

Archive for the ‘security’ category: Page 109

Oct 1, 2016

Robot customs officers debut in China ports

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, security

Robotic Custom Guards — could this be the answer to all countries problems for border security and police as part of fairness?

NK Technology, Beijing, Oct 2 : Ten robots have started working as customs officers at three ports in China’s Guangdong province, authorities said on Sunday.

They were the first batch of intelligent robots, to be used by Chinese customs at the ports of Gongbei, Hengqin and Zhongshan, Xinhua news agency reported.

The robots, named Xiao Hai, have state-of-the-art perception technology and are able to listen, speak, learn, see and walk.

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Sep 29, 2016

Will quantum teleportation defeat quantum decryption?

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, finance, quantum physics, security

Nice article; however, not sure if the author is aware Los Alamos already has a quantum net as well as some Europe banks have the capabilities and 4 months ago it was announced that a joint effort by various countries from Europe, Asia, etc. have come together to re-engineer the Net infrastructure with QC technology…

Maybe the quantum will giveth what the quantum taketh away… at least when it comes to secure transmissions.

There’s been much speculation that emerging quantum computers will become capable of breaking advanced public key cryptography systems, such as 2048-bit RSA. This might leave encrypted data transmissions exposed to anyone who happens to own such a quantum computer.

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Sep 26, 2016

Terrorist in the machine: U.S. DOJ fears IoT for security

Posted by in categories: government, internet, security, terrorism

The huge wave of Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices has the U.S. government worried that the technology harbors lurking security threats.

According to a Defense One article, the U.S. Department of Justice has joined other agencies in evaluating IoT technology for national security risks.

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Sep 24, 2016

The robot bodyguard is coming — and you’ll want one

Posted by in categories: business, law enforcement, military, robotics/AI, security, transhumanism

My new story for VentureBeat on the coming of robot bodyguards. I’ll be speaking about this next week at RoboBusiness 2016, a major robotics conference in San Jose:

I recently consulted with the US Navy on all things “transhuman.” In those conversations about how science and technology can help the human race evolve beyond its natural limits, it was clear that military is keen on replacing human soldiers with both fighting and peacekeeping machines so American military lives never have to come under fire or be in harm’s way.

However, it’s the peacekeeping technology that is particularly interesting for many civilians. While you wouldn’t want an armed Terminator in your home, you might like a robot that travels with you and offers personal protection, like a bodyguard. In a survey by Travelzoo of 6,000 participants, nearly 80 percent of people said they expect robots to be a significant part of their lives by 2020 — and that those robots might even join them on holidays.

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Sep 23, 2016

Quantum computers will cripple encryption methods within decade, CSE head warns

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, internet, quantum physics, security

Definitely less than a decade and even less than 7 especially with China Quantum Satellite, Google’s plan release next year of a Quantum device, etc. I hope folks don’t still believe that we’re immune from a QC attack after 2025.

In a rare public speech, Greta Bossenmaier, chief of the Communications Security Establishment, said cryptologists at the CSE and around the world are racing to find new cryptographic standards before Y2Q — years to quantum — predicted for 2026.

She is the third senior CSE official this week to warn publicly of the threat quantum computing poses to widely used public key cryptography (PKC), protecting sensitive data transmissions from hackers, hacktivists, foreign state spies and other malicious actors.

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Sep 20, 2016

How quantum computing could unpick encryption to reveal decades of online secrets

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, quantum physics, security

QC will need to be on any IT, Security, and/ or tech connected product future state roadmap that spans a 5 + year period because the planning, funding, change management (retooling of resources), etc. will take time to plan & prepare not to mention all those internal & external dependencies and their own efforts around QC in the future because it truly would stink to see an AT&T, or HomeDepot, etc. that invested in their own QC compliant infrastructure suddenly attacked because an external source that they pull from is not QC.

The encryption we take for granted as being uncrackable would have a limited shelf-life in the quantum age, says a security expert.

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Sep 20, 2016

Prepare for threat of quantum computing to encrypted data, Canadian conference told

Posted by in categories: business, computing, encryption, government, quantum physics, security

My suggestion; don’t be one of those companies and governments in the next 5yrs that waits until the 9th hour meanwhile others planned, invested, and executed properly so they’re not exposed like you are.

The race to create new cryptographic standards before super-fast quantum computers are built that can rip apart data protected by existing encryption methods isn’t going fast enough, two senior Canadian officials have warned a security conference.

“I think we are already behind,” Scott Jones, deputy chief of IT security at the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), responsible for securing federal information systems, told the fourth annual international workshop on quantum-safe cryptography in Toronto on Monday.

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Sep 19, 2016

ISARA Corporation Readies Security Measures for the Quantum Age

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, internet, quantum physics, security

Wireless security and internet standards experts release a complete quantum resistant toolkit for commercial use.

TORONTO, Sept. 19, 2016 /CNW/ — 4TH ETSI/IQC Workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptography – ISARA Corporation today announced the availability of its ISARA Quantum Resistant (IQR) Toolkit. The toolkit helps software and hardware solution providers build robust commercial products that protect vulnerable infrastructure against the threat quantum computing already poses to widely-used security standards.

Similar to the Y2K crisis, the technology industry is facing a ‘Y2Q’ (years to quantum) challenge that has a limited timeline and requires significant work to ensure systems and information are properly protected. The massive processing power of quantum computers is such that, without integrating quantum resistant security solutions, all security that depends on existing standards is vulnerable.

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Sep 14, 2016

How Russia and the UN are actually planning to take over the Internet

Posted by in categories: internet, security, transportation


According to a countdown clock from Sen. Ted Cruz, there are less than three weeks until the Obama administration puts the Internet at risk from takeover and censorship by China, Russia, and Iran. This conspiratorial fearmongering is, frankly, absurd.

But just because this particular alleged conspiracy is insane doesn’t mean that there is no conspiracy. Of course authoritarian regimes want more control over the Internet, and at this very moment, they are working through the U.N. to get it. But instead of targeting the administration of the domain name system (which, thanks to the so-called “IANA transition” Sen. Cruz opposes, is nearly out of their reach), their chosen vehicle is next-generation Internet standards, particularly an arcane proposal called the Digital Object Architecture (DOA). The best way to stop authoritarian regimes and keep the Internet free is to go through with the transition.

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Sep 10, 2016

DARPA Wants a ‘Social Supercollider’ To Help It Understand Humans

Posted by in categories: military, security

The Pentagon wants to fundamentally change how social science research is conducted.

The Defense Department uses principles of human behavior to make major decisions affecting national security, but social science is inherently limited, according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, mostly because social scientists “rarely, if ever, have ground truth” about “actual causes of observed behaviors in the ‘real world.’”

To help mitigate those shortcomings, DARPA is gathering information on ways, and potentially new technology, that can assess how closely social science research methods do represent the real world. Simulations, for instance, could be used to calibrate whether the inferences about human behavior social scientists make when they’re conducting an analysis are valid.

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