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This is the first time that an instantaneous “paradigm shift” — abandonment of a reigning scientific consensus — is of vital importance for everyone. We have three months’ time left to achieve this goal while the menacing machine is under overhaul.

What is the subject matter that I am talking about? It is Einstein. More specifically, it is his “happiest thought” as he always called it. It consists in travelling in one’s mind in a constantly accelerating rockettship, and as such proves even more fertile than has been thought for a century. The implied new change of size, mass, and charge (independently discovered by professor Richard J. Cook of the Airforce Academy Colorado Springs) implies that an artificial black hole grows exponentially fast inside earth after eluding every detector when freshly produced by CERN in fulfillment of its high-flying intentions.

The proof is contained in a paper which is now “in print” again in a scientific journal after the journal that had accepted it for publication three years ago got closed-down to theoretical-physics topics retroactively, on the occasion of the retirement of its founding editor who promptly got publicly libeled by the competing journal “Nature.” The founding editor is now a presidential candidate for Egypt in recognition of his scientific achievements.

Why is the result in question so uniquely sensitive? On the one hand, this is because it may save your family, which is good news for everyone. On the other, it implies that a certain nuclear machine needs re-evaluation before it is too late, which is bad news for CERN. The scientific “safety conference” called for by the Cologne Administrative Court on the 27th of last January still goes unheeded by the United Nations which treasure their “observer status” at their sister organization, CERN. In the absence of my paper being in print, it was formally possible for the UN to screen CERN from criticism by disallowing the world’s press to report on a topic which lies before the UN Security Council for many months. This situation has changed with the paper being in print in a scientific journal.

But did the resistance shown up until now not come from the most honorable people who stuck to the accepted paradigm of 4 years ago? This is correct. So why worry? It is because of the new implications of the Einstein equivalence principle of 1907 that now suddenly cannot be ignored any longer. This fact lets Einstein outshine every other scientist for the second century in a row.

The loud silence of the physics community when CERN refused to double-check on the new scientific evidence can no longer be maintained now, for formal reasons. CERN’s public attitude of considering double-checking to be more dangerous than the danger thereby to be eschewed, is suddenly open to worldwide ridicule. Giordano Bruno got incinerated out of dogmatism 411 years ago. Today’s dogmatism is ready to incinerate the whole planet in order to punish a singly dissident who, in addition, is even no longer alive. Bruno would have chuckled about this confirmation of his worst fears.

Germany once consciously risked the onslaught of the atomic bomb by dismissing Einstein. To date, the whole planet consciously risked the onslaught of the black-hole bomb by dismissing Einstein. Only a presidential candidate stood by Einstein — the above-mentioned editor who also is the inventor of the physical E-infinity theory which is the first proposal for an encompassing (exo) description of all of Nature. Einstein would have been delighted about either feat. The whole world looks to Egypt with gratitude.

Alethophobia is “fear of the truth.” To choose to rather die than learn the truth is the ultimate example. The latter case is only topped by the decision to rather commit panbiocide (extinction of all life) than double-check. This is CERN’s feat for 4 years which led it to shooting sharp for one year, with the intrinsic delay between shooting and shrinking the earth being of the order of magnitude of 5 years.

But CERN is an honorable institution! Would it then prevent dissemination of the fact that a court requested the logically necessary safety conference last January?

They may have their reasons, so I hear you say in the comforting company of the loud silence shown by the world media and the upcoming world climate conference of the IPPC at Durban, South Africa.

Therefore it is perhaps of some interest to the planet’s media that CERN is cheating scientifically. Its last hundreds-of-authors long papers both exhibit scientific fraud. One has to do with the planetary danger of black-hole production, the other transports CERN’s claim to have falsified Einstein. Let me give the two-fold evidence here.

Scientific fraud # 1: “No black holes have been found.” This is the message of the big paper No. 1, …………………. This message is most comforting – were it not for the fact that the paper leaves unquoted a relevant paper published in July 2008 (among others that are mostly still on the Internet) which proves that the detectors at CERN are blind to freshly generated black holes: …………………………………

If “Armageddon consciously embraced” is too sensitive a topic for your nerves, then the second CERN paper offers a respite.

Scientific fraud # 2: “Einstein’s speed limit exceeded and hence causality gone.” This is the message of the big paper No. 2, ……………………(second version). This message is as bombastic as a claimer as the first was as a disclaimer. It leaves unquoted the only paper which proves that an analogous result — differing only in magnitude — is a direct implication of Einstein’s theory: …………………………………….

