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The Future Observatory

Posted in 3D printing, asteroid/comet impacts, automation, big data, biological, bionic, bioprinting, biotech/medical, bitcoin, business, chemistry, climatology, complex systems, computing, cosmology, counterterrorism, cybercrime/malcode, cyborgs, defense, driverless cars, drones, economics, education, energy, engineering, entertainment, environmental, ethics, events, evolution, existential risks, exoskeleton, finance, food, futurism, genetics, geopolitics, government, habitats, hardware, homo sapiens, human trajectories, humor, information science, innovation, law, law enforcement, life extension, lifeboat, media & arts, military, nanotechnology, neuroscience, nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, open access, open source, particle physics, philosophy, policy, polls, posthumanism, privacy, rants, robotics/AI, science, scientific freedom, security, singularity, space, space travel, supercomputing, surveillance, sustainability, time travel, transhumanism, transparency, transportation, water

FEBRUARY 05/2014 UPDATES [LIST]. By Mr. Andres Agostini at
Do autistic brains create more information at rest or do they have weaker connectivity — or both?…ty-or-both

‘Electronic tongue’ identifies brands of beer with 81.9% accuracy…9-accuracy

Bodily maps of emotions

Antibiotic ‘smart bomb’ can target specific strains of bacteria…f-bacteria

Trends and Predictions: How the Future Looks Like for Web Design in 2014

Trends and Predictions: How the Future Looks Like for Web Design in 2014

Credit cards of the future: 4 exciting trends…z2sMsGbooH

The 5 foods best-suited for 3D printing

Nature is Not Human-Centric

Your Brain Is Fine-Tuning Its Wiring Throughout Your Life…9896376047]&action_type_map=[%22og.likes%22]&action_ref_map=[]

The World’s Smallest Engine Runs on a Single Atom…m-16451781

Guest column: Constituent care — Are government contact centers ready for the generational flood?…SY.twitter

Searching for Life on Earth-Like Planets May Be a Mistake, Need to Consider Superhabitable Planets

Searching for Life on Earth-Like Planets May Be a Mistake, Need to Consider Superhabitable Planets

Survey says more attention being paid to data privacy, but still a ways to go…ign=buffer

Quantum engineers make a major step towards a scalable quantum computer…m-computer

Was There A Beginning Of Time And Will There Be An End Of Time?…vEN9LTSmHd

DHS has become the epicenter for government cybersecurity

THE FUTURE OF THE MIND: Official Trailer

What the Internet of Things Will Mean for CIOs

Why predictive maintenance is more relevant today than ever before…ver-before

Stanford scientists put free text-analysis tool on the web…s-tool-web

Dangerous ideas: About that Princeton Facebook study — wrong, but not entirely crazy…book-study

Personal Banking and the Data-Driven Approach…e=activity

20 Lessons Enterprise CIOs Can Learn from Supercomputing…uting.html

Big data misused to justify vaccination…accination

First Single-Molecule LED…lecule-led

Employment in Renewable Energy Sector Reaches 5.7 Million Globally…ews_ID=351

The World Has Deep Areas of Expertise. We Need Agility and Context…nk+Main%29

Marc Andreessen Has A Great Answer For Why Bitcoin Matters…2014-1

Motorola Patents Electronic Telepathy

New Solar Cells Get the Blues in a Good Way

Energy Update: New Solar Cells Get the Blues in a Good Way

A window to the future of research

Surface map of a brown dwarf

The future of oil supply

The Human enhancement and the future of work project

Whole-genome sequence of a flatfish provides insights into ZW sex chromosome evolution and adaptation to a benthic lifestyle

