Advances in artificial intelligence could soon make creating convincing fake audio and video – known as “deepfakes” – relatively easy. Making a person appear to say or do something they did not has the potential to take the war of disinformation to a whole new level. Scroll down for more on deepfakes and what the US government is doing to combat them.
Category: military – Page 170
India has decided to hold firm on the border standoff with China along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh and has moved troops to counter the People’s Liberation Army soldiers.
The incident follows the American military’s release of evidence that Russia has sent combat aircraft to join Libya’s civil war.
Buckle up, Buttercup.
The robotics arms race has been in progress awhile.
Unmanned surface vessel is said to be world’s first with multiple roles – anti-submarine, air defence and surface combat – and powerful weaponry.
Russia launched a military satellite to orbit on Friday (May 22), and the mission generated plenty of drama in the downward direction as well.
U.S. Military Soldiers conduct training on the Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS).
CROWS is a stabilized mount that contains a sensor suite and fire control software, allowing on-the-move target acquisition and first-burst target engagement. CROWS also features programmable target reference points for multiple locations, programmable sector surveillance scanning, automatic target ballistic lead, automatic target tracking, and programmable no-fire zones.
Future enhancements include integration of other weapons, escalation-of-force systems, sniper detection, integrated 360-degree situational awareness, increased weapon elevation and commander’s display.
CROWS allows the warfighter to remotely engage targets with precision fire while on the move or stationary to the maximum effective range of the weapon. Capable of target engagement under day and night conditions, the CROWS sensor suite includes a daytime video camera, thermal camera and laser rangefinder. CROWS is designed to mount on any tactical vehicle and supports the MK19 Grenade Machine Gun, M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun, M240B Machine Gun and M249 Squad Automatic Weapon. (Source:…on-crows/)
Pew pew :3.
The successful test of the powerful laser is a major step forward for the Navy’s directed energy weapons ambitions.
The Marine Corps has officially begun procurement of the Army’s Modular Handgun System to replace its existing pistol arsenal, the service announced on Tuesday.
The drones would fly alongside Air Force warplanes, doing jobs too dangerous or dull for pilots.
“I do believe there’s great potential to bring in artificial intelligence to provide early warning of future problems” such as disease outbreaks, Air Force Lt. Gen. John N.T. “Jack” Shanahan, director of the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, said in an interview.
Artificial intelligence could spot and track earlier outbreaks of disease around the world, the Pentagon’s AI chief says as he retires from service.