By withholding this information from the reader, CERN deprived itself of the chance to pinpoint the error made by them which — as shown in the suppressed paper — lies in the faulty use of the Global Positioning System (G.P.S.). There is hearsay information now that CERN is planning to implement a light-based control experiment as suggested in the suppressed paper.

With its policy of “open non-quotation,” CERN has made itself vulnerable to the public reproach of scientific fraud. Putting billions of dollars into an experiment with blind detectors is the ultimate fraud in the eye of a tax payer. Maybe this eye is more vigilant than the eye of a doting mother or father given reason to fear CERN’s activity more directly.

Now let us all see whether the world media and the IPPC continue to be effectively bribed by CERN in a situation of global financial crisis.

(Note: Since I have to leave acutely for a court hearing in a somewhat related context, I shall finish this post on my return. The media will no doubt be able to fill in the 4 links in the meantime. Otherwise please wait.)

Doing an unsafe experiment is unprofessional. Refusing to check a proof of implied danger is unheard of. And when the danger is the worst of human history, the decision to ignore it and go ahead acquires an eery touch.

My request to be allowed to give a talk at CERN was not granted although the CERN young scientists had invited me years before. My kind request to the scientific community to come up with a counter-proof to my results met with dead silence after an early attempt had fizzled. The logically required scientific safety conference is being denied for almost 4 years. The identical request made subsequently by a court – the Cologne Administrative Court – on last January the 27th, is refused to be reported by the media. (Only an Internet newspaper reported on it, in German, .)

Allow me to briefly repeat the relevant facts:

1) There is a finite probability that the LHC machine of CERN can produce miniature black holes. This hope was one of the major reasons why the “Large Hadron Collider” was built.

2) My gothic-R theorem of 2007 and my simpler Telemach theorem of 2009 imply that black holes have radically new properties. There exists no counter-proof up until now. Moreover, the Telemach theorem was independently found by professor Richard J. Cook of the U.S. Air Force Academy.

3) The new properties include “absence of Hawking radiation” and “absence of charged black holes.” Both classic features are tokens of the standard physical world view, the former proposed 38 years ago by a maverick young scientist, the second is the essence of the 95 years old standard Reissner-Nordstöm metric. CERN’s maximum-performance detectors are because of Telemach unable both to detect and to exclude black holes.

4) It is embarrassing to have such a big result on hand. A presented proof implies the necessity either of a counterproof or of diverging empirical evidence, which both are far and wide between. Unfortunately, the new result greatly enhances the probability of experimental success. Simultaneously, the new unchargedness of black holes implies that charged particles like electrons cannot have a zero diameter — so “string theory” has a first empirical basis owing to Telemach.

5) The mini black holes produced at CERN will in the case of success in their vast majority pass right through the earth to thereafter disappear for good. But the first of the maximally rare ultra-slow specimens endowed with a velocity of less than the Kepler speed of 11 kilometers per second, will stay inside earth.

6) After hours or weeks of uneventful orbiting inside earth, the trapped mini black hole will eventually pass close enough to a charged quark to cause it to start circling-in. This event momentarily increases the mini-black hole’s attractive power by more than 30 orders of magnitude, causing the mini black hole to become an “ultra-mini quasar” — an electro-gravitational engine. The main property of this engine is exponential growth inside matter.

7) It is then only a matter of time – a few years — until the exponentially growing seed has eaten the earth inside out so as to turn it into a 2-cm black hole itself.

8) The resulting terrestrial mini-quasar will keep the moon in its orbit, making for a splendid sight to an imaginary lunar resident. Only by proving Telemach wrong can terrestrial safety be restored.

In the wake of these 8 points, I now ask my fellow earthlings not to become scared too much. The odds for the worst case lie still below one percent. The almost 1 trillion maximum-energy collisions achieved by CERN up until now lie markedly below the originally planned number so that, with some luck, the accumulated danger lies well below the one percent level.

After 5 or ten years of waiting we shall know better. Up until then, the experiment should not be resumed – unless, of course, someone succeeds in finding a counterproof to the Cook-Rossler theorem. The odds for this to happen are optimal if the long overdue safety conference is convoked in the coming three months – before the planned resumption of proton-proton collisions at CERN.

