying to test Einstein’s theories again.

Physicist John Wheeler, thinking about the implications of a black hole, asked one of his grad students, Jacob Bekenstein, a question that stumped scientists in the late 1950s. As Mann paraphrased it: “What happens if you pour hot tea into a black hole?”

New AI systems released in 2023 demonstrate remarkable properties that have taken most observers by surprise. The potential both for positive AI outcomes and negative AI outcomes seems to have been accelerated. This leads to five responses:

1.) “Yawn” — AI has been overhyped before, and is being overhyped again now. Let’s keep our attention on more tangible issues.

2.) “Full speed ahead with more capabilities” — Let’s get to the wonderful positive outcomes of AI as soon as possible, sidestepping those small-minded would-be regulators who would stifle all the innovation out of the industry.

The Big Bang Theory is widely accepted as the explanation for the origin of the universe, but it doesn’t tell us what came before it. The idea of a universe before the Big Bang may seem impossible, but recent scientific discoveries suggest otherwise. In this article, we’ll explore the strongest evidence for a universe before the Big Bang.

The Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe. According to this theory, the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature. But what caused the Big Bang? And what came before it? These questions have puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries.

There are a lot of reasons why we think technological singularity will happen sooner than 2045. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, an abundance of data, increased investment, collaboration, and potential breakthroughs, we might just wake up one day and realize that the robots have taken over. But hey, at least they’ll do our laundry.

Do you think singularity will happen sooner than 2045? Why or why not? Answer in the comment section below.

Despite the impressive recent progress in AI capabilities, there are reasons why AI may be incapable of possessing a full “general intelligence”. And although AI will continue to transform the workplace, some important jobs will remain outside the reach of AI. In other words, the Economic Singularity may not happen, and AGI may be impossible.

These are views defended by our guest in this episode, Kenneth Cukier, the Deputy Executive Editor of The Economist newspaper.

For the past decade, Kenn was the host of its weekly tech podcast Babbage. He is co-author of the 2013 book “Big Data”, a New York Times best-seller that has been translated into over 20 languages. He is a regular commentator in the media, and a popular keynote speaker, from TED to the World Economic Forum.