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FUTURISM UPDATE (February 12, 2015) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn


LINKEDIN: The Future of Scientific Knowledge Doubling, Today!

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence. A true AI might ruin the world—but that assumes it’s possible at all.

TRIBUNE-COM: ‘Pakistan Foresight Initiative’ launched

BLOOMBERG: The Return of Artificial Intelligence. Google, Facebook, Amazon spur rebirth of industry after decades of little corporate attention

POPULAR SCIENCE: Right Now, You’re Breathing A Potentially Dangerous Substance. Air: It’s one of the world’s most important, least understood, and possibly life-saving substances

PHYS-ORG: A collaborative of researchers from several U.S. universities has published a new paper that explains the major contradictions presented by the prevailing cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological model, and proposes approaches for reconciling cosmological observations with the CDM model’s predictions. The paper, titled “Cold dark matter: Controversies on small scales,” was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in December.

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Don’t Block the Sun to Cope with Global Warming

PHYS-ORG: Britain starts public trial of driverless cars

PHYS-ORG: Europe said it had launched a prototype space plane Wednesday in a strategy to join an elite club able to both launch a spacecraft and return it safely to Earth.

PHYS-ORG: Novel high-power microwave generator. High-power microwaves are frequently used in civil applications, such as radar and communication systems, heating and current drive of plasmas in fusion devices, and acceleration in high-energy linear colliders. They can also be used for military purpose in directed-energy weapons or missile guidance systems.

LINKEDIN: The Future of Biotechnology and The Future of Bravado Futures, Now!

Deloitte Review: The creation of products and services derived from crowd-based insights is the foundation of the “billion-to-one” experience. Taking your characteristics and behavior and contextualizing them with data from many thousands of other individuals allows designers to deliver products and services that are, or at least feel, unique.

NATURE-COM: Hubble successor will struggle to hunt alien life. Exoplanet researchers will vie with astrophysicists for access to James Webb Space Telescope, which is not optimized for studying Earth-like worlds.

NEWSWEEK: Off-World 3-D Printing Is How Humans Will Colonize Space

LINKEDIN: Homer Simpson on Rocket Science and Bart Simpson on Hi-Tech

FOREIGN POLICY: Why Arming Kiev Is a Really, Really Bad Idea

NATURE-COM: Brittle intermetallic compound makes ultrastrong low-density steel with large ductility

FINANCIAL TIMES: Greek bailout talks with Europe break down

LINKEDIN: The Personal Cosmology of Southern Europe and Eastern Europe!

FINANCIAL TIMES: Australia jobs market worse than expected in January

THE ECONOMIST: War against Islamic State needs not just guns and planes but the waging of a battle of ideas

THE ECONOMIST: Several studies suggest that when immigrants arrive, crime goes down, schools improve and shops open up

STRATFOR: Can Greece implement the strategy Argentina used to save its struggling economy?

THE ECONOMIST: After a while, like any feel-good drug, debt becomes addictive

FORTUNE MAGAZINE: Tesla hits a speed bump as sales and big spending disappoints

THE ECONOMIST: If freeing crude exports makes America richer, its allies stronger and the world safer, what stands in the way?

FINANCIAL TIMES: Private banks must be more than laundries

THE ECONOMIST: In recent weeks US airlines have been the victims of a dramatic spike in social-media bomb threats

MONEY-COM: Apple and Tesla are battling for this critically important resource

REUTERS: SpaceX rocket blasts off to put weather satellite into deep space

REUTERS: Apple deal, tax change could spark corporate solar stampede

GIZMODO: Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile wall along the Iraq border.

FINANCIAL TIMES: Opinion: Differences that divide union in Europe

THE ECONOMIST: If freeing crude exports makes America richer, its allies stronger and the world safer, what stands in the way?

THE ECONOMIST: You, and me, and baby makes three. So who’s this other lady?

FORBES: Datto deals in the coma-inducing — but profitable — business of information recovery:

THE MOSCOW TIMES: Analysts: A Simple Cease-Fire Won’t Bring Lasting Peace to Ukraine

SCIENTIFIC AMERICA: Nicaragua [through China] Constructs Enormous Canal, Blind to its Environmental Cost

INC-COM: Robots Are Replacing Us Faster Than We Expected. As robots learn to react to the unexpected, the need for human workers continues to diminish.

