…our techniques may enable quantum enhanced AIs to learn the effect of their actions much more efficiently.
Category: futurism – Page 915
It’s Time To Rock And Roll
Posted in futurism
A world where people are monitored and supervised by machines isn’t confined to the realms of sci-fi. It’s here now.
Tough conditions: There have been many reports over recent years about unpleasant conditions workers face at Amazon warehouses. Employees are under pressure to pack hundreds of boxes per hour, and face being fired if they aren’t fast enough.
What’s new: Documents obtained by The Verge show that it’s far more common for people to be fired due to lack of productivity than outsiders realize. Roughly 300 people were fired at a single facility between August 2017 and September 2018 for that reason. And crucially, the documents show that much of the firing process is automated.
For apartment-dwellers who don’t like going to laundromats, there are already compact washing machines – but what happens when the washed clothes need to be dried? Well, that’s where the diminutive Morus Zero comes in.
With the power to turn themselves into any other cell in the body, stem cells have a future as a key treatment for a range of diseases and injuries. The problem is, they lack some of the self-defense mechanisms that other cells have, leaving them open to attack from viruses and other threats. Now, researchers from the University of Edinburgh may have found a way to switch this mechanism back on, making stem cell treatments more effective.