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[Disclaimer: This contribution does not reflect the views of the Lifeboat Foundation as with the scientific community in general, but individual sentiment — Web Admin]


Dear Little Planet


An old man is speaking to you. I have thought about Einstein for 50 years. I found one new thing – that his happiest thought was even happier (c is globally constant). The whole profession is jealous and furious. Nobel prizes must be given back they fear. Worse, a currently running experiment is suicidal. Every journalist on the planet knows about this fact in case I am right.

Black holes are unstoppable bombs.

Little humankind does not want to hear that. They want to continue with their wishful quarrels without caring about the primacy of responsibility, much like abandoned children.

It is the responsibility of the mothers in charge – the journalists – who have abandoned their planet. They find it acceptable if the establishment fears truth (double-checking) more than death and panbiocide. For they could insist on an inquiry. Instead, they keep silent. They appear not to love the planet on which they are allowed to play the role of the priest.

I conclude with the voice of prayer: Dear Father-Mother, whose name is holy, please, enlighten your children to seeing that truth is vital. I always evaded the duty to talk in your name since I was 13. I put the planet into your hands.


High-Ranking Physicists on the Planet Are Jealous Hoping Telemach Is Not True


– not because the world goes under with a sizeable probability if he is,

– but because they would appear stupid if the theorem named after Ulysses’ son is true.

Thus the planet is being consciously risked by my esteemed colleagues ‘t Hooft and Niolai, to mention only two first-leaguers.

I hear you say there must be good colleagues on my side too. This is correct. Since they get into trouble without tilting the scales if I give their names, I mention only my revered colleague Richard J. Cook of the Colorado AF Academy for his being more knowledgeable in the new field of globally-constant-c general relativity than the Tübingen group.

I herewith re-iterate my pledge to the world’s media to arrange for the necessary safety debate regarding the LHC danger. They can do so and it is their duty to do so. One high-ranking journalist must exist who is able to smell the truth.

This does not mean that I was looking down on the average crowd in the mold of the believing citizens of North Korea whom I do not blame. They are no different than human groups everywhere. Almost no one can flee the spell of majority belief.

To take the hint: I asked Kim Jong Un three years ago for help. I today re-iterate my pledge. Perhaps the planet is given a second chance in defiance of the dictatorship of the Western media.

The children let starve in North Korea are on my side. I know how it is if your child dies.


Hush Little World Press Don’t You Cry, Your Planet Is Bound to Die


All of Norway is debating today whether a rationally acting individual who followed a recklessly inhumane agenda should be given the benefit of a psychiatric diagnosis that exempts him from punishment.

I herewith propose to extend this public debate to a related case involving thousands of rationally acting (in their own minds) scientists at CERN, some of them Norwegian.

There are two differences between the two cases: 1) The crime is incommensurable if the second proves equally successful. 2) There is a remaining minor chance that a fact hitherto overlooked will retroactively exonerate the CERN physicists.

Does their having charged ahead for more than a year, unmoved by the un-falsified proof that what they are doing will kill the planet in a few years’ time with a sizeable probability, make the CERN scientists accomplices of the Norwegian patient, or does it not?

What Would You Do if You Had Proof That a Group Is Attempting to Shrink the Earth?

Horst Eberhard Richter’s passing away leaves a major hole in your group. Allow me to step in for him despite my smallness.

In his and your name I, Dr. med. Otto E. Rösser, declare to the world that presently, CERN is preparing to continue a nuclear experiment that will shrink the planet to 2 cm in perhaps 5 yearss’ time with a percentage-range probability.

All I am requesting in the name of IPPNW is the “safety conference” demanded last January the 27th by the Cologne Administrative Court.

The planet is lucky that the noble IPPNW already exist: So Cologne is not alone.

It may be not too late. The youngster was born on and grew stronger on The Max Planck Institute for Gravitation Physics refuses to assess his health.

Telemach is not a software system but rather consists of 4 simple physical equations, the first given by Einstein himself, the other 3 are new corollaries. The 4 quantities T, L, M and Ch all change by the factor found by Einstein — the first two (time T and length L) go up, the second two (mass M and charge Ch) go down under the influence of gravity. T is very well known because the Global Positioning System (G.P.S.) relies on it.