Scientists reading fewer papers for first time in 35 years…rs-1.14658

Elsevier opens its papers to text-mining

Top UK university pledges reform to ‘change the culture’ of its animal research

Top UK university pledges reform to ‘change the culture’ of its animal research

Challenging Israel

Challenging Israel

Pruning Synapses Improves Brain Connections…nnections/

Science Cartoonist Doesn’t Draw “Funny Style”…ny-Style-/

Opinion: The Burden of Proof…-of-Proof/

The Dilemma of Space Debris…ace-debris

Flights of Fancy in Avian Evolution…-evolution

How to Fight Back Against Antibiotic Resistance…resistance

Ocean Acidification: The Other Climate Change Issue…ange-issue

QUOTATION: “…The flattening of the world is going to be hugely disruptive to both traditional and developed societies. The weak will fall further behind faster. The traditional will feel the force of modernization much more profoundly. The new will get turned into old quicker. The developed will be challenged by the underdeveloped much more profoundly. I worry, because so much political stability is built on economic stability, and economic stability is not going to be a feature of the flat world. Add it all up and you can see that the disruptions and going to come faster and harder. No one is immune ─ not me, not you, not Microsoft. WE ARE ENTERING AN ERA OF CREATIVE DESTRUCTION ON STEROIDS. Dealing with flatism is going to be a challenge of a whole new dimension even if your country has a strategy. But if you don’t have a strategy at all, well, again, you’ve warned…”

RECOMMENDED BOOK: The Living Company: Growth, Learning and Longevity in Business by Arie De Geus
ISBN-13: 978–1857881851


Mr. Andres Agostini

The Future Observatory

Posted in 3D printing, automation, big data, biological, bionic, bioprinting, biotech/medical, bitcoin, business, chemistry, climatology, complex systems, computing, cosmology, counterterrorism, cybercrime/malcode, cyborgs, defense, driverless cars, drones, economics, education, energy, engineering, entertainment, environmental, ethics, events, existential risks, exoskeleton, finance, food, futurism, general relativity, genetics, geopolitics, government, habitats, hardware, health, human trajectories, information science, innovation, law, life extension, military, mobile phones, nanotechnology, neuroscience, nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, open access, open source, particle physics, philosophy, physics, policy, polls, posthumanism, privacy, rants, robotics/AI, science, scientific freedom, security, singularity, space, supercomputing, surveillance, sustainability, transhumanism, transparency, transportation, treaties, water

FEBRUARY 04/2014 UPDATES. By Mr. Andres Agostini at
Lockheed Uses Robot Arm To Build F-35s…SOC&dom=fb

New Method of Creating Stem Cells is a “Game Changer”…u7rhLTSmHd

The Future of Skunkworks Management to Impossible Business Enterprises

Was There A Beginning Of Time And Will There Be An End Of Time?…u7yMbTSmHd

Stem Cell Powder Regrows Finger…ows-finger

Bill Gates: We need global ‘energy miracles’

Forecast: America to be hit by temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees…grees.html

Top 10 cities people are moving to…?iid=HP_LN

The Super Rich are mad as hell — and doing great…_Highlight

Was There A Beginning Of Time And Will There Be An End Of Time?…u8CN7TSmHd

Quantum Vibrations Evidence For Theory Of Consciousness?…ess-127866

Facebook Steps Onto Twitter’s TV Data Turf

Big Data Debates: Machines Vs. Humans…vs-humans/

Brain-Machine Interfaces Threaten Privacy of Thought…f-thought/

Researchers find early developmental signal hidden amid ‘noncoding’ RNA

‘On’ switches for cells

Eye Movement Can Reveal Much about Your Personality and Behavior…-behavior/

Storage system dramatically speeds access to ‘big data’

Training your brain using MEG neurofeedback

‘Rogue’ asteroids may be the norm

Quantum engineers make a major step towards a scalable quantum computer…m-computer

Quantum espionage

Faces Of The Future? Artist Nickolay Lamm’s Illustrations Show Freaky Facial Features (PHOTOS)…91747.html

Quantum encryption for wiretap-proof communication a step closer…tep-closer

The Fastest-Growing Jobs of This Decade (and the Robots That Will Steal Them)…em/283411/

IBM’s Next Big Thing: Psychic Twitter Bots

Robots Are Coming for Our Poems

Researchers Identify Major Obstacle to Converting Cells Back to Their Youthful State

Researchers Identify Major Obstacle to Converting Cells Back to Their Youthful State

