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+ Decoding the secrets of DNA, CRISPR gene editing allows scientists to target specific genes linked to aging. By modifying these genes, researchers aim to prevent conditions that come with aging. Envision a future where genetic risks for age-related diseases are minimized through precise DNA editing.

It is possible to regenerate cells using stem cells, which can turn into a variety of types. In recent trials, stem cells showed promise in regenerating aged tissues like cartilage. Scientists hope to develop therapies that might slow down physical decline and maintain vitality longer by using this potential.

Nanobots could someday be the future of healthcare by targeting damaged cells directly as they move through your bloodstream. Researchers are currently exploring how nanobots might repair cellular damage and improve overall health, potentially reversing some age-related effects at the cellular level.

As the protective ends of chromosomes, telomeres shorten over time. When they become too short, cells stop functioning. In laboratory studies, researchers have extended the lifespan of animals by using telomere extension techniques. Though still experimental, this research could pave the way for human applications in slowing aging.

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Advances in human longevity are no longer science fiction. Groundbreaking discoveries in fields like genetics, nanotechnology, and regenerative medicine are unlocking the secrets of aging. These 20 developments highlight how science is changing our understanding of what it means to grow older.

Bioengineers apply engineering and design principles to develop innovative solutions for biological and medical problems. Our researchers are creating tools and technologies to eliminate bottlenecks and reduce the time it takes for discoveries in stem cell research to reach the clinic as life-saving therapies. This includes everything from creating biodegradable scaffolds that can help stem cells Cells that have the ability to differentiate into multiple types of cells and make an unlimited number of copies of themselves. stem cells Cells that have the ability to differentiate into multiple types of cells and make an unlimited number of copies of themselves. regenerate damaged tissue to engineering materials that can make the immune-boosting effects of vaccines last longer.

Nanotechnology is the field of science focused on creating and manipulating structures and materials at the nanometer scale (one billionth of a meter). The application of nanotechnology in medicine recreates the natural scale of biological phenomena, enabling more precise and less invasive approaches for preventing, diagnosing and treating disease. Together with scientists from the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA, our researchers are creating nanomaterials that enable targeted drug and gene delivery, more efficient production of cells for use as therapies and better models of human disease. Because nanotechnology-based methods enhance efficiency, require less material and use up less space, they can offer low cost, high-accuracy solutions for the study, diagnosis and treatment of disease.

By leveraging the combined strengths of nanotechnology and bioengineering, our researchers are accelerating the development of more effective and affordable stem cell-based therapies for a host of intractable medical conditions.

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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about new discoveries about bacterial communication.

The Ocean Teems With Networks of Interconnected Bacteria

Previous video:

#biology #bacteria #biofilm.

0:00 Bacterial communication.
0:35 Cyanobacteria complexity.
3:00 Most prominent bacterium in the ocean.
4:10 Bizarre discoveries of nanotubes.
5:25 Possible explanations and studies trying to figure it out.
6:15 Recent study finds interspecies communication.
8:10 Entirely new way to communicate or a trade network?
9:30 Questions and future studies.
10:50 Conclusions.

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In a remarkable feat of chemistry, a Northwestern University-led research team has developed the first two-dimensional (2D) mechanically interlocked material.

Resembling the interlocking links in chainmail, the nanoscale material exhibits exceptional flexibility and strength. With further work, it holds promise for use in high-performance, light-weight body armor and other uses that demand lightweight, flexible and tough materials.

Publishing on Jan. 17 in the journal Science, the study marks several firsts for the field. Not only is it the first 2D mechanically interlocked , but the novel material also contains 100 trillion mechanical bonds per 1 square centimeter—the highest density of mechanical bonds ever achieved.

Artificial intelligence (AI) once seemed like a fantastical construct of science fiction, enabling characters to deploy spacecraft to neighboring galaxies with a casual command. Humanoid AIs even served as companions to otherwise lonely characters. Now, in the very real 21st century, AI is becoming part of everyday life, with tools like chatbots available and useful for everyday tasks like answering questions, improving writing, and solving mathematical equations.

AI does, however, have the potential to revolutionize —in ways that can feel like but are within reach.

At the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, scientists are already using AI to automate experiments and discover new materials. They’re even designing an AI scientific companion that communicates in ordinary language and helps conduct experiments. Kevin Yager, the Electronic Nanomaterials Group leader at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN), has articulated an overarching vision for the role of AI in scientific research.

“Proteins are the molecular machinery that helps the body to function — and malfunction. Their role in disease is crucial, but rarely simple. Knowing which are associated with a particular disease can help doctors and scientists to spot it earlier and narrow down potential treatments,” writes Tom Whipple in The Times, as he describes the potential impact of a new study from UK Biobank that is the world’s largest exploration of all the proteins in the human body.

Thermo Fisher’s Olink Proteomics Explore HT platform, which enables precise analysis of proteins in the human body, will play a key role in the work. Researchers will use our technology to study the role proteins play in many types of diseases. Their findings will fuel the discovery of new protein biomarkers that could predict, diagnose and treat diseases. The study “has the potential to transform healthcare by the end of this decade,” says Dr. Chris Whelan, who is leading a group of pharmaceutical companies working on the project.

‘Treasure trove’ of samples provided by UK volunteers has the potential to transform healthcare by the end of this decade, say scientists.

Stimulating dopamine-producing brain cells wirelessly with gold nanoparticles has proven effective at treating mice with Parkinson’s disease, even reversing a portion of their neurological damage.

Researchers from the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China (NCNST) say it’s a significant step forward for using brain simulation to tackle Parkinson’s in humans, a neurodegenerative condition that affects more than 10 million people worldwide.

Deep inside the brains of those with the condition, dopamine-producing neurons take a major hit as insoluable clumps of a protein called alpha-synuclein accumulate, gradually depriving patients of an ability to control their movements.

To describe how matter works at infinitesimal scales, researchers designate collective behaviors with single concepts, like calling a group of birds flying in sync a “flock” or “murmuration.” Known as quasiparticles, the phenomena these concepts refer to could be the key to next-generation technologies.

In a recent study published in Science Advances, a team of researchers led by Shengxi Huang, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and materials science and nanoengineering at Rice, describe how one such type of quasiparticle—polarons—behaves in tellurene, a nanomaterial first synthesized in 2017 that is made up of tiny chains of tellurium atoms and has properties useful in sensing, electronic, optical and .

“Tellurene exhibits dramatic changes in its electronic and optical properties when its thickness is reduced to a few nanometers compared to its bulk form,” said Kunyan Zhang, a Rice doctoral alumna who is a first author on the study. “Specifically, these changes alter how electricity flows and how the material vibrates, which we traced back to the transformation of polarons as tellurene becomes thinner.”

Physicists have spent more than a century measuring and making sense of the strange ways that photons, electrons, and other subatomic particles interact at extremely small scales. Engineers have spent decades figuring out how to take advantage of these phenomena to create new technologies.

In one such phenomenon, called , pairs of photons become interconnected in such a way that the state of one instantly changes to match the state of its paired photon, no matter how far apart they are.

Nearly 80 years ago, Albert Einstein referred to this phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance.” Today, entanglement is the subject of research programs across the world—and it’s becoming a favored way to implement the most fundamental form of quantum information, the qubit.