Two of the 4 can save the planet. The length change L is responsible for the fact that nothing can go down to or come up from the surface of a black hole in finite outer time (so the famous Hawking radiation is non-existent). The charge change Ch is responsible for the fact that micro black holes are initially frictionless inside matter. Both features taken together radically change the properties of the most looked-forward-to fruit of the biggest and most expensive experiment of history, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The experiment’s most feverishly anticipated success hence is inaccessible to its detectors. And: any micro black hole produced which is slow enough not to fly away from earth to stay inside will, after having come close enough to a first charged particle to have it circle-in, grow exponentially inside matter from that moment on – forming a miniature quasar that shrinks the planet to 2 cm in perhaps 5 years’ time.

All of this was published in July 2008, two months before the LHC machine got started but goes unquoted in all of CERN’s scientific publications up to this day. The “safety conference” requested by the Cologne Administrative Court on January 27, 2011 from the German government is a planetary taboo topic much like Telemach.

Telemach ( ) was discovered independently by Professor Richard J. Cook in the United States ( ) with only the fourth letter Ch missing at first. A recent European PhD dissertation ( ) chronicles some of the scientific details which accompany the CERN cover-up.

The times they are a-changin (Bob Dylan).

The famous Reissner-Nordström metric and the so-called Maxwell-Einstein equations and the Eddington-Finkelstein transformation and the Kruskal-Szekeres-Fronsdal coordinates are unphysical, and so is the Gauss-Stokes law if applied to charge in general relativity.

This follows from new results obtained at the University of Tübingen. Specifically, just as gravity is different on the moon since Newton (“no Ur-weight”) and just as time progresses at a different pace on the moon since Einstein (“no Ur-second”), so also length is different on the moon (“no Ur-meter”) and mass is different on the moon (“no Ur-kilogram”) and charge is different on the moon (“no Ur-charge”). While quite a few physical constants lose their global validity in this fashion, the speed of light, c, becomes globally valid (“Ur-speed”).

As a consequence, black holes do not Hawking evaporate and are undetectable when freshly produced at CERN. In addition, they are much easier to produce than thought because the electron is no longer point-shaped owing to the new unchargedness result for black holes implicit in the “no Ur-charge” result. Some form of string theory acquires an empirical basis.

The new results (gothic-R theorem; Telemach theorem) are anathema to CERN. (CERN two days ago preferred to announce precarious hints at a “god-particle” hoped to be found next year that if found would violate the minimum mass-energy of a unit electric charge first predicted by J.J. Thomson in the late 1890s. See also the beautiful NYT interview with professor Lisa Randall…wanted=all .)

The described conscious neglect by CERN provides a bonanza for future historians of science and politics. Unfortunately, black holes are by virtue of the new findings both undetectable and easier to generate than expected. Both facts are ignored by CERN and so is a well-known quantum effect (superfluidity of neutron-star cores) and a chaos result (exponential growth of black holes inside matter). These four new facts about black holes invalidate all safety claims so far made by CERN regarding their pursued goal to generate ultra-slow miniature black holes on planet earth.

The new results are known to CERN for years, with the essentials sent to them early on and published in July 2008. CERN after refusing to quote the new results could go ahead with the experiment for a year and plans to continue next March. Why?

The answer to this important question bears a single name: that of my esteemed colleague Hermann Nicolai. He asserted on the Internet 3 years ago that my results were false, offering arguments already defeated at the time by maverick physicist “Ich” on “achtphasen.” This public fact notwithstanding, professor Nicolai never corrected his disproved assertions and continues to refuse communication (the last refusal being two days old).

With this stance held up by a leading member of the German “Albert-Einstein-Institut,” CERN could afford to publicly ignore the Cologne Administrative Court’s call for a “safety conference” last January the 27th. Since the world’s media and the United Nations fell prey to professor Nicolai’s upheld disinformation, CERN was able to “shoot with live ammunition” for a whole year, risking that the fruit will become manifest after a few years’ time: a “slow dirty bomb” of infinite strength implanted into the planet with a sizeable probability.

