An injection of magma under Norris Geyser Basin may be why the region is five inches higher today than it was 20 years ago.
Category: futurism – Page 793
Greetings everyone! The Futures Agency (my company) recently launched the new digital conference series which is generating huge interest from around the globe; the last one had 650 signups and 330 people attending. Not only are these events utterly needed and appreciated as we are all fighting the lock-downs, loss of income and many other consequences of covid19, I think that online conferencing will be a huge business, going forward . We are currently using the amazing platform for our events, but are investigating many other ones as well, such as Vimeo Live, Crowdcast and Lifestorm. I think we won’t ever give up meeting each other in real-life but online meetings and conferences will certainly become the new normal.
So join me for our next event, details below (Zoom direct sign-up is here)
We must keep meeting, learning and collaborating - if we fail to adapt we will fail to exist:)
Greetings from Zürich and stay well!!
Gerd Leonhard
Circa 2018
Could CRISPR technology lead to the development of real-life superheroes like the X-Men? We think yes – and you may be shocked to learn that people with superhuman abilities already walk among us. Learn about how CRISPR could turn the next generation into superhumans who choose their abilities from a catalog.
Goji berries have long been part of Chinese culture. Legend has it that more than 2,000 years ago a doctor visited a village in China where everyone was more than 100 years old. He discovered that they all drank from a well that was surrounded by goji berries. And the theory was that, as the fruit ripened, it would fall into the well and its vitamin-packed contents would seep into the water. Tales are also told of a 17th-Century herbalist called Li Qing Yuen who ate goji berries every day and was said to have lived until he was 252 years old. If this wasn’t enough to encourage future generations to eat the traditional old fire simmer soups that were garnished with goji berries, Chinese mothers would tell their children that the berries would stop them from needing glasses to get them to finish their bowls.
But times are changing for this simple berry, including how it is consumed. The ancient goji berry, which has long been part of Chinese culture, is now being viewed as a superfood both in China and beyond.
Asia’s younger generations are embracing the goji berry, but giving it their own twist. For example, members of Gen Z are now buying “wellness kettles” for their goji berry tea. Their parents might recognise these as traditional soup kettles that have been repackaged by brands such as Buydeem and turned a more Instagram-worthy shade of pink. A 2019 study by Agility Research & Strategy on Gen Z in China showed that this generation sees living a healthy life as a key priority, even over money, career, personal enjoyment and having a family.
Google has announced a new real-time transcription feature for its free Translate app for Android phones. An IOS version is planned for the future, the company says.
The feature will allow users to obtain instantaneous text translations of ongoing speeches, lectures or monologues into any of eight languages, including English.
Currently, Translate allows conversions of only relatively short snippets of speech.
Posthuman Organisation
Posted in futurism
New logo and new FB page for videos/ streaming events.
Hi, have set up this page for streamed or posted videos to support FB groups.
LONDON, Ky. — A gas station in London, Kentucky on Thursday, March 19 became the first in the nation to sell a gallon of gas for 99 cents.
GasBuddy officials confirmed via a cashier and GasBuddy users the BP gas station lowered its price to 99 cents per gallon as of about 6:30 a.m. Thursday.
GasBuddy had been anticipating this price could pop up in the Great Lakes states a week or so prior.
Partners in industry and academia are funded for the next three years for a total of 10 million Euros.
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Could some humans be able to sense the Earth’s magnetic field? Evidence suggests that in addition to quite a few animal species, humans could be—yes, this is the real term—magnetoreceptors. In a recent study, scientists conducted an experiment that measured how alpha waves interacted with a trace mineral that they believe registers magnetism.
Once upon a time, scientists thought animal magnetoreception was impossible, too. As they started to understand that birds and other animals used magnetoreception to navigate in the world, they still thought there was no way humans could do it.
Politicians won’t admit it yet, but it’s time to prepare—physically and psychologically—for a sudden stop to all life outside your home.