

May 28, 2018

Investing in Brain Health for All (December 4–6th)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, health, neuroscience

Amazing how quickly things are changing in brain health and mental health — see the news about Interaxon, Akili, NeuraMetrix, Apple, Calm, Halo Neuroscience, Mindstrong Health, Calm, Novartis, Pear Therapeutics, in the last 6 months alone, and consider joining the discussion in December smile (link opens 2-minute video)

Imagine a videogame cleared by the FDA to treat ADHD, depression, or substance abuse — how will doctors prescribe it, patients access it, and insurers pay for it?

Imagine a free “annual brain check-up” — what may it look like, and how can it lead into personalized interventions to improve function and prevent/ delay/ treat cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s Disease?

Imagine being responsible for the health & wellness of a million people — how will you educate them to navigate most-likely-to-help interventions, such as breathing/ exercise/ meditation/ apps/ biofeedback/ tDCS to regulate stress?

Imagine investing $100 million in startups developing noninvasive, digital neurotechnologies — where, and how, will you find great opportunities to generate financial and social returns?

The 2018 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (December 4–6th, 2018) will feature over forty of the world’s top experts, innovators and investors aiming to improve brain health and performance for all in light of growing neuroscience and digital tech.

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