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Jul 10, 2018

Two Papers Trace The Steps Leading From Moles to Melanomas

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, genetics, life extension

Researchers isolated several mutations leading to melanoma and reproduced them in the lab using CRISPR.

Two papers authored by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco described the genetic changes that turn harmless moles into malignant melanomas and the experiment they devised to recreate the step-by-step evolution of normal skin cells into cancer cells [1], [2].

Summary ([1])

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Jul 10, 2018

Senolytics Improve Physical Function and Lifespan

Posted by in category: life extension

We wanted to draw your attention to a new publication by James Kirkland and his team. Kirkland is one of the pioneers of senolytics, as he demonstrated that a combination of compounds could remove senescent cells and improve healthspan in mice back in 2015 [1].

The contribution of senescent cells to aging has been the subject of intense research in the last year or two, as researchers have focused on ways to remove these problem cells using therapies known as senolytics.

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Jul 10, 2018

The Forever Healthy Foundation Fellowship in Rejuvenation Biotechnology

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Do you want to join in the fight to end age-related disease?

Request for Proposals (RFP)

In cooperation with the Forever Healthy Foundation, SENS Research Foundation (SRF) is inviting candidates to submit research proposals for a Fellowship in Rejuvenation Biotechnology that would be undertaken at our Research Center (RC) in Mountain View, California.

SRF pursues the development of therapies to prevent and reverse age-related disease and disability through a “damage-repair” paradigm: developing interventions that maintain and restore the structural and functional integrity of tissues by directly removing, repairing, replacing, or rendering harmless the cellular and molecular damage of aging. Applications are requested that promise progress in regenerative medicine for the prevention and reversal of age-related disease.

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Jul 10, 2018

Magnetic Microrobots Deliver Cells Into Living Animals

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, robotics/AI

Researchers used magnetically driven microrobots to carry cells to predetermined spots within living zebrafish and mice, they report in Science Robotics today (June 27). The authors propose using these hair-width gadgets as delivery vehicles in regenerative medicine and cell therapy.

The scientists used a computer model to work out the ideal dimensions for a microrobot; spiky, porous, spherical ones were deemed best for transporting living cells. They printed the devices using a 3D laser printer and coated the bots with nickel and titanium to make them magnetic and biocompatible, respectively. An external magnetic field applied to the animal then leads the microrobots.

To begin with, the research team tested the ability for the robots to transport cells through cell cultures, blood vessel–like microfluidic chips, and in vivo in zebrafish. Further, they used these microrobots to induce cancer at a specific location within mice by ferrying tumor cells to the spot. The team observed fluorescence at the target site as the labeled cancer cells proliferated.

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Jul 10, 2018

Inside China’s Dystopian Dreams: A.I., Shame and Lots of Cameras

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, surveillance

With millions of cameras and billions of lines of code, China is building a high-tech authoritarian future. Beijing is embracing technologies like facial recognition and artificial intelligence to identify and track 1.4 billion people. It wants to assemble a vast and unprecedented national surveillance system, with crucial help from its thriving technology industry.

Beijing is putting billions of dollars behind facial recognition and other technologies to track and control its citizens.

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Jul 10, 2018

Amazing Map Shows Every Space Probe Now Exploring Our Solar System

Posted by in category: space

They say outer space is a lonely place, but a new chart shows that some regions have gotten a bit crowded. It purports to show the positions of all the space probes now at work snapping photos and collecting data in our solar system.

Story continues below.

solar system missions A diagram, updated once a month, of active space missions beyond Earth orbit.

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Jul 10, 2018

The End of the Old Solar System, the Beginning of the New

Posted by in category: space travel

Today marks not one but two milestones in planetary exploration. It is the 25th anniversary of Voyager 2’s flight past Neptune, the most distant planet ever seen up close. It is also the exact day that the New Horizons spacecraft is crossing Neptune’s orbit on its way to Pluto, the mysterious world that marks the boundary between the solar system we know and the one we don’t.

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Jul 9, 2018

How many Extra Solar Planets or Exoplanets have been discovered as of today?

Posted by in categories: space, sustainability

As of today, July 10, 2018. There are 3081 Exoplanets discovered and confirmed so far… Exoplanets are planets orbiting other stars or found outside our solar system.

These planets orbiting from 2842 stars. We consider these as other solar systems from which 633 of these stars have multiple planets orbiting around them just like our own solar system.

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Jul 9, 2018

Engineers develop origami electronics from cheap, foldable paper

Posted by in categories: electronics, materials

UC Berkeley engineers have given new meaning to the term “working paper.” Using inexpensive materials, they have fabricated foldable electronic switches and sensors directly onto paper, along with prototype generators, supercapacitors and other electronic devices for a range of applications.

Research to develop paper electronics has accelerated in the last 10 years. Besides its availability and low cost, paper offers an intriguing potential: simply folding it could switch circuits on and off or otherwise change their activity—a kind of electronic origami.

But most efforts to fabricate electrodes onto paper with sufficient conductivity for practical use have employed expensive metals such as gold or silver as the conducting material, swamping the potential savings of paper as a substrate.

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Jul 9, 2018

Jammed Cells Expose the Physics of Cancer

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Packed cells may help explain why some cancerous tumors stay put while others break off and spread through the body.

The subtle mechanics of densely packed cells may help explain why some cancerous tumors stay put while others break off and spread through the body.

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