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Last year saw a historic first: an exercise in which an unmanned vehicle provided live covering fire for American troops.

In a historic first, the Army conducted a live fire exercise with a remote-controlled ground combat vehicle armed with a .50-caliber machine gun. It plans to conduct more exercises with more heavily armed ground robots within the next couple of years.

The demonstration was part of the annual Northern Strike exercise, which took place last July and August at Michigan’s Camp Grayling. Primarily geared toward reserve units, this year’s event debuted an unmanned, heavily armed M113 armored personnel carrier. The driver and the weapons operator followed behind in a slightly larger M577 command post vehicle.

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A new ultrathin elastic display that fits snugly on the skin can show the moving waveform of an electrocardiogram recorded by a breathable, on-skin electrode sensor. Combined with a wireless communication module, this integrated biomedical sensor system, called “skin electronics,” can transmit biometric data to the cloud.

This latest research by a Japanese academic-industrial collaboration, led by Professor Takao Someya at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Engineering, is slated for a news briefing and talk at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas on February 17th.

Thanks to advances in semiconductor technology, wearable devices can now monitor health by measuring vital signs or taking an electrocardiogram, and then transmitting the data wirelessly to a smartphone. The readings or electrocardiogram waveforms can be displayed on the screen in real time, or sent to the cloud or a memory device where the information is stored.

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Take Home Message

  • The EPIC Systematic Review showed that chocolate lowered the risk of coronary heart disease by 25% and cardiovascular deaths by 45%.
  • Raw cocoa powder is lower in calories when compared to chocolate.
  • Cocoa has many antioxidants called flavonols, shown to be heart healthy.
  • Research suggests that cocoa reduces atrial fibrillation, improves cholesterol, benefits vascular health and reduces blood pressure.
  • Cocoa is the key ingredient in heart healthy chocolate.
  • Dark chocolate is also heart healthy and is higher in flavonols than cocoa powder. Dark chocolate has more fat.
  • Dark chocolate and cocoa powder both have their advantages.
  • To get the heart health benefits of chocolate without the extra calories, add a pure cocoa powder to foods you normally consume.

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