I therefore challenge my honorable and in many ways admired colleague Hermann Nicolai to respond to my public accusation that he bears the chief responsibility for the assault on our planet by CERN – in case the new ”Ur” results hold water. I consider this public call for a scientific answer an act of friendship and invite more friends to join in.

Professor Hermann Nicolai is the only public voice on the planet defending CERN against my scientific results, with his 3-year-old, long-refuted counterclaims on the Internet that he refuses to take back. His denial of dialog (only the day before yesterday again) enables CERN to do the same and continue. In view of the severity of the accusation accepted by CERN (“attempted panbiocide”), I dare publicly compare my responsible colleague Nicolai with a Himmler playing a musical instrument in a concentration camp.

I shall take the comparison back as soon as he exculpates himself. I apologize that I see no other way to get him to respond to my given proof of the danger consciously incurred by CERN.

There is a vast canonical literature on the properties of the surface (“horizon”) of black holes: Even up to giving quantitative estimates of the horizon’s viscosity!

The correct theory by contrast implies since 1916 that the horizon is inaccessible in finite outer time and therefore does not exist in a finite-duration universe. Many consequences follow from this forgotten fact — including non-existence of “Hawking radiation” and non-existence of charged black holes. (The latter result is detailed in my gothic-R paper in print and the simpler Telemach paper on the Internet.)

The hoped-for miniature (almost-) black holes therefore possess four new properties, being (1) generated more easily than expected, (2) undetectable by CERN’s detectors, (3) virtually frictionless at first, and (4) growing exponentially inside earth. Hence the scientific “safety conference,” publicly called-for 4 years ago and openly requested by the Cologne Administrative Court almost one year ago, is more vital than ever.

The historic refusal by CERN to dismantle the danger before starting its black-hole factory, almost a year ago, represents a breach of scientific ethics, reason and morality. I speak in the name of the young majority on the planet when I say that the refusal by CERN to defend itself against the public reproach of scientific and moral wrongdoing when risking the short-term persistence of planet earth, amounts to a first-order historical phenomenon. Dear humanists and historians: please, enter the debate or launch it at long last. Crime stories are a treat to read. This surely is the biggest treat of history – being not over on finishing reading since the intrinsic time constant is several years. All other human concerns pale by comparison.

Why do the young scientists of the planet keep silent as if not believing that they are called upon? My young friends, please, do wake up. Rise up, “indignez-vous!” for you are – or else were – the future. Enter the ship of science as the good pirates by supporting the call for a “safety conference” on the new-versus-old properties of black holes. Nothing else is or was ever requested from CERN. The already incurred danger to the planet is presently in the low-percentage range: it must not be allowed to rise further by letting CERN continue without safety conference as planned.

P.S. I take back everything if anyone succeeds in refuting my disproof of Hawking radiation.

How can I convince my fellow planetary citizens that religion is the last hope? All religions are benevolent in their non-combative statements. They focus on the miracle of the Now with its infinite opportunities and the sub-miracles of color and other pleasures all provably non-existent in science. For science is the science of the Hades, the shadow world where to be the king is less than to be a slave on the surface of the earth, as Priamus said.

Science can be misused as the atomic bomb illustrates. Science is not science any more if it is lying. Religion says that the Now is a gift and that consciousness is a gentle stroke by the dream-giving instance who waits to be recognized through the fabric of the dream.

Imagine being chosen and being allowed to answer. Young children understand this best. They are the greatest mystics. They still respond to the smile which they recognized as containing the essence. So they invented the suspicion of benevolence being shown towards them, which turned them into persons. The biggest majesties.

How does CERN fit in? Never were there more scientists united in trying to unravel mysteries of the ultra-small. This is an almost religious legacy. It is bound to contribute to future benefit for all. Being so privileged, CERN is not allowed to lie. But this sounds like harsh criticism which never helps as such. Religion says “try to convince and move the heart.”