This particular “falsification task” represents the noblest scientific goal of history.

CERN’s refusal to quote scientific criticism for years represents anti-scientific behavior. The obvious explanation: a military-like obedience. All German university professors can be dishonorably discharged five years into the past while having to pay back their gross salaries for telling the truth, as happened to my wife, an endocrinologist. A similar obedience law is manifestly effective in the German-led European mini-state of CERN.

All 10.000 CERN scientists obeyed the order not to quote my results but proceed with the experiment in defiance. They thereby shut themselves out of the scientific community, a fraud that is bound to cost CERN the privilege to grant PhDs. But this academic consequence is negligible by comparison.

My danger-proving results were first sent to Dr. Mangano in early 2008, to be published in July the same year (long before his in this respect mute ”Safety Report” appeared). They survived a discussion with the Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik in March 2009 and got since sharpened into the “Telemach” theorem on the Internet. Telemach remains un-contradicted by all colleagues while confirmed independently by professor Richard J. Cook, Air Force Academy, whose arxiv paper “Gravitational space dilation” arrived independently at T, L, M (the Time, Length, Mass change of Telemach) and was followed by an explicit confirmation of number 4 (the charge change, Ch) which I was asked to make public.

If our joint result stays un-disproved, then the implications are unprecedented: a new situation brought upon every earthling – not to survive the next 5 years with an apparently percentage-range probability. By inflicting such horror, Europe makes itself an enemy of every person on the planet.

I asked Shimon Peres’s help 4 years ago, as well as the pope’s (who had written me a kind letter while still a cardinal when Ezer Weizmann and Saudi Arabia were busy to found Lampsacus hometown of all persons on the Internet). I am the only member of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Jewish faith – I hope I will not be expelled for that. Religion has the mission to save lives in reflecting the goodness of the DOLGI (dream-of-life giving instance) whose real name be blessed.

The development brought about by CERN during the last 4 years – a trillion maximum-energy proton-proton collisions performed with detectors proven to be blind to the most hoped-for outcome, black holes — is without precedent. It represents living proof that there is no genuine science left on the planet. While the LHC experiment of CERN is potentially grandiose, it is unscientific for the risk incurred by skipping the scientific safety conference necessary in view of the new properties of the hoped-for black holes. There exists a second big profession on the planet – the biomedical one – that is exclusively devoted to saving lives. The doctors have no idea that their non-Hippocratic colleagues are playing with the lives of all. The fact that the trespassers take their own families hostage testifies to the same “courage” as shown by the evil-doers of the last century.

A new “Anti-Einsteinism” lies at the root (compare the recent “faster-than-light” campaign by CERN). The most intelligent person of history was Jewish and proudly so. I therefore ask the government in Jerusalem to apologize for its early refusal to act — by convoking the “safety conference” requested in vain from the German government by the Cologne Administrative Court on January 27, 2011.

The urgent tone in my voice is only meant to pledge, not to assault. I hope that the refused safety conference does not strike you as a crime worth punishing but as a chance for repair. The brotherhood of all persons implies planet-wide non-cruelty, as my late friend Emmanuel Lévinas proved.

Greetings fellow travelers, please allow me to introduce myself; I’m Mike ‘Cyber Shaman’ Kawitzky, independent film maker and writer from Cape Town, South Africa, one of your media/art contributors/co-conspirators.

It’s a bit daunting posting to such an illustrious board, so let me try to imagine, with you; how to regard the present with nostalgia while looking look forward to the past, knowing that a millisecond away in the future exists thoughts to think; it’s the mode of neural text, reverse causality, non-locality and quantum entanglement, where the traveller is the journey into a world in transition; after 9/11, after the economic meltdown, after the oil spill, after the tsunami, after Fukushima, after 21st Century melancholia upholstered by anti-psychotic drugs help us forget ‘the good old days’; because it’s business as usual for the 1%; the rest continue downhill with no brakes. Can’t wait to see how it all works out.

Please excuse me, my time machine is waiting…
Post cyberpunk and into Transhumanism

On I wrote a few minutes ago:

Ich möchte dem „Freitag“ und Robin McKie (und „zint“) danken, dass sie das heiße Thema LHC thematisiert haben, wobei zint auch das Thema “Schwarze Löcher”, die zu generieren einmal das Hauptziel des LH waren, anspricht. Nun wurden diese (ebenso wie das Higgs) offenbar nicht gefunden.