SUGGESTED BOOK: Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler
ISBN-13: 978–1451614213

QUOTATION: “…Again, yesterday holds tomorrow hostage .… Memory is past. It is finite. Vision is future. It is infinite. Vision is greater than history…”

SUGGESTED BOOK: Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler. ISBN-13: 978–1451614213

Mr. Andres Agostini

The Future Observatory

Posted in 3D printing, automation, big data, biological, bionic, bioprinting, biotech/medical, bitcoin, business, chemistry, climatology, complex systems, computing, cosmology, cyborgs, defense, driverless cars, drones, economics, education, energy, engineering, environmental, ethics, existential risks, exoskeleton, finance, food, fun, futurism, general relativity, genetics, geopolitics, government, habitats, hardware, health, human trajectories, humor, information science, innovation, law enforcement, life extension, lifeboat, media & arts, military, mobile phones, nanotechnology, neuroscience, open access, philosophy, physics, policy, posthumanism, privacy, robotics/AI, science, scientific freedom, security, singularity, space, space travel, supercomputing, surveillance, sustainability, time travel, transhumanism, transparency, transportation

FEBRUARY 03/2014 UPDATES. By Mr.Andres Agostini at
Maps showing which parts of the world would be flooded if all the world’s ice melted

3-D printing takes shape…k-oth-1401

40 more maps that explain the world…the-world/

The Future of Space-Age Management

Race Is On to Find Life Under Antarctic Ice…vironment/

Google sets up artificial intelligence ethics board to curb the rise of the robots…obots.html


40 charts that explain the world…the-world/

Assignment Remix: Intern-preneurs and Building Bold Thinking…ship-work/

The 3rd Citizen Cyberscience Summit: Feb 20 — 22, 2014

Waypoint 2 Space Trains Passengers For Commercial Launches…-launches/

Megacity Tips from Europe’s Highest Town as Davos Debates Future…uture.html

Student-built satellite sends data from space

How the Dream Chaser was built

How Is Business Intelligence Being Used Differently in Asia?…ently-asia

Stumbling Blocks That Faceplant Security Analytics Programs

Bio-printing human parts will spark ethical, regulatory debate…ory_debate

Bioprinting human organs and tissue: Get ready for the great 3D printer debate…000025730/

China Emerges Tanzania’s Major Investor…um=twitter

How We Increased Productivity on the Shop Floor…iness&_r=1

Eve Online virtual war ‘costs $300,000′ in damage

Millions experiencing Arctic chill, new snow

Google Still Wins by Selling Motorola for Cheap

There’s a giant robot directing traffic in Congo…-in-congo/

The Link Between Viral Content And Emotional Intelligence…Company%29

Scientists Create Map of Solar System’s Asteroids

Hackers, spies, threats and the US spies’ budget

Sparking innovation

NASA Instruments on European Comet Spacecraft Begin Countdown…z2s912yA9p

Media Relations: Why The Economist Thinks We Have It Wrong…ite_tweets

How Your Internal Organs Could Power Implanted Devices…6??src=rss

7 Takeaways From Google’s Sale Of Motorola To Lenovo…ium=social

Mad for mapping: 6 projects that change the way you see data. What lessons can geography teach your business?…ata-382783

Trendspotting: 6 mapping trends that are good for business…695409%3D1

Google’s New A.I. Ethics Board Might Save Humanity From Extinction…=FullStory

Russian Coders, Ukrainian Cybercriminal, Mexican Smugglers, And The Largest Cybercrime In History…ry-1547854

African banks investigated for cybercrime complicity…ccS6U.dpuf

Will the Next Industrial Revolution Be Bigger than the First? Will Geospatial Technology be Part of It?…art-of-it/

New Patent Mapping System Helps Find Innovation Pathways…n-pathways

America’s Most Promising Companies: The Top 25 Of 2014…5-of-2014/

Solving the Mobile Device Dilemma: InZero Systems offers 2-Tablets-in-1…-in-1.html