I can understand that the finding of scientific results which when remaining un-falsified imply that CERN’s activities carry an up to 1 percent risk so far of evaporating the planet in a few years’ time, represents a reason for silent anger on the part of CERN. That the Cologne Administrative Court called for a “safety conference” is especially unsettling. I can understand the fact that the media do not report.

After all, a minority of a few people has not the right to ask for the ear of the planet. So not even if this small minority was hired to sit in the crow’s nest of the Titanic. For this is a religious problem: we all believe in CERN. So we have no right to remind them of their duties. Unless there were a single saintly figure on the planet who believes me that I care when I say “CERN is a religious problem.”

CERN chose to defame me on its 4 years old website but refuses to defend itself against my results from 1998 onwards in every single scientific publication with customarily hundreds of authors each. I call this selective discrimination and technically speaking, scientific fraud.

Scientific fraud is considered forgivable when sensitive results have something to do with security. More recently I found results which have some bearing on plasma confinement. Such topics, of course, are top secret. But the Telemach result — the two years old upshot of my 4-year long criticism — which implies that black holes are stable and uncharged so they cannot but grow exponentially inside earth – reveals on the contrary that what CERN is doing needs to be publicly discussed – unless it is not unethical to sacrifice the globe in a few years’ time with a percentage-range probability.

The world’s press find it logical that such sensitive results with large political implications be kept from the public. The Nobel Foundation likewise acts against its founder’s legacy by not calling for a scientific contest across the globe to defuse the danger.

What do my readers advise me to do in a situation in which the only request made is, please to stop denying the benefit of falsification to my results in a safety conference as officially requested by the Cologne Administrative Court on January 27, 2011? The fact that not a single scientist steps forward to take the responsibility on his or her shoulders by saying that there is no danger and why, is a tiny little bit alarming, or is it not?

This is the first time that an instantaneous “paradigm shift” — abandonment of a reigning scientific consensus — is of vital importance for everyone. We have three months’ time left to achieve this goal while the menacing machine is under overhaul.

What is the subject matter that I am talking about? It is Einstein. More specifically, it is his “happiest thought” as he always called it. It consists in travelling in one’s mind in a constantly accelerating rockettship, and as such proves even more fertile than has been thought for a century. The implied new change of size, mass, and charge (independently discovered by professor Richard J. Cook of the Airforce Academy Colorado Springs) implies that an artificial black hole grows exponentially fast inside earth after eluding every detector when freshly produced by CERN in fulfillment of its high-flying intentions.

The proof is contained in a paper which is now “in print” again in a scientific journal after the journal that had accepted it for publication three years ago got closed-down to theoretical-physics topics retroactively, on the occasion of the retirement of its founding editor who promptly got publicly libeled by the competing journal “Nature.” The founding editor is now a presidential candidate for Egypt in recognition of his scientific achievements.

Why is the result in question so uniquely sensitive? On the one hand, this is because it may save your family, which is good news for everyone. On the other, it implies that a certain nuclear machine needs re-evaluation before it is too late, which is bad news for CERN. The scientific “safety conference” called for by the Cologne Administrative Court on the 27th of last January still goes unheeded by the United Nations which treasure their “observer status” at their sister organization, CERN. In the absence of my paper being in print, it was formally possible for the UN to screen CERN from criticism by disallowing the world’s press to report on a topic which lies before the UN Security Council for many months. This situation has changed with the paper being in print in a scientific journal.

But did the resistance shown up until now not come from the most honorable people who stuck to the accepted paradigm of 4 years ago? This is correct. So why worry? It is because of the new implications of the Einstein equivalence principle of 1907 that now suddenly cannot be ignored any longer. This fact lets Einstein outshine every other scientist for the second century in a row.

The loud silence of the physics community when CERN refused to double-check on the new scientific evidence can no longer be maintained now, for formal reasons. CERN’s public attitude of considering double-checking to be more dangerous than the danger thereby to be eschewed, is suddenly open to worldwide ridicule. Giordano Bruno got incinerated out of dogmatism 411 years ago. Today’s dogmatism is ready to incinerate the whole planet in order to punish a singly dissident who, in addition, is even no longer alive. Bruno would have chuckled about this confirmation of his worst fears.