Hierbei gibt es jedoch einen interessanten Unterschied zum Higgs: Während man bei dem letzteren zu wissen glaubt, dass man es in einem bestimmten engen Fenster finden muss, wenn es existiert, hat man keine vergleichbaren Anhaltspunkte beim Mini-Schwarzen Loch. Nur, wenn es die berühmte hypothetische Hawkingstrahlung gibt, gibt es eine sichere “Signatur”. Wenn es sie nicht gibt, bleibt noch die erwartete elektrische Geladenheit einer Teilfraktion der erhofften Schwarzen Löcher ein detektierbarer Faktor. Für beide Möglichkeiten wurden offenbar keine Anzeichen gefunden bisher. Daraus schloss das CERN in seinen entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Papers, dass keine Schwarzen Löcher produziert wurden. Das war für die ganze Welt sehr beruhigend.

CERN widerspricht allerdings nicht, dass es bei der Mitteilung dieses “Ergebnisses” mit Bedacht wissenschaftliche Literatur unerwähnt ließ, aus der hervorgeht, dass die beiden vorausgesetzten Eigenschaften widerlegt sind.

Es kommt hier nicht darauf an, wie man solch ein wissenschaftliches Verhalten bezeichnet. Es ist allein wichtig, dass das CERN keine Anstrengungen gemacht hat, VOR dem Experiment Detektoren zu installieren, mit denen es den größten erhofften Triumph — die erfolgte Erzeugung Schwarzer Löcher — feststellen könnte für den Fall, dass ein bestimmter gerade einmal 4 Jahre alter Beweis zutrifft.

Doch auch dies ist nicht allzu wichtig — im Vergleich zu der Tatsache, dass, wenn dieselbe unwiderlegte Theorie zutrifft, die möglicherweise längst erzeugten Schwarzen Löcher gefährlich sind. Dieselbe unwiderlegte Theorie, die nicht erwähnt wird und im Bau nicht berücksichtigt wurde, sagt nämlich voraus, dass eine bestimmte kleine Fraktion sich in der Erde einnisten wird und dort exponentiell wachsen. Wie lange es in diesem Fall dauern wird, bis die Erde auf 2 cm (genauer 1,8 cm, dem Durchmesser ihrer Masse als Schwarzes Loch) geschrumpft ist, hängt von kleinen Zufällen ab, aber eine Größenordnung von 5 Jahren kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Am 27. Januar hat aus diesem Grund ein deutsches Gericht (das Verwaltungsgericht Köln) die deutsche Wissenschaftsministerin gebeten, eine “Sicherheitskonferenz” einzuberufen.

Wie der „Freitag“ sicherlich weiß, wurde diese Tatsache nicht in den Medien verbreitet. Auch nicht, dass das Problem derzeit dem UN-Sicherheitsrat vorliegt, der allerdings nichtöffentlich tagt und durch ein starres Vetorecht behindert ist. Der deutsche Bundestag darf sich wegen der Einschaltung dieses höheren Gremiums nicht mit der Sache beschäftigen, obwohl zum Beispiel der Herr Abgeordnete Lischka sich m.W. in die Materie eingearbeitet hat.

Es ist durchaus verständlich, dass die Bevölkerung nicht beunruhigt werden soll. Doch im Moment liegt der Glücksfall vor, dass die Maschine, was die mögliche Erzeugung Schwarzer Löcher betrifft, für drei Monate nicht in Betrieb ist. Die zur Beruhigung aller Beteiligter notwendige wissenschaftliche Sicherheitskonferenz könnte daher mühelos in diesem Zeitraum einberufen werden.

Herr Augstein steht in einer Tradition des Mutes. Es ist mir ein Bedürfnis, ihm für seinen Mut, diesen Beitrag zu veröffentlichen, zu danken auch im Namen der Universität, der ich angehöre.

Einstein could see through. His most powerful (“happiest”) thought was the equivalence principle. This is the insight that you can equate what happens in ordinary acceleration with gravity. Newton had seen it before, as Thibault Damour found out, but the universal speed of light made it a magic lamp.