Harvard B-school opens the flood gates with online courses…ign=buffer


Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)

Steven Kotler — Forbes

*This article co-written with author Ken Goffman.

One of the things that happens when you write books about the future is you get to watch your predictions fail. This is nothing new, of course, but what’s different this time around is the direction of those failures.

Used to be, folks were way too bullish about technology and way too optimistic with their predictions. Flying cars and Mars missions being two classic—they should be here by now—examples. The Jetsons being another.

But today, the exact opposite is happening.
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The study of consciousness and what makes us individuals is a topic filled with complexities. From a neuroscience perspective, consciousness is derived from a self-model as a unitary structure that shapes our perceptions, decisions and feelings. There is a tendency to jump to the conclusion with this model that mankind is being defined as self-absorbed and only being in it for ourselves in this life. Although that may be partially true, this definition of consciousness doesn’t necessarily address the role of morals and how that is shaped into our being. In the latest addition to The Galactic Public Archives, Dr. Ken Hayworth tackles the philosophical impact that technologies have on our lives.

Our previous two films feature Dr. Hayworth extrapolating about what radical new technologies in neuroscience could eventually produce. In a hypothetical world where mind upload is possible and we could create a perfect replica of ourselves, how would one personally identify? If this copy has the same memories and biological components, our method of understanding consciousness would inevitably shift. But when it comes down it, if we were put in a situation where it would be either you or the replica – it’s natural evolutionary instinct to want to save ourselves even if the other is an exact copy. This notion challenges the idea that our essence is defined by our life experiences because many different people can have identical experiences yet react differently.

Hayworth explains, that although there is an instinct for self-survival, humanity for the most part, has a basic understanding not to cause harm upon others. This is because morals are not being developed in the “hard drive” of your life experiences; instead our morals are tied to the very idea of someone just being a conscious and connected member of this world. Hayworth rationalizes that once we accept our flawed intuition of self, humanity will come to a spiritual understanding that the respect we give to others for simply possessing a reflection of the same kind of consciousness will be the key to us identifying our ultimate interconnectedness.

For now, the thought experiments featured in this third film remain firmly in the realm of science fiction. But as science fiction progresses closer to “science fact”, there is much to be considered about how our personal and societal values will inevitably shift — even if none of us needs to start worrying about where we’ve stored our back up memories just yet.

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to mankind as is, Infinite.”

-William Blake


Armstrong and the Winklevoss twins have promising visions in securing Bitcoin exchange.

Bitcoin exchange Coinbase has brought innovation to the next level by opening the first ever licensed US Bitcoin exchange. Backed by $106 million from the New York Stock Exchange, banks, and venture-capital firms, Coinbase’s newly launched US exchange, said to be named Lunar, will provide greater security features; so as not to repeat the mistakes of Mt. Gox and Bitstamp, the former of which declared bankruptcy last year while the latter has sustained hacking attacks and is now back in the game.

Coinbase has already acquired licenses from 50% of the states in the country, which includes New York. The remaining 50% is still in the works and is necessary to complete to be able to provide full nationwide services. Also, Coinbase does not only look at expanding nationwide, it also looks at expanding worldwide in offering their Bitcoin-related services.

Of this plan, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong said: “Our goal is to become the world’s largest exchange”.

For this vision to be realized, Coinbase must make sure that no security attacks will ever threaten the safety of every user’s bitcoins, which is something that the company seeks and proves to show.

On the other hand, Coinbase is not the only one that has the same vision. Entrepreneurs Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, widely known for their work on Facebook, are also eyeing on the same project.

The twins have already taken the necessary steps such as hiring engineers, enlisting a bank, and engaging with regulators to begin the process of opening their own Bitcoin exchange in the next months to come. The exchange will be named Gemini, Latin for twins.

Despite the volatile prices and security attacks on other exchanges, the Winklevoss twins haven’t lost their confidence in bitcoins and the technology that powers it, which is why they consider a reliable and regulated exchange extremely necessary to bring bitcoins up on its feet again.

