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Thanks to Authority Magazine and Fotis Georgiadis for the interview — Bioquark inc. ( — Regeneration, Disease Reversion, Age Rejuvenation —…cc6dc8ebf1

New program coming on-line at Bioquark Inc. ( — Ectocrine interactions (the“Ectocrinome”) represents a completely unexplored area related to human health…004155.htm

Had a great time with my regenerative biology Q&A session with Ayersville (Ohio, USA) Schools 2nd graders and high school advanced anatomy class — so happy to see kids out there that are interested in these topics at such a young age — creating the future, one mind at a time —

Dr. Joel I. Osorio of RegenerAge Clinic on SMX Radio broadcasting from the Colonia Santa María la Ribera neighborhood of Mexico City -
“LAS NETAS DE LA MEDICINA REGENERATIVA” (The Net of Regenerative Medicine)
Spreading the gospel of human regeneration, repair, and rejuvenation to the world —
Stefania De Matteo of HealthQe at Real Bodies Milan giving an overview of some of the new bio-physical tools ( being developed for a 2019 biotech world
With major pharma companies like GSK entering the “electro-ceuticals” space (and groups like RegenerAge Clinic beginning to utilize them in combinatorial protocols) we are seeing a re-emergence of these century old principles back into the mainstream bio-medical discussion
I suggest everyone acquire a copy of Dr. Richard Funk’s paper “Electromagnetic effects — From cell biology to medicine” to familiarize themselves with these topics, and how they will become a synergistic part of integrated solutions for human regeneration, disease reversion, and age reversal —…_medicine/

Space, Oceans, Literature, Entertainment, Sports, Medicine, Fashion, Longevity — Honored to be among this group of thinkers, coming up with the innovative ideas that shape the future —

Very excited to join IdeaXme ( as Longevity Ambassador, utilizing this wonderful media platform to help expand global awareness of the people engineering a future free of aging, disease, degeneration, and suffering.