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Posted in futurism
Posted in futurism
Posted in futurism, robotics/AI
Nifty…I’ll definitely give it a go when I find the time!
Has anyone else seen it yet? If so, thoughts?
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s new Syfy show is all about a dystopian future where the government has dwindled away and giving corporations have unlimited power. It’s also about Ben Larson (Sean Teale) and his work to rise in and thus possibly destroy one of those corporations.
The Tesla P100 represents a large departure for Nvidia, a company that has focused almost solely on developing chips for workstations and gaming rigs. With the P100, Nvidia is setting their sights on data centers and deep-learning technology.
This is a huge risk as it involves the development of many other things, like a new architecture, new interconnect, and new process, all of which went into the creation of the Tesla P100.
“Our strategy is to accelerate deep learning everywhere,” said Huang.
This research has been going on for a very long time.
Researchers at the National Institute of Informatics are closing in on a solution to keep computers cool by submerging them under water. How will such research benefit the computer industry? What are the implications of such technology?
Underwater computers sound idea but, when you look at the amount of power dissipated by computers, the idea becomes less bizarre.
Currently, multiple forms of cooling exist for computers, including methods that use air, water, mineral oil, and even liquid helium for some of the highest overclocked processors. If so many forms of cooling exist and are in wide use, why bother with underwater cooling? Researchers at the National Institute of Informatics have been doing just this and there is a very good reason for such cooling methods.
Maybe this is the secret ingredient to futurists.
By Paul Levy: The following is excerpted from from Paul Levy’s upcoming book, The Quantum Revelation: A Modern-Day Spiritual Treasure, and was originally published on Paul’s website Awaken the Dream …
The observer effect, the central pillar of quantum physics, reveals that the act of observation is not merely a passive reception of information, but rather, is a creative act that we are all—knowingly or unknowingly—participating in every moment of our lives. This process is tantamount to the same kind of dynamic creativity that we engage with in our night dreams. In a dream, the un-manifest potentialities (the wavefunction of dream possibilities) within the unconscious, depending upon the psyche of the dreamer, are actualized or “dreamed up” into specific appearances through and as the fabric of the dream.
Rarely a week goes by at Wareable where a patent from some big tech company doesn’t get us guessing about the future.
Like Hansel and Gretel with smartwatches, we follow the proverbial tech crumbs all the way to the end, but we’re quick to forget how many of the ideas actually make the cut — and which get lost along the way.
So we’re going to a mini-series we’re calling ‘The patented history and future of…’, looking at some of the big launches in wearable tech, starting with the Apple Watch. These are going to be miniature timelines, small trips down memory lane looking at the patents that led up to the announcement and those that have happened since, to see what came true, what didn’t, and what might still be to come.
Posted in futurism