What We Talk About When We Talk About Economies Of Scale In Tech

What We Talk About When We Talk About Economies Of Scale In Tech

Emerging markets: Locus of extremity | The Economist…-extremity

Climate change research is globally skewed

Towards the circular economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains…ly-chains/

QUOTATION: “…Our world tomorrow will be utterly different, in ways we cannot even conceive…”

RECOMMENDED BOOK: Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics by Paul Ormerod
ISBN-13: 978–0470089194


Mr. Andres Agostini

Future Observatory

Posted in 3D printing, automation, big data, biological, bionic, bioprinting, biotech/medical, bitcoin, business, chemistry, climatology, complex systems, computing, cosmology, counterterrorism, defense, driverless cars, drones, economics, education, energy, engineering, environmental, ethics, existential risks, finance, food, futurism, general relativity, genetics, geopolitics, government, hardware, health, human trajectories, information science, innovation, law, life extension, lifeboat, media & arts, mobile phones, nanotechnology, neuroscience, nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, particle physics, philosophy, physics, policy, polls, posthumanism, privacy, robotics/AI, science, scientific freedom, security, singularity, space, space travel, supercomputing, surveillance, sustainability, transparency, transportation JANUARY/30/2014 HEADLINES. By Mr. Andres Agostini

Cancer Researchers Identify New Drug to Inhibit Breast Cancer

Cancer Researchers Identify New Drug to Inhibit Breast Cancer

Russia, US to join forces against space threats…eats-1145/

The rise of artificial intelligence…317g3.html

MIT and Harvard release working papers on open online courses…-282009765

13 Quotes That Show Why Libertarian Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel Is A Scary Genius

Quantum cloud simulates magnetic monopole

North Korea possesses two-thirds of the world’s rare earths…re-earths/

Recent discovery of quantum vibrations in microtubules inside brain neurons corroborates controversial theory of consciousness…ciousness/

The internet population in China hit 618 million in 2013 with 81% connected via mobile internet…-internet/

The Bitcoin ATM Has a Dirty Secret: It Needs a Chaperone

Can Science Save Modern Art?

Welcome to the 2020s (Future Timeline Events 2020–2029)

2070–2079 timeline

Lemur Studio Design develops mine detector in a shoe

CERN experiment produces first beam of antihydrogen atoms for hyperfine study

Architects build the jellyfish house around a floating pool

wiel arets architects build the jellyfish house around a floating pool

Monitoring Drugs Flowing in the Bloodstream

$1.7 million personal submarine lets you ‘fly’ underwater…nderwater/

Computing with silicon neurons: Scientists use artificial nerve cells to classify different types of data

10 technology trends to watch in 2014

The year ahead: Hot ICT tech trends in 2014

5 Futuristic Trends That Will Shape Business And Culture Today…ture-today

Stephen Hawking says there is no such thing as black holes, Einstein spinning in his grave…-his-grave

Google’s Ray Kurzweil predicts how the world will change

Celebrating water cooperation: Red Sea to Dead Sea…03800.html

7 Trends For 2014

8 Quick Ways to Unlock Your Creative Potential…strecent-3

Exploring Mars Habitability – Opportunity Updates Our Understanding of Our Planetary Neighbour

Exploring Mars Habitability – Opportunity Updates Our Understanding of Our Planetary Neighbour

DAILY QUOTE: By Michael Anissimov utters, “…One of the biggest flaws in the common conception of the future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create…”


Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies — and What It Means to Be Human by Joel Garreau
ISBN-13: 978–0767915038


Mr. Andres Agostini

The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now! By Mr. Andres Agostini
This is an excerpt from the conclusion section of, “…The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now!…” that discusses some management theories and practices and strategies. To view the entire piece, just click the link at the end of this post:
Peter Drucker asserted, “…In a few hundred years, when the story of our [current] time is written from a long-term perspective, it is likely that the most important event those historians will see is not technology, not the Internet, not e-commerce [not so-called ‘social media’]. IT is an unprecedented change in the human condition. For the first time ─ literally ─ substantial and growing numbers of people have choices. for the first time, they will have to manage themselves. And society is totally unprepared for it…”
Please see the full presentation at


Written by John Kelly USA Today

The National Security Agency isn’t the only government entity secretly collecting data from people’s cellphones. Local police are increasingly scooping it up, too.

