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Aug 2, 2017

World’s lamest cyborg? My microchip isn’t cool now – but it could be the future

Posted by in categories: computing, cyborgs

Olivia Solon felt more key fob than Robocop after getting implanted with a microchip to make contactless purchases. But the future could hold much more.

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Aug 2, 2017

J. Craig Venter and Elon Musk discussed faxing genomes through space

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, Elon Musk, space

Starting with just a digital file, scientists manufactured the common flu virus.

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Aug 2, 2017

China enlists start-ups in high-tech arms race

Posted by in categories: drones, robotics/AI

Private sector provides weaponry from robot gunboats to anti-drone systems.

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Aug 2, 2017

AMD reveals PetaFLOP supercomputer in a single rack

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, supercomputing

Yesterday, AMD revealed the Project 47 supercomputer was powered by 20 AMD EPYC 7601 processors and 80 Radeon Instinct GPUs. It is a petaFLOP supercomputer in a rack. Other hardware included 10TB of Samsung memory and 20 Mellanox 100G cards (and 1 switch). Project 47 is capable of 1 PetaFLOP of single-precision compute performance or 2 PetaFLOPS of half-precision.

Project 47 is built around the Inventec P47. The P47 is a 2U parallel computing platform designed for graphics virtualization and machine intelligence applications. A single rack of Inventec P47 systems is all that was necessary to achieve 1 PetaFLOP, and it does so while producing 30 GigaFLOPS/Watt, which AMD claims is 25% more efficient than some other competing supercomputing platforms. A petaFLOP system uses 33,333 watts. A thousand of PetaFLOP racks would use 33.3 MW and have an exaFLOP.

Thanks to its 32-core / 64-thread EPYC processors and Radeon Vega GPUs, which feature 4,096 stream processors each, AMD also claims that Project 47 rack has more cores/threads, compute units, I/O lanes and memory channels in use simultaneously than in any other similarly configured system.

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Aug 2, 2017

More Colorful Vegetables and Fruits Can Protect You From Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Neal Barnard

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, health, robotics/AI

Dr. Neal Barnard says: “More colorful vegetables and fruits, a 40-minute brisk walk, vitamin E and less dairy products, cheese, and milk can protect you from alzheimer’s and dementia.”

Dr. Neal Barnard has led numerous research studies investigating the effects of diet on diabetes, body weight, and chronic pain, including a groundbreaking study of dietary interventions in type 2 diabetes, funded by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Barnard has authored over 70 scientific publications as well as 17 books.

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Aug 1, 2017

9 Dangerous Diseases That Could be Prevented

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

One of the best defenses we have against viral infections is the vaccine.

Vaccines prime the body’s immune system to fight an incoming infection; they’ve been credited with the widespread eradication of smallpox and the near-eradication of polio.

There have been many major advances to vaccines since their inception in the 1700s, but there are still many diseases for which no vaccine exists.

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Aug 1, 2017

Boston Dynamics “Spot mini” デモ ソフトバンクワールド2017

Posted by in category: futurism

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Aug 1, 2017

What happens next if we find proof of space aliens?

Posted by in categories: alien life, government

This brisk cadence of celestial surprises might make it seem that we’re on the cusp of proving the existence of extraterrestrials. But just because the crow’s nest announces clouds on the horizon doesn’t mean you’re close to land.

These three claims purporting to show the existence of aliens haven’t panned out. But what happens if some future claim does? What preparations are in place to deal with the discovery of a radio signal or a laser flash that would prove beyond doubt that we have cosmic compeers? Does the government have a plan? Does anyone?

A lot of people think there is a plan. A secret one. A recent survey indicated that 55 percent of the population figure that the discovery of extraterrestrials would be squelched — deep-sixed to prevent widespread panic. Only 19 percent believe the feds would fess up to E.T.’s existence.

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Aug 1, 2017

If you enjoyed our exclusive interview with Professor George Church earlier today, you might be interested to know that you could have dinner with him!

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics

This is one of the great rewards on offer for supporting AgeMeter, a functional age biomarker system, a project endorsed by Professor Church.

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Aug 1, 2017

NASA has a job opening for someone to defend Earth from aliens — and it pays a six-figure salary

Posted by in categories: alien life, government

US government scientists work hard to protect the public.

Some study infectious diseases and effective treatments. Others ensure that drugs, food, vehicles, or consumer products live up to their claims and don’t harm anyone.

But the concerns at NASA’s headquarters are, quite literally, extraterrestrial — which is why the space agency now has a job opening for “planetary protection officer.”

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