Germany once consciously risked the onslaught of the atomic bomb by dismissing Einstein. To date, the whole planet consciously risked the onslaught of the black-hole bomb by dismissing Einstein. Only a presidential candidate stood by Einstein — the above-mentioned editor who also is the inventor of the physical E-infinity theory which is the first proposal for an encompassing (exo) description of all of Nature. Einstein would have been delighted about either feat. The whole world looks to Egypt with gratitude.

Alethophobia is “fear of the truth.” To choose to rather die than learn the truth is the ultimate example. The latter case is only topped by the decision to rather commit panbiocide (extinction of all life) than double-check. This is CERN’s feat for 4 years which led it to shooting sharp for one year, with the intrinsic delay between shooting and shrinking the earth being of the order of magnitude of 5 years.

But CERN is an honorable institution! Would it then prevent dissemination of the fact that a court requested the logically necessary safety conference last January?

They may have their reasons, so I hear you say in the comforting company of the loud silence shown by the world media and the upcoming world climate conference of the IPPC at Durban, South Africa.

Therefore it is perhaps of some interest to the planet’s media that CERN is cheating scientifically. Its last hundreds-of-authors long papers both exhibit scientific fraud. One has to do with the planetary danger of black-hole production, the other transports CERN’s claim to have falsified Einstein. Let me give the two-fold evidence here.

Scientific fraud # 1: “No black holes have been found.” This is the message of the big paper No. 1, …………………. This message is most comforting – were it not for the fact that the paper leaves unquoted a relevant paper published in July 2008 (among others that are mostly still on the Internet) which proves that the detectors at CERN are blind to freshly generated black holes: …………………………………

If “Armageddon consciously embraced” is too sensitive a topic for your nerves, then the second CERN paper offers a respite.

Scientific fraud # 2: “Einstein’s speed limit exceeded and hence causality gone.” This is the message of the big paper No. 2, ……………………(second version). This message is as bombastic as a claimer as the first was as a disclaimer. It leaves unquoted the only paper which proves that an analogous result — differing only in magnitude — is a direct implication of Einstein’s theory: …………………………………….

By withholding this information from the reader, CERN deprived itself of the chance to pinpoint the error made by them which — as shown in the suppressed paper — lies in the faulty use of the Global Positioning System (G.P.S.). There is hearsay information now that CERN is planning to implement a light-based control experiment as suggested in the suppressed paper.

With its policy of “open non-quotation,” CERN has made itself vulnerable to the public reproach of scientific fraud. Putting billions of dollars into an experiment with blind detectors is the ultimate fraud in the eye of a tax payer. Maybe this eye is more vigilant than the eye of a doting mother or father given reason to fear CERN’s activity more directly.

Now let us all see whether the world media and the IPPC continue to be effectively bribed by CERN in a situation of global financial crisis.

(Note: Since I have to leave acutely for a court hearing in a somewhat related context, I shall finish this post on my return. The media will no doubt be able to fill in the 4 links in the meantime. Otherwise please wait.)

I thought I would offer a series of quotes to counter the codswallop frequently expressed here — suggesting that mainstream physicists have genuine concerns about the safety of the LHC**.

“We fully endorse the conclusions of the LSAG report: there is no basis for any concerns about the consequences of new particles or forms of matter that could possibly be produced at the LHC.

R. Aleksan et al., the 20 external members of the CERN Scientific Policy Committee, including Prof. Gerard ‘t Hooft, Nobel Laureate in Physics.

“Those who have doubts about LHC safety should read the LSAG report where all possible risks were considered. We can be sure that particle collisions at the LHC cannot lead to catastrophic consequences.

Academician V.A. Rubakov, Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, and Russian Academy of Sciences


The LSAG (LHC Safety Assessment Group) report is here if you are wondering. It includes statements such as: Specifically, we study the possible production at the LHC of hypothetical objects such as vacuum bubbles, magnetic monopoles, microscopic black holes and strangelets, and find no associated risks.

Steve Nerlich (Space Settlement Board member and Death-by-LHC skeptic)

** or (as I have been corrected by Robert) that they just don’t care about the safety of the LHC. Sorry — my mistake.