Armed with new technologies, including mobile devices that tap into cellphone data in real time, dozens of local and state police agencies are capturing information — about thousands of cellphone users at a time, whether they are targets of an investigation or not, according to public records obtained by USA Today, The Des Moines Register and other Gannett newspapers and TV stations.

The records, from more than 125 police agencies in 33 states, reveal:

Read more

If NSA employees were bummed that President Obama hasn’t paid them a visit, they’re going to be devastated to learn that all their favorite tech companies are publicly calling them out. Eight companies – Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, Yahoo, LinkedIn and AOL – have put aside their rivalries and issued a call for the reform of government surveillance. “We understand that governments have a duty to protect their citizens. But this summer’s revelations highlighted the urgent need to reform government surveillance practices worldwide,” says an open letter featured in full-page ads in several newspaper on Monday. “The balance in many countries has tipped too far in favor of the state and away from the rights of the individual — rights that are enshrined in our Constitution. This undermines the freedoms we all cherish.”

Read more

Will drones give you better shopping recommendations by watching your house?

By Adi Robertson on

Since Jeff Bezos announced Amazon’s hypothetical delivery-by-octocopter service earlier this week, its drones have become a point of focus for existing debates over privacy, regulation, and “disruptive” technology. The plan has given a sense of urgency to questions about widespread governmental and commercial drone use, and a new hook for members of Congress trying to answer those questions through legislation. Yesterday, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) became the second member of Congress to raise the specter of Amazon Prime Air to support an anti-surveillance bill, giving a sometimes colorful account of how the drones could change our future.

“In just a few years, Bezos said people will be able to order something online and have it in their hands within 30 minutes by the use of drones. It sounds like something out of the Jetsons, doesn’t it? Gone will be the days of the neighborhood mail carriers. Soon there will be a drone to replace them. According to Amazon, these drones can deliver packages up to 5 pounds, which makes up 90 percent of their deliveries.

Mr. Speaker, thousands of Americans use Amazon every year, especially around the holiday season. Amazon, unlike the glitch-ridden government Web sites, can efficiently use online Internet services that get a timely product to market. Think of how many drones could soon be flying around the sky. Here a drone, there a drone, everywhere a drone in the United States.”

Read more

I believe Google is making a huge mistake in completely banning facial recognition systems for its Glass product. In my opinion, such a system could be used to help save thousands of lives. But then, we’re too damn caught up on absolute privacy that we’re willing to sacrifice actual, physical lives to ensure our privacy remains untainted. Such individualist dogma is deadly.

According to the Amber Alert webpage, “A child goes missing in the United States every 40 seconds,” and that “More than 700,000 children go missing annually.” That is an absolutely frightening statistic! Much more frightening than the prospect that some Glass user may know my name.

How far are we willing to go to ensure absolute privacy isn’t diminished whatsoever? When does the right of privacy begin interfering with the right of safety? Can the two come together in harmony, or are they destined to be in conflict until society finally reaches a decision over one or the other?

I understand the desire for privacy, but as I’ve argued in the past, as we as a society become more public and technologically open-source, the idea of privacy slowly fades away. That isn’t to say that some forms of privacy can’t be maintained. Surely we should have the right to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ over whether or not our private data is to be shared publicly. That level of freedom and choice could easily maintain a sense of privacy to each individual.

But then, when it comes to missing children, or even missing adults, should we not then be willing to sacrifice a portion of our privacy to ensure the safety of those who’s gone missing? It doesn’t even have to be that large of a peek into each’s private lives — simply a facial recog. map, a name, and whether or not they’re reported missing, or even possibly wanted.

