NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has spotted a distant supernova that appears three times in the same photo. The new observations could help solve one of the universe’s biggest inconsistencies.
Category: cosmology – Page 126
The two major problems with most AI generated human images is with teeth and fingers. Most of the AI tools don’t get these two human features correct. But The Multiverse has eliminated the problem by training their model and eliminating the need to include fingers in your headshots. The company recently announced its latest AI model, Upscale to further enhance the AI headshots.
Upscale is a new imaging model that improves lighting, skin texture, and hair which are notoriously challenging for imaging models. The results are really good. I’ve been following The Multiverse AI on socials, and have been reading great things about them, so much so that their revenue has grown more than 10 times through word of mouth in a period of last four weeks.
The Multiverse AI works by leveraging a latent diffusion model to engineer a custom headshot. According to the company, up to “80% of images look like studio quality professional headshots of the user, with the percentage depending on the quality of input images.” While there is no criteria to define and measure that percentage, I agree on the part that at least a few of the 100 generated images can be used on your LinkedIn and resume.
Black holes may be less unique than previously thought, as the expansion due to a cosmological constant can hold apart a pair of holes and allow them to mimic a single black hole.
Black holes are astonishing objects that can pack the mass of Earth into a space the size of a pea. A remarkable attribute is their stunning simplicity, which is encapsulated in the celebrated uniqueness theorems [1]. Briefly stated, these theorems say that there is only one solution to Einstein’s equations of general relativity for a fully collapsed (nonevolving) system having fixed mass and angular momentum [2]. The implication is that all black holes that have settled down to equilibrium with the same mass and rotation are precisely the same: their entire behavior described by a single equation—the so-called Kerr solution—filling only a few lines of paper!
But there is a catch. The uniqueness theorems make a number of assumptions, the key one being that the space around the black hole is “empty”—in other words, there is no energy that might influence the black hole. Such energy can arise from fields, for example, those of the standard model, or from a “cosmological constant,” which is a form of dark energy that might be behind the accelerated expansion of our Universe today. In a fascinating study, Óscar Dias from the University of Southampton, UK, and colleagues demonstrate that uniqueness is violated in the presence of a positive cosmological constant [3]. Specifically, they show that a pair of black holes whose mutual attraction is balanced by the cosmic expansion would look the same to a distant observer as a single isolated black hole. The results may lead to a rethinking of how simple black holes really are.
Call it the big bang for bug-sized robots.
Cornell researchers combined soft microactuators with high-energy-density chemical fuel to create an insect-scale quadrupedal robot that is powered by combustion and can outrace, outlift, outflex and outleap its electric-driven competitors.
Imagine trying to tune a radio to a single station but instead encountering static noise and interfering signals from your own equipment. That is the challenge facing research teams searching for evidence of extremely rare events that could help understand the origin and nature of matter in the universe. It turns out that when you are trying to tune into some of the universe’s weakest signals, it helps to make your instruments very quiet.
Around the world, more than a dozen teams are listening for the pops and electronic sizzle that might mean they have finally tuned into the right channel. These scientists and engineers have gone to extraordinary lengths to shield their experiments from false signals created by cosmic radiation. Most such experiments are found in very inaccessible places—such as a mile underground in a nickel mine in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, or in an abandoned gold mine in Lead, South Dakota—to shield them from naturally radioactive elements on Earth. However, one such source of fake signals comes from natural radioactivity in the very electronics that are designed to record potential signals.
In this episode, we explore how a triple-lens supernova observed by the James Webb Space Telescope could help solve the mystery of the Hubble tension, which is the discrepancy between different measurements of the expansion rate of the Universe. We also learn about the details of the supernova and the galaxy cluster that caused the gravitational lensing effect, and how JWST and other telescopes can use this supernova to test various cosmological models and parameters.
Paper Link:
00:00 Introduction.
01:10 How JWST Discovered a Rare and Triple-Lens Supernova.
04:13 How H0pe Can Measure the Expansion Rate in a New Way.
09:00 How hOpe can test various cosmological models.
11:26 Outro.
12:24 Enjoy.
Best Telescopes for beginners:
The measurement of the mysterious form of matter around these quasar galaxies could have profound implications for our understanding of how the cosmos has evolved.
Astronomers say they have spotted evidence of stars fuelled by the annihilation of dark matter particles. If true, it could solve the cosmic mystery of how supermassive black holes appeared so early.
Black holes are regions in space characterized by extremely strong gravity, which prevents all matter and electromagnetic waves from escaping it. These fascinating cosmic bodies have been the focus of countless research studies, yet their intricate physical nuances are yet to be fully uncovered.
Researchers at University of California–Santa Barbara, University of Warsaw and University of Cambridge recently carried out a theoretical study focusing on a class of black holes known as extremal Kerr black holes, which are uncharged stationary black holes with a coinciding inner and outer horizon. Their paper, published in Physical Review Letters, shows that these black holes’ unique characteristics could make them ideal “amplifiers” of new, unknown physics.
“This research has its origin in a previous project started during my visit to UC Santa Barbara,” Maciej Kolanowski, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told “I started discussing very cold (so called, extremal) black holes with Gary Horowitz (UCSB) and Jorge Santos (at Cambridge). Soon we realized that in fact, generic extremal black holes look very different than it was previously believed.”
Knowing black holes’ speed after being kicked by gravitational waves can reveal how much energy converging black holes can release.