NASA aims for a Star Trek future by transforming replicators into a real-world technology using a 3D printer/recycler! — B.J. Murphy for Serious Wonder.
Category: futurism – Page 1,156
Good luck with that one Russia. Just to deadly for me.
To teleport from one place to another has, and still remains, one of the most sought-after technologies since it was first conceived in the writings of our greatest science fiction authors.
Few won’t have gawped at Star Trek’s transporter and while we’ve managed to conquer many of the technologies first outlined in the series this one has evaded us so far.
Well it looks like Russia isn’t going to let that stand any longer.
Moscow has signed an agreement with Los Angeles-based company Hyperloop One to explore building a futuristic, high-speed transportation system known as a Hyperloop in the Russian capital.
A Hyperloop involves using magnets to levitate pods inside an airless tube, creating conditions in which the floating pods can shuttle people and cargo at speeds of up to 750 mph (1,200 kph).
Um composto chamado mononucleotídeo de nicotinamida (NMN) retarda o processo de envelhecimento e prolonga o tempo de vida em ratos. Estamos prestes a descobrir se ele tem o mesmo em seres humanos.
Como funciona o processo de envelhecimento do ser humano Cientistas encontram uma área no cérebro que desacelera o envelhecimento
Um ensaio clínico desenvolvido por pesquisadores da Universidade de Washington em St. Louis (EUA) e da Universidade de Keio (Japão) vai testar a eficácia e segurança desse composto.
Photos from Simon Waslander’s post
Posted in futurism
Random Idea on Inequality and an Attempt to Fix it:
******A one-time Mandatory 50% Giving-Pledge Commitment by the Worlds Billionaires (while they are still alive).******
The massive assets collected thru this one-time Plegde. Should then be managed by an extremely broad team which is multi-ethnic, multi-academic, gender diverse and with members from all ranks of society ect ect.
How the assets attained thru this Mandatorry Giving Pledge will be used, will partly be decided by this extremly broad team. Every step and descision this team makes will be constantly open-sourced on the Internet 24/7.
Hopefully then we can make a step to making the World a better place for us all and our environment.
Sharing is Caring.