Picture this with me: It’s 2014 and only a few months have passed since the commercial launch of Google Glass. Hundreds of thousands of people already acquire their own device, scattered across the United States. A mandatory app was included with Glass, which was connected with Amber Alert systems. The app has Glass quietly scanning each face you cross paths with, but doesn’t reveal their names, nor does it alert you that it’s currently scanning. For all you know, it’s a normal day like any other.

Now, as you’re walking down a street, you walk past an adult male with a pre-teen female. You don’t even pay much attention to them. Just another group of people walking by, as far as you’re concerned. But then Glass, on the other hand, knows something you don’t — the little girl has been reported missing. As a result, without alerting you, the app then — albeit quietly — takes a snapshot of the girl and unknown male captor, contacts a 911 operator program, and delivers GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken and in which direction the girl was walking. The police show up, arrest the male captor, and contacts the parents of the missing child informing them that she’d been found and safe.

This was able to occur because each parent — or family member, guardian, etc. — had allowed the missing child’s name and facial recog. map to be archived in a Amber Alert system program, which connects via app on Glass. Was said child’s “privacy” diminished? Yes. But then she’s also alive because of it and a kidnapper is taken off the streets, not able to harm anyone else again.

Isn’t this very real prospect of technologically-enhanced safety worth sacrificing a bit of our own privacy? While I’m not a parent, if anyone of my family were to go missing, their privacy would be the last thing I’d be concerned about. And if I’d gone missing, I’d want everyone to do all they could to find me, even if it meant sacrificing my own privacy.

Google Glass is coming just next year. And with Google’s determination to ban facial recognition using Glass, we must ask ourselves: At what price?

The article above was originally published as a blog post on The Proactionary Transhumanist.

amber alert

Amber Alert for Human Freedom

By Michael Lee

We’re witnessing increased violations of the air space of sovereign nations by drones and of the privacy of individuals by a variety of surveillance and monitoring technologies. And, as Al Gore pointed out in his latest book, The Future, the quality of democracy has been degraded in our times, largely as a result of the role of big money lobby groups influencing public policy to the exclusion of “citizen power”. Ironically, deep below the surface of the high tech, liberating mobile-digital world evolving in front of our bedazzled eyes, our Western concept of freedom is undergoing its sternest test since the end of the Cold War.

For behind the glittering success of the communications revolution powered by internet and mobile telephony, a battle is being waged for global control of the means of information. In the eyes of owners of the digital means of information, whether governments or corporations, the privacy of the individual has been subordinated to the value and leverage of digital content.

Regarding the threat to our privacy represented by these developments, on a scale from low (green) to severe (red)[1], I’d suggest we’ve already reached an amber (orange) alert, the second highest level. Let’s assess intrusions into air space and into our privacy.

  • Edward Snowdon has made disclosures about a state surveillance program called PRISM. It’s a clandestine national security electronic surveillance program which has been operated by the National Security Agency (NSA) since 2007.[2] It appears to empower the government to take customer information from telecommunications companies like Verizon and internet giants like Google and Facebook, enabling the monitoring of phone calls and emails of private citizens. Some senior EU officials say they’re shocked by these reports of state spying on private persons as well as by the bugging of EU offices in Brussels and Washington DC. The PRISM program is clearly intrusive. And it’s endorsed by a democratically elected liberal president.
  • Drones are being used extensively on both domestic and foreign soil under Obama’s presidency, whether reconnaissance drones or ones armed with missiles and bombs. They’re operated by the US Air Force and the CIA. FBI Director Robert Mueller has recently admitted in public that drones have been used domestically for surveillance of some American citizens.[3] (My jaw literally dropped when I saw him matter-of-factually confirm this inappropriate Big Brother-style deployment of military technology, however “targeted”.)
  • Google Street View and satellite photography peep inside the perimeters of people’s homes to expose them to unsolicited public and governmental viewing. Without permission, Street View cameras take photos from an elevated position, overlooking hedges and walls specifically erected to preclude public viewing of some areas of private homes. It seems homes and back gardens are now under the spotlight of Google and the government as they attempt to digitally map out our lives as comprehensively as they can. This is virtual trespassing into the world’s residential areas.[4] It’s an Orwellian practice. To read Google’s viewpoint see[5]


