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Ira Pastor, ideaXme life sciences ambassador, interviews Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Grand Chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences.

IdeaXme does not advocate for or support any religion in favour of another.

Ira Pastor Comments:

Vatican City is an independent city-state, enclaved within Rome, Italy, established with the Lateran Treaty (in 1929), and with an area of only about 121 acres, and a population of about 825, it is the smallest sovereign state in the world by both area and population.

A marimba-playing robot with four arms and eight sticks is writing and playing its own compositions in a lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The pieces are generated using artificial intelligence and deep learning.

Researchers fed the robot nearly 5,000 complete songs — from Beethoven to the Beatles to Lady Gaga to Miles Davis — and more than 2 million motifs, riffs and licks of music. Aside from giving the machine a seed, or the first four measures to use as a starting point, no humans are involved in either the composition or the performance of the music.

The first two compositions are roughly 30 seconds in length. The robot, named Shimon, can be seen and heard playing them here and here.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the combination of zinc and hydroxychloroquine may be beneficial for the treatment of Covid-19:

We have been asked again and again — “What else can I do, apart from social distancing, hand hygiene, and so on, to protect myself from COVID-19?” There are additional actions that can be taken.

In this video we examine some details about the virus in Korea and how they are handling things differently. We take a look at the biology of the virus. We examine what happens when our cells are infected with SARS-CoV-2. And finally, we review a study that suggests the possible use of zinc and chloroquine in the fight against SARS-CoV-2.

Defining our “New Normal” in the Age of Coronavirus — Amanda Christensen, ideaXme ( guest interviewer, interviews Ben Hammersley, one of the world’s leading futurists to answer questions about how we are going to work, live, thrive, and innovate in the coming years — #Ideaxme #BenHammersley #Innovation #Futurist #Futurism #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Science #Longevity #Health #Medicine #Environment #Space #Oceans #Literature #Music #Food #Future #Entertainment #Sports #Fashion Awesome Foundation European University Institute United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) UNAOC Fellowship Program Goldsmiths, University of London WIRED UK The Brookings Institution European Commission.

Amanda Christensen, ideaXme guest interviewer, interviews Ben Hammersley, one of the world’s leading futurists and founder of international Strategic Foresight agency Hammersley Futures.

Amanda Christensen Comments:

Excellent interview:

Dr. Gerald Parker Associate Dean for Global One Health at Texas A&M and Professor Andrew S Natsios Executive Professor at The Bush School and Director of the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs have a sit down with Patrick Bet-David about the Coronavirus Pandemic. About our guests Dr. Gerald Parker Professor Andrew S. Natsios

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The pill passed second-stage testing with impressive results, placing it on the fast-track for commercial availability, Oramed announced last week, which is music to the ears of the nearly half a billion people worldwide who suffer from diabetes.

An oral insulin capsule passed second stage testing for efficacy and safety, paving the way to diabetes treatments without shots.

By United with Israel Staff

People who suffer from diabetes frequently require insulin shots, causing pain, inconvenience, and visible scars that do not heal. To address this pressing healthcare issue, a company based in Israel developed the first oral insulin capsule, called ORMD-0801, providing diabetes treatment without the need for shots.