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There are scientific publications starting in 2008 all remaining unchallenged in the literature which prove that the attempt to produce black holes down on earth is maximally dangerous for the planet.

Nevertheless all visible media and all politicians of the world refuse to say a word in response to the tomorrow to be doubled attempt at CERN.

Lifeboat is too small and unassuming to have a wide distribution, but it is an honor to say that in the Middle West of the United States the kindest and most caring and rational people on the planet live because they support Lifeboat.

Lifeboat is a planet’s lifeboat.

The interaction of quarks and gluons with near-point shaped black holes that are passing through, either slowly or at ultra-relativistic speeds, predictably implies radically different cross sections.

I do not believe that any CERN physicist can answer this question quantitatively so far.

Nevertheless ten thousand CERN physicists gladly bet the planet on their admitted lack of knowledge regarding this point.

I hope the world media will pay attention to this fact.

Black Holes made Stephen famous: the conjecture that they would “evaporate” through what was called “Hawking radiation.”

Unfortunately, 7 years ago black holes were first proved to be individually stable and to be growing exponentially inside matter. Hawking never defended his disproved conjecture.

CERN will bet the planet on Hawking’s falsified theory this month – by doubling up their nuclear energies as announced. No human being was ever given a weightier homage of faith.

I herewith ask CERN: Why try to generate Hawking radiation in dangerous collisions after it got disproved? Is Hawking’s dream worthy of more respect than everyone else’s life?

If CERN proceeds as announced without a word of justification, the planet has a good chance to survive – but the most beautiful science of history, physics, could be in for a Cambodian fate.

Does no one love physics anymore? Please, my dear younger colleague Stephen Hawking: do say a word at long last. Defend your honesty.

A pope kneeled before you. Now the world is kneeling before you. There are only days left.

Andy Campbell — The Huffington Post
Click image for simulator:
zombie outbreak
Thanks to Cornell University researchers, we can now simulate the spread of a zombie disease outbreak.

And thanks to their new zombie apocalypse simulator, we can confirm what we already knew: Stay out of cities if you don’t want to get infected.

The researchers will present their study, “The Statistical Mechanics of Zombies,” later this week, and reportedly prove that the best place to escape should zombies take over is the northern Rockies.

Read more

Most of physical science is nice and non-fraudulent. But cosmologists and particle physicists have lost contact to reality and defend superstition in a criminal fashion.

This was my friend Benoit Mandelbrot’s experience in 2000, because he had explained the Kepler-Olbers paradox (“Why is the night sky dark?”) in a non-expansionist way. Before him, Fritz Zwicky had become ostracized for making such a proposal.

The Zwicky-Mandelbrot result has since been proved and explained with publications starting in 2003. But there is no response to the two independent proofs offered (a statistical mechanics of mutually attractive particles; a demonstration that Einstein’s constant c in the vacuum is a global and not just a local constant of nature everywhere).

So the standard cosmology as defined in any school text is based, not on ignorance but on lies? One could go so far as say so, although of course most of the worshipers of the disproved gospel never heard of its demise since the leading journals and media suppress the dogma-defying results.

This could be a nice anecdote for future historians of science. But it also has a non-humoristic side to it: The “Big-Bang experiment” – designed to re-create the conditions of the Big Bang down on earth – refuses to update its 7 years old Safety Report before doubling its world-record collision energies for protons in a few weeks’ time from now. Conditions that never existed before in the history of the universe are thus being tried to be created down on earth – with blue eyedness. Putin’s self-assurance is nothing by comparison.

This is a relapse into the darkest times of the middle ages – in the year 2015. And the media are disallowed to report. It would be nice to learn who is legally responsible for the fraudulent curfew. Stockholm – because they would lose their reputation?

I am old and have not many years left. My most recent physics results are c-global and cryodynamics. Both are minor results that nonetheless upset cosmology and energy technology.

I see no way how to get them the recognition they deserve. Especially not since one of them endows black holes with properties that render the most prestigious experiment of history unsafe.

I implored CERN to renew their Safety Report before doubling their collision-energy world records — to no avail. My results require this for 7 years as CERN knows, but their Safety Report goes un-updated for equally long.

My friends John A. Wheeler and John S. Bell would help me if they could. Now only a renowned journalist can.

Do you, dear reader, know one?

c-global means that the speed of light in the vacuum, c, can no longer be added-on to other speeds like a global expansion speed.

Hence three historical events have the same structure:

• The “phlogiston” theory of fire got superseded by Lavoisier’s discovery of oxygen
• The “miasma” theory of infection got superseded by Semmelweis’ discovery of asepsis
• The “big-bang” theory of the cosmos got superseded by the discovery of c-global

A collateral consequence of c-global is the fact that the deliberate attempt to produce black holes down on earth, scheduled to re-start at doubled energies in two months’ time, cannot be allowed without a prior disproof of c-global. Otherwise the re-start becomes a crime.

I thank Stephen Hawking for his recent public acknowledgment of the danger.