  • Physical movements of citizens in cities and towns are under increasing surveillance by a growing number of CCTV cameras as well as GPS devices in mobile phones.
  • Financial transactions are all tracked by card associations, networks and financial institutions. In addition, card schemes are aggressively attempting to inaugurate the cashless society in order to obliterate the anonymity and privacy afforded by cash payments, while card and bank details on customer databases are all-too frequently hacked and stolen by fraudsters and identity thieves.
  • Digital profiles of individuals are routinely compiled by both corporations and governments for marketing and monitoring purposes.
  • Social media broadcast on their global platforms personal (and sometimes intimate) photos and comments, unwittingly exposing the material to unsolicited viewing by undesirable persons such as sexual predators and online bullies, even though this is an unintended consequence since the material was voluntarily submitted by the social media users.

In addition to these forms of surveillance of the individual and populations, there’s also the ingrained practices of thought control and groupthink often operational in academia and in the media. As an example, political correctness has created an atmosphere of reverse intolerance, whereby primarily conservative thinkers, and billions of religious persons, who may believe in traditional values frowned upon by the advocates of correctness, are subjected to the very name-calling and insults I assumed political correctness would be keen to eradicate if it aspired at all to be even-handed.[6] True scientific thinking, by contrast, creates an ideology-neutral atmosphere for healthy, open-minded intellectual discussion and efficient production of knowledge.

In sum, the following aspects of an individual’s life are being tracked, mapped and monitored: his/her private home, physical whereabouts, transactions, data, personal communications, thoughts and values. Taken together, all these kinds of intrusion into private lives of individuals and populations add up to total surveillance. That equates to a subtle, but comprehensive, assault on privacy.

Figure 1 Amber alert

Figure 1 shows technologies monitoring, mapping and policing our physical world: drones used for assassinations and for surveillance, Google videos of residential areas, satellite photos of our homes and gardens and CCTV cameras recording our movements in cities and on urban premises. Digital profiles of our homes and lives are assembled, which can be used for both marketing and surveillance, usually without our consent. On top of that, as already mentioned, there’s increased thought control in education and in the media under the regime of correctness.

What does this brave new world of total surveillance of the individual mean for human freedom? Are we all destined to become unwitting Trumans in a reality show written, directed and produced by powerful figures in corporations and governments?

truman show

Figure 2: Poster for the Truman Show

In the global struggle to control the means of information, we’re being offered a deal, a Faustian pact for the digital age. We’re being asked to exchange our claim to privacy for a kind of remotely monitored freedom and security. While there are undoubtedly some public benefits arising from this increased surveillance, such as fraud prevention in financial services and provision of CCTV evidence for crimes and misdemeanours, even a cursory cost-to-benefit analysis shows that we’re already paying too high a price for increased security measured against the diminishment of our freedom.

As long as we hand over our basic privacy to our digital masters, and don’t make a stink like Edward Snowdon, we’ll be left in peace. Until we start to think and believe differently from the mainstream, that is. Then individuals can be targeted with soft power like spying software and phone taps, with medium power like vilification in the media or, in exceptional cases, with hard power from a military drone which can blow human targets up in their vehicles in any public place on earth with pinpoint accuracy.

So we can be free as long as Google street cars and satellite cameras can film our back yards and driveways, as long as drones can violate the air space above us, as long as our emails and phone conversations can be tapped, as long as we conform to political correctness.

In essence, the freedom on offer for our digital age is being stripped of human privacy and of its distinctly human character of independence. But freedom without privacy and independence lacks real substance. Freedom to think and to believe differently is being sucked out of public life. Freedom is becoming an empty shell.

I don’t believe human populations are going to continue to buy this false offer of compromised freedom or to put up forever with surveillance “creep” by the owners of the global means of information. This kind of conformist, highly monitored, impersonal freedom sucks.

