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Small modular nuclear reactors are too expensive, too slow, and too risky, and the focus should be on wind, solar, and battery storage for energy needs Questions to inspire discussion What did Tony Seba predict about nuclear power in 2014? —Tony Seba predicted in 2014 that nuclear power would be obsolete by 2030, and recent research has shown that his predictions about the cost blowouts and inefficiency of small modular nuclear reactors were accurate.

The bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics introduces the mysteries of time, further explored in his new book, The Order of Time.

Time is a mystery that does not cease to puzzle us. Philosophers, artists and poets have long explored its meaning while scientists have found that its structure is different from the simple idea we have of it. From Einstein to quantum theory and beyond, our understanding of time has been undergoing radical transformations. Time flows at a different speed in different places, the past and the future differ far less than we might think, and the very notion of the present evaporates in the vast universe.

The Order of Time will be available in hardback and in audiobook read by Benedict Cumberbatch on April 26th 2018
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View a trailer for the book, featuring Benedict Cumberbatch: ‱ Benedict Cumberbatch on The Order of