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“Robo Sapien” taken from the album “The Machinists Of Joy”.
Directed by: Jay Gillian.
Camera OP and Computer Animation: Shane Williams.
Produced by Cinematek Film & Television.
Robo Sapien provided by: JG and the Robots

In recent years, deep learning algorithms have achieved remarkable results in a variety of fields, including artistic disciplines. In fact, many computer scientists worldwide have successfully developed models that can create artistic works, including poems, paintings and sketches.

Researchers at Seoul National University have recently introduced a new artistic framework, which is designed to enhance the skills of a sketching . Their framework, introduced in a paper presented at ICRA 2022 and pre-published on arXiv, allows a sketching robot to learn both stroke-based rendering and motor control simultaneously.

“The primary motivation for our research was to make something cool with non-rule-based mechanisms such as deep learning; we thought drawing is a cool thing to show if the drawing performer is a learned robot instead of human,” Ganghun Lee, the first author of the paper, told TechXplore. “Recent deep learning techniques have shown astonishing results in the artistic area, but most of them are about generative models which yield whole pixel outcomes at once.”

By Robert Davis and Desiree Vogt-Lee

Quantum computing is notoriously counterintuitive; it challenges us to grapple with concepts that can be difficult to imagine. We often rely on our sense of sight to make those concepts a little easier to grasp, by representing quantum information with visualization models like the Q-sphere or the circuit diagram, and even creative visual arts projects like the recent Quantum Circuit Disks series. But what happens when we represent quantum using not only imagery, but also sound?

One team of Australian researchers is showing the world exactly what that looks like with a project that turns quantum circuits into music videos. That project, which the creators have named “qMuVi” (“quantum Music Video”), earned the titles of both 1st place winner and Community Choice winner at the recent Qiskit Hackathon Melbourne, a hybrid in-person and virtual event held in early July that marked the first ever Qiskit Hackathon in Australia. The event brought together 35 participants over four days to learn about quantum computing and Qiskit, and to use their new knowledge to hack together a diverse array of novel quantum computing projects. The event as a whole was a tremendous success. But before we talk about that, let’s take a closer look at that winning quantum music videos project.

The TARDIS is the iconic time machine and spacecraft from the popular sci-fi series Doctor Who. The TARDIS functions by folding space using technology that taps into higher dimensions. But is there any scientific basis for this?

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Written, filmed, & edited by OrangeRiver.

–Music in this video–

Wearable human-machine interface devices, HMIs, can be used to control machines, computers, music players, and other systems. A challenge for conventional HMIs is the presence of sweat on human skin.

In Applied Physics Reviews, scientists at UCLA describe their development of a type of HMI that is stretchable, inexpensive, and waterproof. The device is based on a soft magnetoelastic sensor array that converts mechanical pressure from the press of a finger into an .

The device involves two main components. The first component is a layer that translates mechanical movement to a magnetic response. It consists of a set of micromagnets in a porous silicone matrix that can convert the gentle fingertip pressure into a magnetic field variation.

This week our guest is NBC technology correspondent, Jacob Ward, who recently released his book, The Loop: How Technology Is Creating a World Without Choices and How to Fight Back. In this episode we focus broadly on the ways in which technology and AI are learning from the worst instincts of human beings, and then using those bad behaviors to shape our future choices. As a result, Jacob suggests this creates feedback loops of increasingly limited and increasingly short-sighted behavior. This conversation includes exploring topics such as big data, bad incentives for programmers, profit motives, historical bias reflected in data, system 1 vs system 2 thinking, and much more.

Find out more about Jacob at or follow him on Twitter at ** Host: Steven Parton — LinkedIn / Twitter Music by: Amine el Filali.


The seeds of innovation appear to be seedless. According to game-changing research led by our very own Dr. Lior Rubinovich, it is now finally possible to grow avocado plants solely from tissue culture. Why is this good? Aside from being free of deformities, disease-proof, and significantly fast-growing – cultivated avocado plants mean genetic uniformity, which implies that all plants originate from the same delicious, nutritious, and healthy tissue. The founding of Bestree means a great deal for the northern region of Israel, both financially and innovatively. Therefore, we are proud to share this inspiring research with the rest of the world! Read more about Bestree & cultivated avocados in the full article

האם ניתן לרבות שתילי אבוקדו בתרביות ריקמה? עד לפני כמה חודשים התשובה הייתה: “אולי, אבל טרם הצלחנו להבין כיצד לעשות זאת” היום התמונה היא אחרת, בעקבות מחקרו פורץ הדרך של ד“ר ליאור רובינוביץ’ הפך אבוקדו שמיוצר בתרבית ריקמה לרעיון שלא רק ניתן ליישמו במעבדה אלא גם למסחרו ולהביאו כבשורה לחקלאות העולמית! זהו פיתוחה וחזונה של חב’ Bestree אשר הוקמה על בסיס מחקרו של רבינוביץ’ ונחנכה בטקס חגיגי בקיבוץ אל-רום שבגליל. מעבר ליתרונות השיווקיים והכלכליים של המהלך – הקמתה של חב’ Bestree שמה את מיגל בשורה הראשונה של מכוני מחקר בעולם ובכך מקדמת גם את הפיתוח וההתחדשות החקלאית והמדעית של צפון מדינת ישראל! לחצו לקריאה מורחבת אודות חב’ Bestree

Music video by Styx performing Mr. Roboto. © 1983 A&M Records.

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And now, for old fashion Nuclear Doom.

Music in comments.

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations chief warned Monday that “humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation,” citing the war in Ukraine, nuclear threats in Asia and the Middle East and many other factors.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres gave the dire warning at the opening of the long-delayed high-level meeting to review the landmark 50-year-old treaty aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and eventually achieving a nuclear-free world.

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In a paper distributed via ArXiv, titled “Exploring the Unprecedented Privacy Risks of the Metaverse,” boffins at UC Berkeley in the US and the Technical University of Munich in Germany play-tested an “escape room” virtual reality (VR) game to better understand just how much data a potential attacker could access. Through a 30-person study of VR usage, the researchers – Vivek Nair (UCB), Gonzalo Munilla Garrido (TUM), and Dawn Song (UCB) – created a framework for assessing and analyzing potential privacy threats. They identified more than 25 examples of private data attributes available to potential attackers, some of which would be difficult or impossible to obtain from traditional mobile or web applications. The metaverse that is rapidly becoming a part of our world has long been an essential part of the gaming community. Interaction-based games like Second Life, Pokemon Go, and Minecraft have existed as virtual social interaction platforms. The founder of Second Life, Philip Rosedale, and many other security experts have lately been vocal about Meta’s impact on data privacy. Since the core concept is similar, it is possible to determine the potential data privacy issues apparently within Meta.

There has been a buzz going around the tech market that by the end of 2022, the metaverse can revive the AR/VR device shipments and take it as high as 14.19 million units, compared to 9.86 million in 2021, indicating a year-over-year increase of about 35% to 36%. The AR/VR device market will witness an enormous boom in the market due to component shortages and the difficulty to develop new technologies. The growth momentum will also be driven by the increased demand for remote interactivity stemming from the pandemic. But what will happen when these VR or metaverse headsets start stealing your precious data? Not just headsets but smart glasses too are prime suspect when it comes to privacy concerns.

Several weeks ago, Facebook introduced a new line of smart glasses called Ray-Ban Stories, which can take photos, shoot 30-second videos, and post them on the owner’s Facebook feed. Priced at US$299 and powered by Facebook’s virtual assistant, the web-connected shades can also take phone calls and play music or podcasts.