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The ALMA telescope in Chile has transformed how we see the universe, showing us otherwise invisible parts of the cosmos. This array of incredibly precise antennas studies a comparatively high-frequency sliver of radio light: waves that range from a few tenths of a millimeter to several millimeters in length. Recently, scientists pushed ALMA to its limits, harnessing the array’s highest-frequency (shortest wavelength) capabilities, which peer into a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that straddles the line between infrared light and radio waves.

“High-frequency radio observations like these are normally not possible from the ground,” said Brett McGuire, a chemist at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia, and lead author on a paper appearing in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. “They require the extreme precision and sensitivity of ALMA, along with some of the driest and most stable that can be found on Earth.”

Under ideal atmospheric conditions, which occurred on the evening of 5 April 2018, astronomers trained ALMA’s highest-frequency, submillimeter vision on a curious region of the Cat’s Paw Nebula (also known as NGC 6334I), a star-forming complex located about 4,300 light-years from Earth in the direction of the southern constellation Scorpius.

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Computing innovation, computer-generated images, Virtual Reality Glasses, Hybrid Reality, communications, Holographic platform, AR, VR, PC, lifelike experience, 3D cameras, cosmic computing, computer security, gaming displays, in-flight entertainment, computer code, Holographic ideal/paradigm, gaming mechanics, automotive, medical, space, spatial, holographic memory, Artificial Neural Networks, Robotics, holographic 3D, software company, mixed-realty, holographic data, hologram monitors, hologram keyboards, voice equipment, projector system, Holographic apps, HD photography, smartphones, tablets, TVs, laptops, digital displays, 360 Video, Virtual Realty Headsets, Mobile Platforms, holographic universe, ubiquitous computing paradigm, virtual images, Holoquad, Holographic Projector Pyramid, cloud computing, spaceships, teleportation, anti-gravity devices, emulation, advanced technology, light field displays, Mobile Hologram Technology, computer programs, untethered, Immersive Technology, Computer Chips, Elohim computer, custom software, mobile application development, computing library, human-computer interactions, Artificial Neural Networks, holographic memory, Spider-Robots, pop-up gaming displays, automate machinery, computer-generated simulation, 3D Pyramid, consumer electronics, personal computers, holographic images, real-world objects, hardware interconnection, missionary, virtual assistant, Computer Systems Structure, two-dimensional computer display, computerization, Projection Screen, Portable, 3D printer, Hologram goggles, 3D Holographic Projection Technology, Hologram Computer Table, hologram generator, multilevel computer, mixed reality, Bluetooth enabled, Virtual Reality Display, transparent screen display, quantum computer, computer animation, 3D plasma display, meta surface, Dark Energy, holographic interferograms, photorefractive, Holographic atomic memory, computer-generated hologram, real-time hologram, x-ray mirror mandrels, virtual wavefront recording plane, Artificial intelligence, AI, Human Resources, Advertising, Animation, Graphic Web Design, Photography, Robotics, computer science, human-robot interaction, Emergency Medical Hologram, wearable computing, bio-computing, battlefield simulations, Holographic Associative Memory, artificial neural network, Digital Avatar.

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Historically, water managers throughout the thirsty state of California have relied on hydrology and water engineering—both technical necessities—as well as existing drought and flood patterns to plan for future water needs.

Now, is projected to shift as winters become warmer, spring snowmelt arrives earlier, and extreme weather-related events increase. Some water utilities have started to consider these risks in their management, but many do not. Lack of change adaptation among water utilities can put water supplies and the people dependent on them at risk, especially in marginalized communities, a new University of California, Davis, paper suggests.

The paper, which analyzes various approaches to climate science by drinking water utility managers in California, was presented along with new research at the American Sociology Association Conference in Philadelphia on Aug. 11. The paper, “Climate Information? Embedding Climate Futures within Social Temporalities of California Water Management,” was published this spring in the journal Environmental Sociology.

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Reps. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), who serve as the chairman and ranking member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and U.Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), who serve as the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today announced the introduction of House and Senate companions of the National Quantum Initiative Act. The legislation would accelerate and coordinate public and private quantum science research, standards, and workforce development to give the United States a competitive advantage as China and Europe vie to achieve technological breakthroughs in this field.

Chairman Smith: “The National Quantum Initiative Act will accelerate the development of quantum information science in the United States and secure our leadership in the quantum sector. As other nations are rapidly developing their own quantum programs, the U.S. faces the risk of falling behind. This legislation provides a path forward to ensure that the U.S. secures its influence in the next generation of science and technology. I am glad that Senator John Thune has joined me in introducing this legislation, along with our respective Ranking Democrat Committee Members Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson and Senator Bill Nelson.

”The bill creates a 10-year federal program that will significantly develop our quantum knowledge. It will bring a whole of government approach to advance QIS to the next level of research and development, while also creating public-private partnerships, leveraging the resources and expertise of government, industry and academia. Through new research facilities and a strong workforce pipeline, students and researchers will have greater resources and opportunities to develop their quantum skills and create the next great computing innovation. There is no doubt quantum technology will revolutionize our world to come. This bill secures American leadership in quantum science and guarantees a first place finish in the great quantum race.”

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BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Two new permanent exhibits just opened at the Maryland Science Center, capturing the imagination of children of all ages.

The two new exhibits are titled “Science Aglow” and “Water Play.”

Science Aglow is an exhibit on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. It was developed and built in-house, involving topics of light, radiation, energy and optics. Kids can capture their shadow, use infrared cameras, experiment with light sensors, and observe how different animals view light.

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A new IMAS-led paper published in the science journal Nature Climate Change has highlighted the challenges faced by scientists, governments and communities as rising levels of CO2 are absorbed by the world’s oceans.

Researchers have found that in recent centuries surface ocean pH has fallen ten times faster than in the past 300 million years and that impacts are being felt on ecosystems, economies and communities worldwide.

The economic cost to coral reefs, wild fisheries and aquaculture alone of the process known as Ocean Acidification is projected to reach more than US $300 billion per annum.

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