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🏺 The child Krakatoa has just erupted few hours ago.

“This is Anak Krakatoa as the locals call it. Son of Krakatoa. Highly explosive magma. Seems it will now start to rebuild itself. The big eruption had destroyed most of the previous cone. It collapsed as the magma chamber emptied creating a tsunami. The real violent explosion was when seawater then entered into the empty magma chamber turning into steam and expanding thousandfolds” Andy Sanders, one of our members, Thank you Andy.

Fyodor R.

An infinitegine which electricity from magnetism of magnets directly is provided. The magnets are magnets. The infinitegine consists of magnets (M) which certain of magnetic field. The mobile rotating parts are made of ferromagnetic magnets and will do similar functions like spinning tops vertically aligned to the earth’s gravity. A motor is used to this spinning motion, and it has a function of putting the rotating part in the in rotary motion. The magnetic field of the magnets (M) can be used as anergy source.

O.,o definitely odd still unknown the cause.

Wildlife groups in Greece say that thousands of swallows and other migratory birds have died in Greece in the last few weeks, unable to recover from the exhausting journey from Africa, made even worse this year due to the chilly weather conditions.

Scientists say that persistent strong northerly winds over the Mediterranean and the Aegean have exhausted the birds, who have been spotted in their thousands walking on streets instead of flying as they try to recover.

Photographs posted on social media show great numbers of birds lying dead in different parts of the country.