Renowned astrophysicist and educator Alex Filippenko joins Brian Greene to discuss an increasingly disturbing cosmological mismatch known as the Hubble Tension, a gap that may require a radical rewriting of the history of the universe.
This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.
Participant: Alex Filippenko.
Moderator: Brian Greene.
0:00:00 — Introduction.
0:00:50 — Welcome to Alex Filippenko.
0:03:58 — The Most Important Lesson of Science.
0:06:47 — The Hubble Tension.
0:12:04 — Measuring the Expansion Rate of the Universe.
0:23:31 — How far out can we measure?
0:27:10 — Galaxies with Type 1A Supernovae and Cepheids.
0:32:57 — Cosmic Distance Ladder Summary.
0:37:30 — The Universe’s Expansion Rate Today.
0:47:20 — How can we be certain the measurements are correct?
0:51:00 — CMB and using Theoretical Models to Extrapolate the Expansion Rate.
1:00:57 — Positive outcomes to this tension.
1:02:14 — Filippenko’s thoughts on the position of Wendy Freedman’s recent paper.
1:14:09 — Will the Cepheid data set remain at 42?
1:16:55 — Filippenko’s thoughts on the Hubble tension.
1:22:40 — How Cosmology became a precision science.
1:25:11 — Is Inflation a Falsifiable Theory?
1:29:30 — Filippenko’s view of Inflation and the Multiverse.
1:31:08 — Filippenko’s view of Cyclic Inflation and Steinhardt and Penrose’s theories.
1:35:15 — Falsifiable Aspects of Inflation.
1:41:54 — Discovering the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe.
1:47:54 — Filippenko’s thoughts on Saul Perlmutter’s team’s analysis methods.
1:50:47 — Filippenko’s reaction to the initial discovery.
1:59:04 — Thoughts on Dark Energy and the Great Rip.
2:01:58 — Conclusion.
2:03:16 — Credits.
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