

Apr 7, 2024

GPT-4 is 82% more persuasive than humans, and AIs can now read emotions

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

GPT-4 is already better at changing people’s minds than the average human is, according to new research. The gap widens the more it knows about us – and once it can see us in real time, AI seems likely to become an unprecedented persuasion machine.

We don’t tend to like thinking of ourselves as being particularly easy to manipulate, but history would appear to show that there are few things more powerful than the ability to sway people to align with your view of things. As Yuval Noah Harari points out in Sapiens, his potted history of humankind, “shared fictions” like money, religion, nation states, laws and social norms form the fundamental backbones of human society. The ability to assemble around ideas and co-operate in groups much bigger than our local tribes is one of our most potent advantages over the animal kingdom.

But ideas are mushy. We aren’t born with them, they get into our heads from somewhere, and they can often be changed. Those that can change people’s minds at scale can achieve incredible things, or even reshape our societies – for better and for much worse.

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