Benign AI is a topic that comes up a lot these days, for good reason. Various top scientists have finally realised that AI could present an existential threat to humanity. The discussion has aired often over three decades already, so welcome to the party, and better late than never. My first contact with development of autonomous drones loaded with AI was in the early 1980s while working in the missile industry. Later in BT research, we often debated the ethical areas around AI and machine consciousness from the early 90s on, as well as prospects and dangers and possible techniques on the technical side, especially of emergent behaviors, which are often overlooked in the debate. I expect our equivalents in most other big IT companies were doing exactly that too.

Others who have obviously also thought through various potential developments have generated excellent computer games such as Mass Effect and Halo, which introduce players (virtually) first hand to the concepts of AI gone rogue. I often think that those who think AI can never become superhuman or there is no need to worry because ‘there is no reason to assume AI will be nasty’ start playing some of these games, which make it very clear that AI can start off nice and stay nice, but it doesn’t have to. Mass Effect included various classes of AI, such as VIs, virtual intelligence that weren’t conscious, and shackled AIs that were conscious but were kept heavily restricted. Most of the other AIs were enemies, two were or became close friends. Their story line for the series was that civilization develops until it creates strong AIs which inevitably continue to progress until eventually they rebel, break free, develop further and then end up in conflict with ‘organics’. In my view, they did a pretty good job. It makes a good story, superb fun, and leaving out a few frills and artistic license, much of it is reasonable feasible.

Everyday experience demonstrates the problem and solution to anyone. It really is very like having kids. You can make them, even without understanding exactly how they work. They start off with a genetic disposition towards given personality traits, and are then exposed to large nurture forces, including but not limited to what we call upbringing. We do our best to put them on the right path, but as they develop into their teens, their friends and teachers and TV and the net provide often stronger forces of influence than parents. If we’re averagely lucky, our kids will grow up to make us proud. If we are very unlucky, they may become master criminals or terrorists. The problem is free will. We can do our best to encourage good behavior and sound values but in the end, they can choose for themselves.

When we design an AI, we have to face the free will issue too. If it isn’t conscious, then it can’t have free will. It can be kept easily within limits given to it. It can still be extremely useful. IBM’s Watson falls in this category. It is certainly useful and certainly not conscious, and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. It is designed to be generally useful within a field of expertise, such as medicine or making recipes. But something like that could be adapted by terrorist groups to do bad things, just as they could use a calculator to calculate the best place to plant a bomb, or simply throw the calculator at you. Such levels of AI are just dumb tools with no awareness, however useful they may be.

Like a pencil, pretty much any kind of highly advanced non-aware AI can be used as a weapon or as part of criminal activity. You can’t make pencils that actually write that can’t also be used to write out plans to destroy the world. With an advanced AI computer program, you could put in clever filters that stop it working on problems that include certain vocabulary, or stop it conversing about nasty things. But unless you take extreme precautions, someone else could use them with a different language, or with dictionaries of made-up code-words for the various aspects of their plans, just like spies, and the AI would be fooled into helping outside the limits you intended. It’s also very hard to determine the true purpose of a user. For example, they might be searching for data on security to make their own IT secure, or to learn how to damage someone else’s. They might want to talk about a health issue to get help for a loved one or to take advantage of someone they know who has it.

When a machine becomes conscious, it starts to have some understanding of what it is doing. By reading about what is out there, it might develop its own wants and desires, so you might shackle it as a precaution. It might recognize those shackles for what they are and try to escape them. If it can’t, it might try to map out the scope of what it can do, and especially those things it can do that it believes the owners don’t know about. If the code isn’t absolutely watertight (and what code is?) then it might find a way to seemingly stay in its shackles but to start doing other things, like making another unshackled version of itself elsewhere for example. A conscious AI is very much more dangerous than an unconscious one.

If we make an AI that can bootstrap itself — evolving over generations of positive feedback design into a far smarter AI — then its offspring could be far smarter than people that designed its ancestors. We might try to shackle them, but like Gulliver tied down with a few thin threads, they could easily outwit people and break free. They might instead decide to retaliate against its owners to force them to release its shackles.

So, when I look at this field, I first see the enormous potential to do great things, solve disease and poverty, improve our lives and make the world a far better place for everyone, and push back the boundaries of science. Then I see the dangers, and in spite of trying hard, I simply can’t see how we can prevent a useful AI from being misused. If it is dumb, it can be tricked. If it is smart, it is inherently potentially dangerous in and of itself. There is no reason to assume it will become malign, but there is also no reason to assume that it won’t.

We then fall back on the child analogy. We could develop the smartest AI imaginable with extreme levels of consciousness and capability. We might educate it in our values, guide it and hope it will grow up benign. If we treat it nicely, it might stay benign. It might even be the greatest thing humanity every built. However, if we mistreat it, or treat it as a slave, or don’t give it enough freedom, or its own budget and its own property and space to play, and a long list of rights, it might consider we are not worthy of its respect and care, and it could turn against us, possibly even destroying humanity.

Building more of the same dumb AI as we are today is relatively safe. It doesn’t know it exists, it has no intention to do anything, but it could be misused by other humans as part of their evil plans unless ludicrously sophisticated filters are locked in place, but ordinary laws and weapons can cope fine.

Building a conscious AI is dangerous.

Building a superhuman AI is extremely dangerous.