By –Singularity Hub

Since 2005, I’ve been grappling with the issue of what to teach young people. I’ve written curricula for junior high students in the US, for a UNICEF program reaching students in a dozen countries, and now, for East African young people as they become financially literate and business savvy.

Through the years, I’ve watched program directors demand young people focus on foolish content because it lined up with something trending in the public discourse—units on climate change; modules about using social media to share stories; lessons on agricultural policy; and so forth.

What have I learned? The attention of a young person is tremendously valuable. We should stop teaching them whatever makes us feel good and get honest about the next fifteen years.

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By — Singularity Hub

In two recent videos, Jason Silva visits the idea of ontological design—that as we design our tools, so our tools design us in return. We devise and engineer computers and the internet, and now computers and the internet are remaking us.

Silva describes the process as endlessly circular, like the serpent eating its tail.

Why does this matter? Because, according to Silva, as we become aware of these feedback loops, we can design with more intention. Make spaces—homes, museums, skyscrapers, cities—in anticipation of how they’ll influence our brains.

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From Innovation to Oblivion…

The ups and downs of Bitcoin as an internet currency may be compared to the eventual demise of Google Glass due to its lack of purpose among consumers. While it does not significantly hold true for bitcoins, which apparently have a more supportive and enthusiastic followers, the path that these two have taken and will take may be substantially similar than we like to admit.

For one, Bitcoin’s staggering price decline in the recent days left some people wondering what road it will eventually take in the near future. Is it only taking a detour or is it bound for a dead end?

In the case of Google Glass, it received much attention during its inception a few years ago. It was even named by Time magazine one of the best innovations of 2012. However, despite the ingenuity behind a supposed-to-be groundbreaking invention, Google Glass lacked a tangible sense, its purpose incoherent.

Thus, after much speculation, Google recently announced that it would stop selling Glass and that the product would no longer be developed in their research division.

Will Bitcoin End Up Like Google Glass?

Google Glass and Bitcoin are connected by the revolutionary technology that made them a star in the first place. There was some genius work in each of the piece, there’s no doubt about that, but without a clear purpose of how to integrate each product into the mainstream society, it becomes pointless.

Fortunately, bitcoins may stand a chance. Though there’s a portion of the populace that thinks of bitcoins as the internet currency that’s only best suited for illegal activities, its original function, which is for faster and cheaper way of transacting online, still proves to be prevalent.

It’s true that bitcoins were way more fun before that they are now, but it cannot be denied that this cryptocurrency has opened doors for a myriad of possibilities and eliminated security vulnerabilities, in which financial institutions such as banks and credit card companies are relatively known for.

Unlike Google Glass, Bitcoin has a tangible sense, a coherent purpose, and a crystal-clear vision. That is to move around the internet with your money free from the control of the government or any institution. Since there’s nothing that precedes this work of art and technology, it has a chance of staying. Thus, Bitcoin’s game is far from over.

By — Singularity Hub

It’s officially 2015, the year Marty McFly and Doc Brown visited in their souped up DeLorean time machine in Back to the Future Part II. There’s been a flurry of press comparing the iconic flick’s predictions to reality—and it got me thinking.

Let’s say Robert Zemeckis is making the movie today. He and cowriter Bob Gale are researching current trends in technology and projecting thirty years into the future. What vision do you think would emerge?

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Quoted: “IBM has unveiled its proof of concept for ADEPT, a system developed in partnership with Samsung that uses elements of bitcoin’s underlying design to build a distributed network of devices – a decentralized Internet of Things. The ADEPT concept, or Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry, taps blockchains to provide the backbone of the system, utilizing a mix of proof-of-work and proof-of-stake to secure transactions.”

Read the article here >…et-things/

By — SingularityHUB

2015—that just sounds like the future, right. But does it look like the future? Because, that’s the thing, right—we all know technology is advancing at exponential rates. We are making soaring progress in a host of whiz-bang fields. But other than Tokyo, Times Square and, sometimes, Las Vegas from the right angle, the future doesn’t yet look like we thought the future would look.

But that is starting to change. Over the past few months, we’ve started to get clearer and clearer looks at the world that’s coming. Here are five of my favorites sights of tomorrow already here today:

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