The “gravitational clock slowdown” immediately spotted as an implication by Einstein, is the greatest breakthrough in the history of science. It was never given the attention it deserves. 3 corollaries got discovered since. They were not embraced by Einstein at the time out of cautious modesty because quantum mechanics was not yet known in 1907. Einstein’s famous slow-down of photon frequency on the lower floor goes hand in hand with 3 further changes: a proportional reduction in the mass of all locally stationary bodies by virtue of quantum mechanical creation-annihilation; a proportional increase in all local lengths mediated by quantum mechanics; and a proportional reduction in all local charges, covarying with mass. The 4 changes (in T, L, M and Ch) are locally counterfactual. The length change L has the further corollary that the speed of light c becomes globally (and not just locally) constant.

Professor Richard J. Cook of the Air Force Academy arrived at the same results on the basis of Einstein’s later mature theory of general relativity. He saw the further corollary of a locally counterfactual quadratic change in the gravitational constant G. The at first overlooked change in charge was graciously conceded.

These new results have ground-breaking implications (no Ur-meter, no Ur-kilogram, no Ur-charge). Most importantly, they come at a critical moment in history. For their previous lack is responsible for an experiment being carried out in all innocence that with a sizeable probability leads to panbiocide in a few years’ time.

This sounds like bad science fiction. Wolfgang Schauder published such a story three years ago, and so independently did Rolf Froböse after both had learned that black holes possess brand new properties. This is the main message of the “Telemach” (T, L,M, Ch) theorem: Black holes arise more easily, are undetectable at first, and grow exponentially inside earth.

It is embarrassing that the new results mandate that the safety of a currently performed experiment needs to be re-assessed immediately. A crusade on behalf of this is on its way for 4 years. But the physics community keeps the new results under a rug by selective non-quotation (cf. the most recent anonymous Scientific-American online article ).

I apologize for my “hysterical” calling on CERN to, please, stop and admit the scientific “safety conference” first proposed to Shimon Peres 4 years ago and since many times over – even by a court last January. Like me, the young scientists on the planet cannot understand why the scientific community has resolved that nothing is to be feared more than a safety conference. In the worst case, the latter could wreak havoc with the power structure in science: but does this avoided risk justify the other risk of collective extinction? The probability of earth’s being evaporated in a few years’ time could by now have reached 4 percent.

I am a notorious optimist: Thirteen years ago, Israel and Saudi Arabia were close to agreeing on building “Lampsacus hometown of all persons on the Internet.” Ezer Weizmann’s sudden ousting prevented this from materializing. I revive this old hope by calling on the young generation in Egypt: Please, help us all by voting for the safety conference in your upcoming free elections.

I am aware that the a-priori probability of my being right with the above statement is negligible – were it not for the fact that my results stay un-disproved for 4 years as natural corollaries to Einstein’s “happiest thought.”

(To witness: Einstein saw that on a lower floor, all clocks are slowed-down. I was able to add that they also are proportionally enlarged in size and reduced in mass and in charge. From this corollary it follows that “black holes” – hoped to be produced at CERN – arise more readily; do not Hawking-evaporate; are undetectable at CERN; and grow exponentially inside earth.)

All my competent critics – including Hermann Nicolai of the Albert-Einstein-Institut and Nobel laureate Gerard ‘t Hooft – fell silent long ago. But notwithstanding the proof of danger and detector blindness lying on the table, CERN went ahead for more than a year risking “panbiocide” (Hilgartner) through inadvertently planting an at first undetectable bomb into earth.

The planet is now in the wake-up phase. In this phase, an added danger arises: a Khmer-rouge-like world-wide reflex against science and Europe. This danger it would be wise to keep under the rug – were it not for the fact that CERN has announced to boost up the risk next year.

Therefore, dear CERN and Europe: please, apologize to the planet. Or else prove me wrong, as no one hopes for more dearly than I do.

… against the publicly offered scientific proof that they risked and plan to further risk the survival of every human being. This is not a defamation but an accusation.

I ask them to defend themselves. If they do not do so, the whole world sees that they are guilty. I apologize that I am bringing them in this precarious situation if they cannot answer. The whole world sees their predicament. I would love nothing more than to help them out of it. Their cooperation is all I am asking for. Please, dear colleagues at CERN, cooperate with me in my trying to rescue you.

If you treat me as an enemy, the message to the world thereby generated is tantamount to publicly pleding guilty. Your seeming claque is a claque on the march to jail and to the end of science. Why are you so collectively blind to choose this road of non-defending yourself in the only language that can help, that of science?