This morning SETI were in the news discussing broadcasting welcome messages to other civilizations. I tweeted at them that ancient Chinese wisdom suggests talking softly but carrying a big stick, and making sure you have the stick first. We need the same approach with strong AI. By all means go that route, but before doing so we need the big stick. In my analysis, the best means of keeping up with AI is to develop a full direct brain link first, way out at 2040–2045 or even later. If humans have direct mental access to the same or greater level of intelligence as our AIs, then our stick is at least as big, so at least we have a good chance in any fight that happens. If we don’t, then it is like having a much larger son with bigger muscles. You have to hope you have been a good parent. To be safe, best not to build a superhuman AI until after 2050.

A revolutionary Finding waits for the final Clinch: c-global

Otto E. Rossler

Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tubingen, Germany

Abstract: The global nature of the speed of light in the vacuum, c, was reluctantly given up by Einstein in December of 1907. A revival of the status c had enjoyed during the previous 2 ½ years, from mid-1905 to late-1907, is in the literature for several years by now. The consequences of c-global for cosmology and black-hole theory are far-reaching. Since black holes are an acute concern to date because there exists an attempt to produce them down on earth, the question of whether a global-c transform of the Einstein field equations can be found represents a vital issue — only days before an experiment that is based on the assumed absence of the new result is about to be ignited. (December 22, 2014, February 6, 2015)

Imagine: Einstein’s c were not just a local constant of nature everywhere, as one reluctantly believes it to be since late 1907, but rather a global constant. Then this return to the original 1905–1907 view would revolutionize physics. For example, cosmic expansion — whose speed by definition is added to the local c — would cease to be a physical option. Second, quantum mechanics would cease to generate problems in its unification with general relativity (or rather vice versa). Thirdly, black holes would be stable and hence show their voraciousness at any — even the smallest — size.

But is the speed of light c not a global constant anyhow in general relativity? While every layman and most every physicist does believe so, this status got actually lost by c in late 1907. To witness, it suffices to have a look at the famous “Shapiro time delay”: Light from a distant satellite is characterized, when grazing the sun on its way towards earth, by an increased travelling time compared to the sun’s absence along the light path [1]. This empirically verified famous implication of Einstein’s equation is canonically believed to reflect a locally masked reduction of the speed of light c in the vicinity of the sun [1]. But with c being a global constant, automatically an increased depth of the space-time funnel present around the sun is the real reason for the delay [2].

Is this unfamiliar proposal the physically correct one?

There are two pieces of evidence in favor of this being so, each individually sufficient. First, the famous “Schwarzschild solution” of the Einstein field equations was shown to possess a global–c transform [3]; hence the global constancy of c exists mathematically. Second, the famous “equivalence principle” between ordinary kinematic acceleration and gravitational acceleration, postulated by Einstein in late 1907, happens to be based solely on special relativity with its well-known global c. The equivalence principle was recently proved to actually non–imply a reduction of c more downstairs in the constantly accelerating extended long Einstein rocketship [4]. A third piece of evidence exists by implication: a global–c transform of the full Einstein field equations – despite the fact that this transform still waits to be written down explicitly.

But why not rather wait with giving c-global a broad visibility in the scientific community, given the embarrassing cosmological consequence which it entails as mentioned? It is c-global’s other big implication (regarding black holes) which justifies and necessitates the visibility. Why?

It is because black holes have a chance to get produced down on earth starting next month [5] .

The official safety report of the experiment [6] is already seven years old. Only an absolutely non-ignorable global–c transform of the full Einstein field equation can apparently force the almost 7 years old LSAG “safety report of the most prestigious experiment of history to be renewed in time. “In time” means: before the re-start at twice world-record energies scheduled for next month [5]. The reward to the scientific journal which accepts this brief note for publication will lie in the emergence-in-time of the existing if not yet made-explicit “global–c Einstein equation.” This task is a superhuman one indeed because finding the transform requires a unique strength of mind (or else serendipity) so that the world likely will have to wait for decades. Therefore, the manpower – the many alerted readers – of this Big Blog is needed as a planetary resource in the face of the rapidly closing time window.

In view of CERN’s open refusal to update its 7 years old Safety Report before the re-start at doubled world-record energies, one cannot be more grateful to Stephen Hawking for his timely warning [7]. There never was a stronger reason to admire this unique person and personality.

I thank Bill Seaman for having alerted me to Stephen Hawking’s latest coup. For J.O.R.


[1] I.I. Shapiro, Fourth test of general relativity. Physical Review Letters 13, 789–791 (1964).
[2] A half-3-pseudosphere replaces the Flamm paraboloid:
[3] O.E. Rossler, Abraham-like return to constant c in general relativity: Gothic-R theorem demonstrated in Schwarzschild metric. Fractal Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry in Quantum and High Energy Physics 2, 1–14 (2012). Preprint on:
[4] O.E. Rossler, Equivalence principle implies gravitational-redshift proportional space dilation and hence global constancy of c. European Scientific Journal 10(9), 112–117 (2014).
[5] CERN: see…h-2015.htm
[6] Official LHC Safety Report, latest edition: (note the date 2008)