

Archive for the ‘cybercrime/malcode’ category: Page 183

Dec 11, 2016

New Program Awards Points to Computer Hackers

Posted by in category: cybercrime/malcode

United offers up to a million miles in its bug bounty program but it’s not just white hat hackers being offered points.

There’s a new program that will award hackers with points for participating in DDoS attacks.

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Dec 10, 2016

NATO’s largest cyber defence exercise: Cyber Coalition 16

Posted by in category: cybercrime/malcode

The #NATO exercise, located in Tartu, Estonia, featured a simulated #cyber-attack, where participants worked together to identify the threat and mitigate the impact before it could spread across national systems. The participants tested and trained how to share information about cyber incidents in a rapid and efficient way, and how to coordinate their cyber defences in case of an attack.

To know more check us at…e-exercise

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Dec 6, 2016

The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet

New report: rise of the machines: the dyn attack was just A practice run.

As the adversarial threat landscape continues to hyper-evolve, America’s treasure troves of public and private data, IP, and critical infrastructure continues to be pilfered, annihilated, and disrupted. The Mirai IoT botnet has inspired a renaissance in adversarial interest in DDoS botnet innovation based on the lack of fundamental security-by-design in the Internet and in IoT devices, and based on the lack of basic cybersecurity and cyber-hygiene best practices by Internet users.…ctice-run/

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Dec 3, 2016

Microsoft, Intel, IBM and Other Tech Companies Are Repelling China’s Cybersecurity Rules

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, policy

A new strict cyber security policy sees US tech companies in a stand-off with the Chinese authorities.

By Sead Fadilpasic

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Dec 3, 2016

Should tech grads pick defense over Silicon Valley?

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, drones, engineering, government, military, neuroscience


Sam Gussman arrived four years ago at Stanford University hoping to eventually parlay an engineering degree into a product manager job at Google or Facebook.

Working for the National Security Agency or other intelligence bureaus never crossed his mind. For Gussman, the government didn’t seem like the place for the most exciting, cutting-edge research in human computer interaction — his area of interest. Plus, it did no on-campus recruiting, unlike the many tech startups that e-mailed him daily about job opportunities and happy hours.

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Nov 23, 2016

Microsoft Sets Sights on Building Practical Quantum Computer

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, encryption, internet, quantum physics

DAILY VIDEO: Microsoft Starts Quantum Computer Development Program; Cerber Ransomware Expands Database Encryption Attacks; IBM Debuts Watson Internet of Things Services Practice; and there’s more.

Today’s topics include Microsoft’s plan to build a Quantum computer, Trend Micro’s find that the Cerber malware is seeking out database files to encrypt and hold for ransom, IBM’s new Watson internet of things services for the automotive, electronics and insurance industries, and the release of the Microsoft Office Online Server update.

Microsoft is on a mission to build a quantum computer, and the company has appointed Todd Holmdahl to manage the project. Holmdahl is the corporate vice president of Microsoft Quantum, a unit dedicated to turning the company’s quantum computing research into real-world products.

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Nov 23, 2016

How will quantum computing impact security processes?

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, encryption, mobile phones, quantum physics

How does one prevent hacking from a QC system? Easy, on board to QC first before others do.

Quantum computers have the potential to perform calculations faster than ever possible before, inviting a significant rethink in how we approach cyber security.

Given the amount of research being ploughed into this area, we are likely to see a commercially viable machine in the near future, so cryptographers and the cyber security industry in general should work to have a clear view on the implications way ahead of that achievement.

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Nov 16, 2016

Cybersecurity companies adopting AI, but so are hackers

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet, military, robotics/AI

TOKYO — Leading information technology companies are rushing to create systems that use artificial intelligence to defend against cyberattacks. The goal is to commercialize AI software to detect even ingeniously designed attacks, identify the perpetrators, and quickly mount a defense.

However, research is also taking place in the U.S. and elsewhere on ways to harness AI for cyberwarfare, and the trend suggests there will come a time when the battles in cyberspace pit AI against AI, leaving humans sidelined.

Fujitsu Laboratories, the R&D unit of Japanese IT giant Fujitsu, has begun to develop an AI system to protect corporate information systems from cyberattack. The system would learn to recognize regular patterns of network activity so deviant behavior stands out. The company aims to have a commercial product ready in two to three years that could uncover and respond to attacks even from hackers who intentionally space out their login attempts so they are difficult to discover.

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Nov 16, 2016

Overnight Cybersecurity: Lawmakers conduct postmortem on massive web attack

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet

Lawmakers are struggling on how to improve the security of internet-connected devices.

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Nov 14, 2016

CertiKOS: A Step Toward Hacker-Resistant Operating Systems

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet, robotics/AI

Researchers from Yale University have unveiled CertiKOS, the world’s first operating system that runs on multi-core processors and shields against cyber-attacks. Scientists believe this could lead to a new generation of reliable and secure systems software.

Led by Zhong Shao, professor of computer science at Yale, the researchers developed an operating system that incorporates formal verification to ensure that a program performs precisely as its designers intended — a safeguard that could prevent the hacking of anything from home appliances and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to self-driving cars and digital currency. Their paper on CertiKOS was presented at the 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation held Nov. 2–4 in Savannah, Ga.

Computer scientists have long believed that computers’ operating systems should have at their core a small, trustworthy kernel that facilitates communication between the systems’ software and hardware. But operating systems are complicated, and all it takes is a single weak link in the code — one that is virtually impossible to detect via traditional testing — to leave a system vulnerable to hackers.

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