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During a panel talk about the ins-and-outs of filmmaking at the Sundance Film Festival, director Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World), who will be directing Star Wars: Episode IX, teased an idea he’s working on for his Star Wars movie: shooting in space.

“I asked the question, ‘Is it possible for us to shoot IMAX film plates in actual space for Star Wars, and I haven’t gotten an answer yet,” said Trevorrow during the panel.

Trevorrow made the comments while on a panel that included Christopher Nolan and cinematographer Rachel Morrison (Fruitvale Station).

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By now, everyone is probably familiar with holographic performances from such artists as Elvis, Micheal Jackson and the one that started it all, Tupac Shakur at Coachella. However, the real pioneers of performance holograms were that quirky cartoon band, Gorillaz. The costs of a holographic setup would make your toes curl, but the technology itself is fairly straight forward. Projecting onto a specialized screen which is as close to invisible as one can get. There are two main players in the space, Holo-gauze and Musion.

When it comes to digital artists, there is one name that stands out from all others. Hatsune Miku. What makes Miku so unique when compared to holograms of dead celebrities or even the animated Gorillaz with Blur frontman, Damon Albarn, is that she is entirely computer generated. A software instrument manifest as an anime character who has become as much of a ‘real’ celebrity as anyone currently in the charts.

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Virtual reality was almost hot enough at Sundance this year to melt the snow, but perhaps the most scorching news of the show was casually dropped during the high profile Technicolor panel. Virtual Reality Company (VRC) co-founder and Maleficent director Robert Stromberg declared his company is working with Steven Spielberg on a project that is “solely for VR.”

Responding to a question about how to take VR filmmaking to the next level, Robert Stromberg said “it is about getting other filmmakers interested of course, from the independent level to getting major players involved as well… I can say here, my company – VRC – we’re working with, for instance, Steven Spielberg on a project that’s solely for VR.”

We previously reported that Steven Spielberg signed on as one of the company’s advisors, but at the time there was no confirmation on his involvement with any projects. But with Spielberg set to direct Ready Player One, a film with VR central to the theme, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that he would be dipping his fingers into virtual reality at some point in the near future.

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Pop music is littered with titles that relay how romantic yearning is sparked and experienced wordlessly with one person staring at the other. Animals don’t have it so good. “Most mammals generally interpret direct gaze as threatening or as a sign of dominance,” wrote researchers in Frontiers In Human Neuroscience.

People, however, usually take gazing with positive interpretations, such as affection, love and attraction. “A preference for direct gaze seems to be present at a very early age: Farroni et al. (2002) found that infants as young as 2 days old prefer to look at faces that gazed directly at them compared to faces with averted gaze.”

If social gazing goes down so well between humans, what about between and human? Sean Andrist, doctoral candidate in computer science, UW-Madison Graduate School, has seriously explored that question.

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Could an avg “Joe” from Wall Street actually beat AI? It sounds like it.

Investor and Forbes contributor John S. Tobey has a rather fatalistic view of artificial intelligence-based investing and trading regimes. In a recent article, the former professional investment manager who formerly operated a multi-manager fund of funds, likes three primary investment strategies – and they don’t generally include artificial intelligence and computer-based hedge fund decision processes.

For his personal investment strategy, Tobey likes to switch from safety, income, value and growth, changing approaches as market conditions warrant. He particularly likes “trends being ignored or misinterpreted by investors.” Trends, it should be noted, are most often best defined quantitatively. In retail stores, popular music or movies, actual sales trends are calculated by computers to determine the force and popularity of trends. In hedge fund investing, computers examine pricing variables to document a trend.

I usually keep my posts focused on business and technology; etc. However, as a professional, innovator, researcher, etc. I like sharing incredible finds that I come across. And, in my recent year, I came across a composer who is probably one of our greatest composers of our generation (at least to me he is). His name is Magnus Strömqvist, and he composed this incredible song entitled “” — there is truly one word that comes to mind when you hear this song “Powerful”.

© 2011 (M. Strömqvist) All rights reserved Music composed, arranged and produced by M. Strömqvist.

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“[A]rtist Simon Beck (previously) trudges across sand or through knee-high snow to create massive geometric drawings left behind in his footprints. From sandy expanses on the shore of New Zealand to frigid outlooks in the Swiss Alps, any pristine surface that stretches for hundreds of meters can work as a suitable canvas for Beck’s designs.”

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Have you ever wondered what is going to replace the likes of Siri, Cortana, and Alexa? You may be looking at their next logical stage – this holographic digital home assistant.

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Japanese startup vinclu Inc. is showing off a concept video for a holographic assistant called Gatebox. For its first incarnation, it projects a hologram named Azuma Hikari. Azuma will wake you in the morning, greet you when you get home from work, and communicate with your other smart devices in your home. Use her to turn on your TV, adjust your thermostat, play your music, etc. The possibilities are endless. If Amazon Echo had this kind of personality, it would have sold even better.

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