As today’s digital masters continue their conquest of the physical world, trying to map it out, digitize it and control it, we notice there’s no underlying social contract between the current powers-that-be and the populations of nations. That’s because the digital world is largely unregulated and borderless, whereas social contracts (such as democracy), which govern politics and society in the real world, go back to a previous era dominated by largely democratic nation-states.

But there’s no social contract for the Information Age. There’s no social contract for Internet. Nothing has been negotiated between population groups and the digital powers of corporations and governments. This represents a dangerous global power vacuum. No wonder our human freedom is dissipating. And all the while, technology is accelerating faster than both knowledge accumulation and the evolution of governance.

It’s the creeping totality of surveillance and the combined use of intrusive technologies which is menacing, not Google Street View on its own, or drone attacks, or the tracking of financial transactions, or the use of CCTV on street corners. Absent a social contract for the digital age, these technologies and practices are turning us into the unfree subjects of a new commercially driven world we can call Globurbia.

Privacy is dying all around us. Independence of thought is shrinking. Democracy is being diluted and undermined by abuses of virtually unbridled power. Information and data are being aggregated and bureaucratized. Nothing is private, nothing is sacred. We’re in the thrall of the owners of the means of information, the new masters of society. It’s not so much a police state as a soul-less vacuum.

If we’re not vigilant, we’ll all end up, within this generation, living in a conformist, militarized, paranoid, drone-policed society of powerless, remotely monitored, robotic individuals, spiritually drugged by consumerism and mentally bullied by correctness.


We urgently need a new international political protocol for the digital age which promotes the protection of privacy, freedom and independent thinking. We need to embrace an ideology-neutral scientific ethos for solving common human and social problems.

The next steps for halting surveillance creep in order to protect human freedom would be for Google to permanently ban Street View cars from all residential areas, for the current imperialistic drone policy[7] to be completely overhauled, for a new Digital Age political protocol to be developed and for global scientific progress, guaranteeing freedom and independence of thought, to be embraced.

Michael Lee’s book Knowing our Future – the startling case for futurology is available at the publisher or on

Acknowledgements & websites

Bergen, P & Braun, M. Drone. September 19, 2012. Drone is Obama’s weapon of choice.

Center for Civilians in Conflict.

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Wikipedia —

[1] Homeland Security employed a system rating terror threats with a five color-code reflecting the probability of a terrorist attack and its potential gravity: Red- severe risk, Orange — high risk, Yellow — significant risk, Blue — general risk, Green — low risk.

[2] PRISM is a government code name for a data collection effort known officially by the SIGAD US-984XN.[8][9] The program is operated under the supervision of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court pursuant to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).[citation needed] Its existence was leaked by NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who claimed the extent of mass data collection was far greater than the public knew, and included “dangerous” and “criminal” activities in law.

[5] Google’s Privacy statement regarding Street View reads: “Your privacy and security are important to us. The Street View team takes a number of steps to help protect the privacy and anonymity of individuals when images are collected for Street View, including blurring faces and license plates. You can easily contact the Street View team if you see an image that should be protected or if you see a concerning image.” My view is that we own our homes and none of us have given personal permission for our premises to be photographed and videotaped to be watched by a global audience. Not that Google asked us anyway.

[6] Political correctness is defined as “the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.” (The New Oxford Dictionary of English, p. 1435.) Paradoxically, though, this doctrine has itself become discriminatory, promoting stereotyping of some social groups which are not perceived as socially disadvantaged. Consequently, political correctness has loaded the dice. The oppressive atmosphere of linguistic bias created by political correctness has hardened into a form of thought control which has entirely lost its sense of proportion and blunted the academic search for truth, independent thought and healthy discourse. Prejudice in reverse is prejudice nonetheless.

[7] “Covert drone strikes are one of President Obama’s key national security policies. He has already authorized 283 strikes in Pakistan, six times more than the number during President George W. Bush’s eight years in office. As a result, the number of estimated deaths from the Obama administration’s drone strikes is more than four times what it was during the Bush administration — somewhere between 1,494 and 2,618.” Bergen, P & Braun, M. Drone. September 19, 2012. Drone is Obama’s weapon of choice.